543 research outputs found

    The Vaginal Community State Types Microbiome-Immune Network as Key Factor for Bacterial Vaginosis and Aerobic Vaginitis

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    Regarding bacterial vaginosis (BV), the relevance of the vaginal microbiota to the women's health fulfills a key role, but knowledge gaps regarding aerobic vaginitis (AV) exist. This study aims to characterize vaginal microbiome and its relationship with the local immune mediators, providing an opportunity to define the link between vaginal commensal microorganisms and opportunistic pathogens in the relation of a given vaginal community state type (CST). A total of 90 vaginal samples from Caucasian asymptomatic women of reproductive age (18-40 years) attending the yearly examination and not reporting any vaginal complaints were retrospectively evaluated for microbiome assessment and immune factor dosage. The samples were tested by the Ion Torrent PGM and the Luminex Bio-Plex technologies for the analysis of microbiome and immune factors, respectively. In our study, the CST classification together with the local immune response profiling represented a good predictive indicator of the vaginal health, suggesting that the predominance of a specific Lactobacillus and its relative abundance are pivotal elements to maintain a physiologic status. A vaginal colonization from Bifidobacterium may absolve a protective role similar to that of Lactobacillus, corresponding to a newly identified CST, although studies are needed to better clarify its clinical significance. Moreover, within each CST, a different pattern of inflammation is activated and orchestrated both by the dominant Lactobacillus spp. and by specific non-Lactobacillus bacteria and can give insights into the pathogenic mechanisms. In conclusion, this study contributes to the characterization of vaginal dysbiosis, reshaping this concept by taking into consideration the CST profiling, local immune marker, and immune-microbial network

    Decidual endothelial cells express surface-bound C1q as a molecular bridge between endovascular trophoblast and decidual endothelium

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    This study was prompted by the observation that decidual endothelial cells (DECs), unlike endothelial cells (ECs) of blood vessels in normal skin, kidney glomeruli and brain, express surface-bound C1q in physiologic pregnancy. This finding was unexpected, because deposits of C1q are usually observed in pathologic conditions and are associated with complement activation. In the case of DECs, we failed to detect immunoglobulins and C4 co-localized with C1q on the cell surface. Surprisingly, DECs expressed mRNA for the three chains of C1q and secreted detectable level of this component in serum-free medium. The ability to synthesize C1q is acquired by DECs during pregnancy and is not shared by ECs obtained from endometrium and from other sources. Cell-associated C1q has a molecular weight similar to that of secreted C1q and is released from DECs following treatment with heparinase or incubation at low pH. This suggests that C1q binds to DECs and it is not constitutively expressed on the cell surface. C1q is localized at contact sites between endovascular trophoblast and DECs and acts as an intercellular molecular bridge because adhesion of endovascular trophoblast to DECs was inhibited by antibodies to C1q and to a receptor recognizing its globular portion expressed on trophoblast. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Sporadic high-grade malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of the hypoglossal nerve

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    Malignant tumors of peripheral nerve sheaths (MPNSTs) are rare malignant soft tissue tumors arising either from a peripheral nerve or from a pre-existing benign nerve sheath tumor. They occur most often in the context of Neurofibromatosis type-1 (NF-1) and are characterized by poor prognosis and aggressive behavior with a high rate of recurrence and distant metastases. We describe a 50-year-old woman who presented with right neck swelling, progressive dysphagia and tongue paresis. Imaging analysis revealed a mass involving the right parapharyngeal space. The tumor was excissed through a transcervical approach. At surgery, the tumor was strictly adherent to the hypoglossal nerve. Pathologic evaluation of the mass revealed a high-grade MPNST. Based on the pathological diagnosis, a clinical work-up for NF-1 was performed but it resulted negative. Occurrence of sporadic high-grade MPNST in the parapharyngeal space is rare and development from the hypoglossal nerve exceptional. As far as we know, only in two cases, both with clinical features consistent with NF1, the tumor was reported to be arised from the hypoglossal nerve

    Distinctive physiological muscle synergy patterns define the Box and Block Task execution as revealed by electromyographic features

