10,672 research outputs found

    Topological Phases for Fermionic Cold Atoms on the Lieb Lattice

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    We investigate the properties of the Lieb lattice, i.e a face-centered square lattice, subjected to external gauge fields. We show that an Abelian gauge field leads to a peculiar quantum Hall effect, which is a consequence of the single Dirac cone and the flat band characterizing the energy spectrum. Then we explore the effects of an intrinsic spin-orbit term - a non-Abelian gauge field - and demonstrate the occurrence of the quantum spin Hall effect in this model. Besides, we obtain the relativistic Hamiltonian describing the Lieb lattice at low energy and derive the Landau levels in the presence of external Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields. Finally, we describe concrete schemes for realizing these gauge fields with cold fermionic atoms trapped in an optical Lieb lattice. In particular, we provide a very efficient method to reproduce the intrinsic (Kane-Mele) spin-orbit term with assisted-tunneling schemes. Consequently, our model could be implemented in order to produce a variety of topological states with cold-atoms.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Solar radio emission

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    Active areas of both observational and theoretical research in which rapid progress is being made are discussed. These include: (1) the dynamic spectrum or frequency versus time plot; (2) physical mechanisms in the development of various types of bursts; (3) microwave type 1, 2, 3, and moving type 4 bursts; (4) bursts caused by trapped electrons; (5) physics of type 3bursts; (6) the physics of type 2 bursts and their related shocks; (7) the physics of both stationary and moving traps and associated type 1 and moving type 4 bursts; and (8) the status of the field of solar radio emission

    Laboratory studies of infrared absorption by NO2 and HNO3

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    Data concerning the quantitative absorption in the 11 and 22 micron region by HNO3 were obtained. Results are presented indicating the temperature dependence of these bands of HNO3 vapor. The 21.8 micron absorption bands of HNO3 vapor at 40 C are discussed along with the integrated intensity and line parameters for the 6.2 micron band of NO2

    Electron interferometry in quantum Hall regime: Aharonov-Bohm effect of interacting electrons

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    An apparent h/fe Aharonov-Bohm flux period, where f is an integer, has been reported in coherent quantum Hall devices. Such sub-period is not expected for non-interacting electrons and thus is thought to result from interelectron Coulomb interaction. Here we report experiments in a Fabry-Perot interferometer comprised of two wide constrictions enclosing an electron island. By carefully tuning the constriction front gates, we find a regime where interference oscillations with period h/2e persist throughout the transition between the integer quantum Hall plateaus 2 and 3, including half-filling. In a large quantum Hall sample, a transition between integer plateaus occurs near half-filling, where the bulk of the sample becomes delocalized and thus dissipative bulk current flows between the counterpropagating edges ("backscattering"). In a quantum Hall constriction, where conductance is due to electron tunneling, a transition between forward- and back-scattering is expected near the half-filling. In our experiment, neither period nor amplitude of the oscillations show a discontinuity at half-filling, indicating that only one interference path exists throughout the transition. We also present experiments and an analysis of the front-gate dependence of the phase of the oscillations. The results point to a single physical mechanism of the observed conductance oscillations: Aharonov-Bohm interference of interacting electrons in quantum Hall regime.Comment: 10 pages, 4 Fig

    Measuring topology in a laser-coupled honeycomb lattice: From Chern insulators to topological semi-metals

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    Ultracold fermions trapped in a honeycomb optical lattice constitute a versatile setup to experimentally realize the Haldane model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2015 (1988)]. In this system, a non-uniform synthetic magnetic flux can be engineered through laser-induced methods, explicitly breaking time-reversal symmetry. This potentially opens a bulk gap in the energy spectrum, which is associated with a non-trivial topological order, i.e., a non-zero Chern number. In this work, we consider the possibility of producing and identifying such a robust Chern insulator in the laser-coupled honeycomb lattice. We explore a large parameter space spanned by experimentally controllable parameters and obtain a variety of phase diagrams, clearly identifying the accessible topologically non-trivial regimes. We discuss the signatures of Chern insulators in cold-atom systems, considering available detection methods. We also highlight the existence of topological semi-metals in this system, which are gapless phases characterized by non-zero winding numbers, not present in Haldane's original model.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures, 4 Appendice

    Primary-Filling e/3 Quasiparticle Interferometer

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    We report experimental realization of a quasiparticle interferometer where the entire system is in 1/3 primary fractional quantum Hall state. The interferometer consists of chiral edge channels coupled by quantum-coherent tunneling in two constrictions, thus enclosing an Aharonov-Bohm area. We observe magnetic flux and charge periods h/e and e/3, equivalent to creation of one quasielectron in the island. Quantum theory predicts a 3h/e flux period for charge e/3, integer statistics particles. Accordingly, the observed periods demonstrate the anyonic statistics of Laughlin quasiparticles

    Transport in the Laughlin quasiparticle interferometer: Evidence for topological protection in an anyonic qubit

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    We report experiments on temperature and Hall voltage bias dependence of the superperiodic conductance oscillations in the novel Laughlin quasiparticle interferometer, where quasiparticles of the 1/3 fractional quantum Hall fluid execute a closed path around an island of the 2/5 fluid. The amplitude of the oscillations fits well the quantum-coherent thermal dephasing dependence predicted for a two point-contact chiral edge channel interferometer in the full experimental temperature range 10.2<T<141 mK. The temperature dependence observed in the interferometer is clearly distinct from the behavior in single-particle resonant tunneling and Coulomb blockade devices. The 5h/e flux superperiod, originating in the anyonic statistical interaction of Laughlin quasiparticles, persists to a relatively high T~140 mK. This temperature is only an order of magnitude less than the 2/5 quantum Hall gap. Such protection of quantum logic by the topological order of fractional quantum Hall fluids is expected to facilitate fault-tolerant quantum computation with anyons.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Energetics of Quantum Antidot States in Quantum Hall Regime

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    We report experiments on the energy structure of antidot-bound states. By measuring resonant tunneling line widths as function of temperature, we determine the coupling to the remote global gate voltage and find that the effects of interelectron interaction dominate. Within a simple model, we also determine the energy spacing of the antidot bound states, self consistent edge electric field, and edge excitation drift velocity.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 5 Postscript figure

    Realization of a Laughlin quasiparticle interferometer: Observation of fractional statistics

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    In two dimensions, the laws of physics permit existence of anyons, particles with fractional statistics which is neither Fermi nor Bose. That is, upon exchange of two such particles, the quantum state of a system acquires a phase which is neither 0 nor \pi, but can be any value. The elementary excitations (Laughlin quasiparticles) of a fractional quantum Hall fluid have fractional electric charge and are expected to obey fractional statistics. Here we report experimental realization of a novel Laughlin quasiparticle interferometer, where quasiparticles of the 1/3 fluid execute a closed path around an island of the 2/5 fluid and thus acquire statistical phase. Interference fringes are observed as conductance oscillations as a function of magnetic flux, similar to the Aharonov-Bohm effect. We observe the interference shift by one fringe upon introduction of five magnetic flux quanta (5h/e) into the island. The corresponding 2e charge period is confirmed directly in calibrated gate experiments. These results constitute direct observation of fractional statistics of Laughlin quasiparticles.Comment: manuscript of the long version published in Phys. Rev.