2,033 research outputs found

    Spin Anisotropy and Slow Dynamics in Spin Glasses

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    We report on an extensive study of the influence of spin anisotropy on spin glass aging dynamics. New temperature cycle experiments allow us to compare quantitatively the memory effect in four Heisenberg spin glasses with various degrees of random anisotropy and one Ising spin glass. The sharpness of the memory effect appears to decrease continuously with the spin anisotropy. Besides, the spin glass coherence length is determined by magnetic field change experiments for the first time in the Ising sample. For three representative samples, from Heisenberg to Ising spin glasses, we can consistently account for both sets of experiments (temperature cycle and magnetic field change) using a single expression for the growth of the coherence length with time.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figures - Service de Physique de l'Etat Condense CNRS URA 2464), DSM/DRECAM, CEA Saclay, Franc

    Ground state of the Kagome-like S=1/2 antiferromagnet, Volborthite Cu3V2O7(OH)2.2H2O

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    Volborthite compound is one of the very few realizations of S=1/2 quantum spins on a highly frustrated kagome-like lattice. Low-T SQUID measurements reveal a broad magnetic transition below 2K which is further confirmed by a peak in the 51V nuclear spin relaxation rate (1/T1) at 1.4K±\pm0.2K. Through 51V NMR, the ground state (GS) appears to be a mixture of different spin configurations, among which 20% correspond to a well defined short range order, possibly of the 3×3\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3} type. While the freezing involve all the Cu2+^{2+} spins, only 40% of the copper moment is actually frozen which suggests that quantum fluctuations strongly renormalize the GS.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PR

    Past and Present Forestry Support Programs in the Philippines, and Lessons for the Future

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    A variety of government programs have been implemented to support smallholder forestry for production and conservation purposes in the Philippines. This paper briefly outlines the arrangements of the past and current programs, notes how they have evolved over time, and provides some comments on their performance. Over about 30 years, as weaknesses have been identified in programs, the program designs have been modified. For most of this time, there has been an increasing emphasis on community involvement as distinct from industrial or individual farmer forestry. However, some of the intractable constraints on community planting have led to recent interest in individual property rights

    COVID-19 lockdown and self-perceived changes of food choice, waste, impulse buying and their determinants in italy: Quaranteat, a cross-sectional study

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    Data about self-perceived food choice (FC) changes and their determinants during COVID-19 lockdowns are limited. This study investigated how the Italian lockdown affected self-perceived food purchases (FP), occurrence of impulse buying (IB), household food waste production (HFWP) and their determinants. A web-based cross-sectional survey was distributed in May 2020, collecting an opportunistic sample of the Italian population. A total of 1865 (70% females) people were enrolled, the median age was 29 (IQR 16.0). Most of the sample increased overall FP (53.4%), food consumption (43.4%), reduced HFWP (53.7%) and halved the prevalence of IB (20.9%) compared to the period before the lockdown (42.5%). Baking ingredients, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and chocolate had the largest sales increase by individuals, while bakery products, fresh fish and salted snacks purchases highly decreased. Increased FP was associated with the occurrence of IB (adjOR 2.48, p p = 0.003). Multivariable logistic regressions revealed occurrence of IB was associated with low perceived dietary quality (adjOR 2.22, p p p p p = 0.002). The Italian lockdown highly affected FC behaviours, leading to positive and sustainable habits towards food purchase and consumption. Public health interventions are needed to keep these new positive effects and avoid negative consequences in case of future lockdowns

    The relative influences of disorder and of frustration on the glassy dynamics in magnetic systems

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    The magnetisation relaxations of three different types of geometrically frustrated magnetic systems have been studied with the same experimental procedures as previously used in spin glasses. The materials investigated are Y2_2Mo2_2O7_7 (pyrochlore system), SrCr8.6_{8.6}Ga3.4_{3.4}O19_{19} (piled pairs of Kagom\'e layers) and (H3_3O)Fe3_3(SO4_4)2_2(OH)6_6 (jarosite compound). Despite a very small amount of disorder, all the samples exhibit many characteristic features of spin glass dynamics below a freezing temperature TgT_g, much smaller than their Curie-Weiss temperature θ\theta. The ageing properties of their thermoremanent magnetization can be well accounted for by the same scaling law as in spin glasses, and the values of the scaling exponents are very close. The effects of temperature variations during ageing have been specifically investigated. In the pyrochlore and the bi-Kagom\'e compounds, a decrease of temperature after some waiting period at a certain temperature TpT_p re-initializes ageing and the evolution at the new temperature is the same as if the system were just quenched from above TgT_g. However, as the temperature is raised back to TpT_p, the sample recovers the state it had previously reached at that temperature. These features are known in spin glasses as rejuvenation and memory effects. They are clear signatures of the spin glass dynamics. In the Kagom\'e compound, there is also some rejuvenation and memory, but much larger temperature changes are needed to observe the effects. In that sense, the behaviour of this compound is quantitatively different from that of spin glasses.Comment: latex VersionCorrigee4.tex, 4 files, 3 figures, 5 pages (Proceedings of the International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism (HFM2003), August 26-30, 2003, Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France

    Spin dynamics and disorder effects in the S=1/2 kagome Heisenberg spin liquid phase of kapellasite

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    We report 35^{35}Cl NMR, ESR, μ\muSR and specific heat measurements on the S=1/2S=1/2 frustrated kagom\'e magnet kapellasite, α−\alpha-Cu3_3Zn(OH)6_6Cl2_2, where a gapless spin liquid phase is stabilized by a set of competing exchange interactions. Our measurements confirm the ferromagnetic character of the nearest-neighbour exchange interaction J1J_1 and give an energy scale for the competing interactions ∣J∣∼10|J| \sim 10 K. The study of the temperature-dependent ESR lineshift reveals a moderate symmetric exchange anisotropy term DD, with ∣D/J∣∼3|D/J|\sim 3%. These findings validate a posteriori the use of the J1−J2−JdJ_1 - J_2 - J_d Heisenberg model to describe the magnetic properties of kapellasite [Bernu et al., Phys. Rev. B 87, 155107 (2013)]. We further confirm that the main deviation from this model is the severe random depletion of the magnetic kagom\'e lattice by 27%, due to Cu/Zn site mixing, and specifically address the effect of this disorder by 35^{35}Cl NMR, performed on an oriented polycrystalline sample. Surprisingly, while being very sensitive to local structural deformations, our NMR measurements demonstrate that the system remains homogeneous with a unique spin susceptibility at high temperature, despite a variety of magnetic environments. Unconventional spin dynamics is further revealed by NMR and μ\muSR in the low-TT, correlated, spin liquid regime, where a broad distribution of spin-lattice relaxation times is observed. We ascribe this to the presence of local low-energy modes.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.
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