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    Stroke survivors experience muscular pattern alterations of the upper limb that decrease their ability to perform daily-living activities. The Box and Block test (BBT) is widely used to assess the unilateral manual dexterity. Although BBT provides insights into functional performance, it returns limited information about the mechanisms contributing to the impaired movement. This study aims at exploring the BBT by means of muscle synergies analysis during the execution of BBT in a sample of 12 healthy participants with their dominant and non-dominant upper limb. Results revealed that: (i) the BBT can be described by 1 or 2 synergies; the number of synergies (ii) does not differ between dominant and non-dominant sides and (iii) varies considering each phase of the task; (iv) the transfer phase requires more synergies. Clinical Relevance— This preliminary study characterizes muscular synergies during the BBT task in order to establish normative patterns that could assist in understanding the neuromuscular demands and support future evaluations of stroke deficit

    Silent spontaneous uterine rupture in a term pregnancy with extrusion of an intact amniotic sac and without maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality

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    Background. Uterine rupture in pregnancy is a rare and catastrophic complication with a high incidence of fetal and maternal morbidity and mortality. Silent spontaneous uterine rupture without maternal or neonatal morbidity or mortality is very rare. Case presentation. We describe a case of silent spontaneous uterine rupture diagnosed during a planned cesarean section in a patient at 38+4 weeks’ gestation with two previous cesarean sections. The mother and newborn were discharged three days later in good health and without complications. Conclusions. Worldwide, the frequency of cesarean deliveries has increased in recent decades and uterine rupture is a very rare catastrophic emergency that can have dramatic consequences. Our case report shows that uterine rupture can occur in pregnancy before labour without any signs or symptoms. Despite the uterine rupture with extrusion of the intact amniotic sac, there were no complications for the mother or the foetus. Timely diagnosis is crucial and future research should find more reproducible parameters to objectify the risk of silent uterine rupture and define the timing of delivery of previous cesarean sections requiring a new surgical delivery. All patients with previous cesarean sections should be counselled about the possibility of early delivery by cesarean section

    Anatomical and functional results of ossiculoplasty using titanium prosthesis

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    Titanium ossicular chain replacement prosthesis is often used for rehabilitation of the columellar effect in otologic surgeries. This retrospective study aims to analyse the anatomical and functional results of surgeries in which a titanium prosthesis was used. Two hundred and eighty procedures in 256 patients operated on in a tertiary referral center were analysed. Aetiologies, preoperative audiograms, peropera-tive data and postoperative outcomes at 2 and 12 months postoperatively were reviewed. Chronic suppurative otitis media with or without cholesteatoma was the main aetiology (89%). There was no difference in anatomical results between partial and total ossicular replacement prosthesis, with an overall dislocation rate of 6%, and an overall extrusion rate of 3%. Regarding functional results, a postoperative air-bone gap ≤ 20 dB was achieved in 65% of cases, with a better result for partial compared to total ossiculoplasty (p = 0.02). A significant difference in air bone gap closure was found when comparing aetiologies, with a higher air-bone gap closure in malformation cases compared to chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma or retraction cases (p = 0.03). Ossiculoplasty using titanium prosthesis is a safe and effective procedure for rehabilitation of hearing loss, which allows reaching an air-bone gap ≤ 20 dB in the majority of patients

    Fractional CO2 laser for genitourinary syndrome of menopause in breast cancer survivors: clinical, immunological, and microbiological aspects

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    The composition of vaginal microbiome in menopause and cancer survivor women changes dramatically leading to genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) in up to 70% of patients. Recent reports suggest that laser therapy may be valuable as a not hormonal therapeutic modality. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of fractional CO2 laser treatment on the vaginal secretory pathway of a large panel of immune mediators, usually implicated in tissue remodeling and inflammation, and on microbiome composition in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors. The Ion Torrent PGM platform and the Luminex Bio-Plex platform were used for microbiome and immune factor analysis. The significant reduction of clinical symptoms and the non-significant changes in vaginal microbiome support the efficacy and safety of laser treatment. Moreover, the high remodeling status in vaginal epithelium is demonstrated by the significant changes in inflammatory and modulatory cytokine patterns. Laser therapy can be used for the treatment of GSM symptoms and does not show any adverse effects. However, further studies will be needed to clarify its long-term efficacy and other effects

    Lactobacillus (L.) acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus and L. reuteri Cell-Free-Supernatants inhibit Candida parapsilosis pathogenic potential upon infection of vaginal epithelial cells monolayer and in a transwell co-culture system in vitro.

