25,497 research outputs found

    A promising biotechnical approach to pest management of the western corn rootworm in Illinois maize fields shielded with a MCA kairomone baited trap line

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    The leaf beetle Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), (D.v.v.), also called the western corn rootworm, is endemic to the New World and ranks among the top ten insect pests in worldwide grain production. D.v.v. causes annual damages of 1 billion US Dollars and is a notoriously difficult insect pest to control and manage, as entomological history of the past 50 years amply demonstrates (METCALF 1986). Considering recent emphasis on environmentally compatible and sustainable management strategies, entomologists and practitioners are encouraged to pay increased attention to novel approaches such as biotechnial methods which today are characterized by preferential use of signal compounds. Fortunately, both insect and plants provide a wide variety of such natural resources. In the case of D.v.v., sex pheromonesand plant kairomones as specific attractants and management tools are relatively well investigated through numerous contributions by GUSS et al. (1982), METCALF & METCALF (1992), METCALF (1994) and many recent publications on the advance and spread of D.v.v. within Europe (BERGER 1995-2004, HUMMEL 2003). Principle of MSD method: In this paper, the plant kairomone 4-methoxycinnamaldehyde (MCA), a specific attractant for D.v.v., is being used as a tool within the newly proposed "MSD" strategy. It combines a two pronge approach consisting as the well known mass trapping with the novel shielding and deflecting, called in short "diversion" and introduced here for the first time. An invisible “curtain” or “fence” of MCA vapor released from a MCA trap line establishes a behavioral barrier which the flying beetles cannot easily pass without being 1. either caught in one of the high capacity traps or 2. being diverted elsewhere. The net effect is a significant reduction in adult population density and oviposition within the MCA treated field as compared to an untreated control field. These effects can be experimentally measured by 1. adult beetle counts on maize plants, 2. by counts in independent monitoring traps baited with the D.v.v. sex pheromone, and 3. by egg counts taken in soil samples.Umweltgerechter und nachhaltiger Pflanzenschutz erfordert eine Vielzahl verschiedener Strategien zum Management von Schadinsekten auf ihren Wirtspflanzen. Insekten- und pflanzeneigene Signalstoffe sowie ihre synthetischen Analoga bieten einen nahezu unerschöpflichen Vorrat spezifischer Lockwirkungen und Interventionsmöglichkeiten an, der bisher leider nur unzureichend genutzt wird. Kürzliche Entdeckungen sowohl neuer Kairomon-Lockstoffe als auch neuer Verfahrensschritte für das Management des Westlichen Maiswurzelbohrers Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) (D.v.v.) erweitern das Spektrum anwendbarer Management- Optionen für diesen schwer bekämpfbaren Schädling im nordamerikanischen Maisanbau. Seit seiner Einschleppung nach Europa (ČAMPRAG & BAČA 1995) wird D.v.v. neuerdings auch zunehmend zum Problemschädling an Mais in Europa. Die neue "MSD"-Technik besteht aus einer Kombination von Massenabfang ("mass trapping"), Abschirmung ("shielding") und Umlenkung ("diversion") der Blattkäfer. Fallen hoher Fangkapazität, die das Kairomon 4-Methoxyzimtaldehyd (MCA) und Cucurbitacin- Pulver als fraßfördernden Stoff enthalten, können bei Aufstellung als "Fallenzaun" relativ geringer Dichte die Käfer so umlenken, dass zwischen den beiden Seiten dieses Zauns eine unsichtbare Geruchs-Barriere entsteht. Diese führt zu einer messbaren und signifikanten Verminderung der Käferzahl zwischen MCA behandelten Feldabschnitten gegenüber ihren unbehandelten Kontrollen. In 0,27 ha bzw. 0,12 ha großen Maisversuchsfeldern der Standorte Urbana und Champaign des US-Staates Illinois ließen sich während der Monate August und September 2003 und 2004 nach MCA-Behandlung gegenüber Kontrollen deutliche und signifikante Verminderungen von D.v.v. an Hand dreier Kriterien nachweisen: 1. Käferzahlen auf Maispflanzen innerhalb des "MSD-Feldes", 2. Käferzahlen in Sexuallockstoff-Fallen im MSD Feld und 3. die Zahl abgelegter D.v.v.-Eier im Boden des MSD Feldes nehmen ab. Der beobachtete Effekt läßt sich nicht allein auf die Populationsverminderung infolge hoher Abfangzahlen zurückführen. Es gibt darüber hinaus einen Abschirm- und Umlenkeffekt, dessen sinnes- und verhaltensphysiologische Mechanismen zusätzliche künftige Erforschungen erforderlich machen

    Minimizing boundary layer bleed for a mixed compression inlet

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    An experimental investigation of a full scale mixed compression inlet sized for the TF30-P-3 turbofan engine was conducted at Mach 2.5 and 2.0 operating conditions. The two cone axisymmetric inlet had minimum internal contraction consistent with high total pressure recovery and low cowl drag. At Mach 2.5, inlet recovery exceeded 0.90 with only 0.02 centerbody bleed mass-flow ratio and zero cowl bleed. A centerbody bleed of approximately 0.05 gave a maximum inlet unstart angle-of-attack of 6.85 deg. Inlet performance and angle-of-attack tolerance is presented for operation at Mach 2.5 and 2.0