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    Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is a common clinical condition with symptoms and signs of vaginal inflammation in the presence of Candida species. At least one episode of VVC is experienced in up to 75% of women in the reproductive age group during their lifetime, and 5-8% of such women suffer from the chronic form. Most cases of VVC are still caused by C. albicans; however, the incidence of VVC cases by non-albicans (NAC) species, such as C. parapsilosisis, is continuously increasing. Despite the prevalence of VVC from NAC, to date little is known on these species, and almost nothing on the mechanisms that trigger the VVC. Lactobacillus spp. are the most represented microorganisms in the vaginal microbiota of healthy women. Here, cell-free supernatants (CFS) obtained from L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, L. reuteri were assessed for their effect on C. parapsilosis virulence traits. Moreover, we assessed if such effect persists even after removal of the CFS (CFS-preincubation effect). Moreover, a transwell co-culture system was employed, by which the relevant antifungal effect was shown to be attributable to the compounds released by Lactobacilli. Our results suggests that Lactobacilli can work: a) by reducing C. parapsilosis virulence traits, as indicated by the reduced fungal proliferation, viability and metabolic activity and b) by improving epithelial resistance to the fungus. Overall, these data suggest that, in the context of vaginal microbiota, the Lactobacilli may play a role in preventing the onset of mucosal C. parapsilosis infection

    Fungal burden, dimorphic transition and candidalysin: Role in Candida albicans-induced vaginal cell damage and mitochondrial activation in vitro

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    Candida albicans (C. albicans) can behave as a commensal yeast colonizing the vaginal mucosa, and in this condition is tolerated by the epithelium. When the epithelial tolerance breaks down, due to C. albicans overgrowth and hyphae formation, the generated inflammatory response and cell damage lead to vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) symptoms. Here, we focused on the induction of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mtROS) in vaginal epithelial cells after C. albicans infection and the involvement of fungal burden, morphogenesis and candidalysin (CL) production in such induction. Bioluminescent (BLI) C. albicans, C. albicans PCA-2 and C. albicans 529L strains were employed in an in vitro infection model including reconstituted vaginal epithelium cells (RVE), produced starting from A-431 cell line. The production of mtROS was kinetically measured by using MitoSOXTM Red probe. The potency of C. albicans to induced cell damage to RVE and C. albicans proliferation have also been evaluated. C. albicans induces a rapid mtROS release from vaginal epithelial cells, in parallel with an increase of the fungal load and hyphal formation. Under the same experimental conditions, the 529L C. albicans strain, known to be defective in CL production, induced a minor mtROS release showing the key role of CL in causing epithelial mithocondrial activation. C. albicans PCA-2, unable to form hyphae, induced comparable but slower mtROS production as compared to BLI C. albicans yeasts. By reducing mtROS through a ROS scavenger, an increased fungal burden was observed during RVE infection but not in fungal cultures grown on abiotic surface. Collectively, we conclude that CL, more than fungal load and hyphae formation, seems to play a key role in the rapid activation of mtROS by epithelial cells and in the induction of cell-damage and that mtROS are key elements in the vaginal epithelial cells response to C. albicans

    Oncogenic Virome Benefits from the Different Vaginal Microbiome-Immune Axes.

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    The picture of dynamic interaction between oncogenic viruses and the vaginal bacteria-immune host milieu is incomplete. We evaluated the impact of Polyomaviridae, Papillomaviridae, and Herpesviridae oncoviruses on the vaginal Community State Types (CSTs) and host immune response in reproductive-age women. In our cohort, only Polyomaviridae and Papillomaviridae were detected and were associated with changes in the resident bacteria of CST I and IV (p < 0.05). Lactobacillus crispatus increased in CST I while Prevotella timonensis and Sneathia sanguinegens increased in CST IV. Conversely, CST II and III showed an alteration of the immune response, with the decrease of Eotaxin, MCP-1, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15 (p < 0.05), leading to reduced antiviral efficacy. An efficient viral clearance was observed only in women from CST I, dominated by Lactobacillus crispatus. Our in vivo study begins to address the knowledge gap with respect to the role of vaginal bacteria and immune response in susceptibility to oncoviral infections
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