    Performance of vortex generators in a Mach 2.5 low-bleed full scale 45-percent-internal-contraction axisymmetric inlet

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    Steady-state and dynamic flow characteristics associated with two sets of vortex generators having different mixing criteria were determined. The inlet performance with and without these vortex generators is presented. The vortex generators were successful in eliminating separation, increasing area-weighted total pressure recovery, and decreasing distortion. Transmission times obtained from cross-correlations of the wall static pressures and the diffuser exit total pressure showed no effect of the upstream flow characteristics on the diffuser exit pressures when generators were used. Without generators, separation occurred and the upstream pressure characteristics had immediate effects on the diffuser exit pressure characteristics

    Distortion in a full-scale bicone inlet with internal focused compression and 45 percent internal contraction

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    The distortion characteristics were investigated at the subsonic diffuser exit of a full-scale, Mach 2.5, axisymmetric, mixed compression inlet. Performance and steady-state distortion characteristics were obtained at zero and maximum angle of attack and during an inlet unstart-restart sequence. For the configuration with no cowl bleed, steady-state distortion P(max)P(min)P(bar) ranged from 0.10 for critical inlet operation at 0 deg angle-of-attack to 0.306 for supercritical inlet operation at 6.84 deg angle-of-attack. Vortex generators provided a 50 percent reduction in steady-state distortion for critical operation. Bleed has a smaller effect on steady-stated distortion

    Boundary layer bleed system study for a full-scale, mixed-compression inlet with 45 percent internal contraction

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    The results of an experimental bleed development study for a full-scale, Mach 2.5, axisymmetric, mixed-compression inlet were presented. The inlet was designed to satisfy the airflow requirements of the TF30-P-3 turbofan engine. Capabilities for porous bleed on the cowl surface and ram-scoop/flush-slot bleed on the centerbody were provided. A configuration with no bleed on the cowl achieved a minimum stable, diffuser exit, total pressure recovery of 0.894 with a centerbody-bleed mass flow ratio of 0.02. Configurations with cowl bleed had minimum stable recoveries as high as 0.900 but suffered range decrement penalties from the increased bleed mass flow removal. Limited inlet stability and unstart angle-of-attack data are presented

    Performance and surge limits of a TF30-P-3 turbofan engine/axisymmetric mixed-compression inlet propulsion system at Mach 2.5

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    Steady-state performance and inlet-engine compatibility were investigated with a low-bleed inlet. The inlet had minimum internal contraction, consistent with high total pressure recovery and low cowl drag. The inlet-engine combination displayed good performance with only about 2% of inlet performance bleed. The inlet-engine combination had 5.58 deg angle-of-attack capability with 6% bleed

    Optical Spectroscopy of Bright Fermi LAT Blazars

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    We report on HET and Palomar 5 m spectroscopy of recently identified γ\gamma-ray blazars in the {\it Fermi} LAT Bright Source List. These data provide identifications for 10 newly discovered γ\gamma-ray flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQ) and six new BL Lacs plus improved spectroscopy for six additional BL Lacs. We substantially improve the identification completeness of the bright LAT blazars and give new redshifts and zz constraints, new estimates of the black hole masses and new measurements of the optical SED.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Electroneutrality and Phase Behavior of Colloidal Suspensions

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    Several statistical mechanical theories predict that colloidal suspensions of highly charged macroions and monovalent microions can exhibit unusual thermodynamic phase behavior when strongly deionized. Density-functional, extended Debye-H\"uckel, and response theories, within mean-field and linearization approximations, predict a spinodal phase instability of charged colloids below a critical salt concentration. Poisson-Boltzmann cell model studies of suspensions in Donnan equilibrium with a salt reservoir demonstrate that effective interactions and osmotic pressures predicted by such theories can be sensitive to the choice of reference system, e.g., whether the microion density profiles are expanded about the average potential of the suspension or about the reservoir potential. By unifying Poisson-Boltzmann and response theories within a common perturbative framework, it is shown here that the choice of reference system is dictated by the constraint of global electroneutrality. On this basis, bulk suspensions are best modeled by density-dependent effective interactions derived from a closed reference system in which the counterions are confined to the same volume as the macroions. Linearized theories then predict bulk phase separation of deionized suspensions only when expanded about a physically consistent (closed) reference system. Lower-dimensional systems (e.g., monolayers, small clusters), depending on the strength of macroion-counterion correlations, may be governed instead by density-independent effective interactions tied to an open reference system with counterions dispersed throughout the reservoir, possibly explaining observed structural crossover in colloidal monolayers and anomalous metastability of colloidal crystallites.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Discussion clarified, references adde

    Richard W. Heard

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