15 research outputs found

    Le fornaci di Albinia (GR) e la produzione di anfore nella bassa valle dell'Albegna.

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    L'articolo si collega ad anticipazioni pubblicate nelle Chroniques dell'Ecole Fran\ue7aise de Rome rispettivamente in 2002, 2004 e 2005. Gli autori del testo sono parte dell'\ue9quipe coinvolta nelle ricerche ad Albinia; le colleghe francesi sono specialiste riconosciute del settore anfore e soprattutto conoscono dettagliatamente la situazione documentaria in Gallia e pi\uf9 in generale nel Mediterraneo occidentale e in europa celtica continentale. La ricerca su vino ed anfore \ue8 stata in seguito selezionata per un cofinanziamento del MIUR ed ha aggregato specialisti di altre discipline dai petrografi, ai mineralogisti, ai geofisici, ai paleobotanici, ai topografi storici. L'articolo fa un primo bilancio delle ricerche e delle scoperte archeologiche effettuate alle bocche dell'Albegna in corrispondenza di importanti impianti industriali per laproduzione di anfore soprattutto vinarie. Una variet\ue0 di forme e tipi modifica il sistema di classificazione ancora in uso legato alla tripartizione delle csd Dressel 1 (A, B, C). Un corpus epigrafico che ammonta ormai a mezzo migliaio di bolli apre prospettive nuove per lo studio prosopografico degli addetti agli impianti negli ultimi due secoli prima della nostra era

    Swelling process induced by Focused Ion Beam on magnetic layers

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    The ability to prepare ordered arrays of micro/nano sized magnetic elements offers the chance to investigate magnetic properties at length scales previously inaccessible. Bi-dimensional ordered array of magnetic dots can be obtained through a number of different techniques. Patterning of extended magnetic layers or multilayers by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) is one of the most powerful approaches for nano-structuration on a large variety of materials due to the high spatial resolution, good process control and elevated flexibility. This enables a very high accuracy to be achieved in the refinement (shape, sharpness, orientation and dimension) of each individual element and of the separation between the elements. On the other hand ion interactions with solids produce several damage effects. These effects can be very severe in the case of crystalline solids and of nano-sized elements, and can influence magnetic properties of the systems (magneto-crystalline and configurational anisotropy). We studied by AFM and Depth Profile Auger analysis the ions effect on a submicron scale dots array obtained on a 10nm Fe/10nm NiO/MgO(001) multilayer capped with 10nm of MgO. Ion-induced local damage leads to a significant swelling effect on the nano-structures [1]. Our measurements suggest that swelling observed on the multilayer originates from substrate ion irradiation. Transmission Electron Microscopy and diffraction technique measurements should give structural information and clarify the relations between ion induced damage and swelling effect. [1] G. C. Gazzadi, P. Luches, S. F. Contri, A. di Bona, S. Valeri, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 230 (2005) 512

    Focused ion beam induced swelling in MgO(001)

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    The ability to prepare ordered arrays of micro/nano sized magnetic elements off ers the chance to investigate magnetic properties at length scales previously inaccessible. Patterning of extended magnetic layers or multilayers by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) is one of the most powerful approaches for nano-structuration on a large variety of materials, due to its high spatial resolution, good process control and elevated fl exibility. MgO(001) is as a good substrate for UHV epitaxial growth of multilayers of magnetic interest, such as Fe/NiO: it is magnetically inert, it has a small lattice mismatch with respect to NiO and it is cheap and easy to prepare. In the present work we analyze ion-induced swelling effects on MgO(001) single crystals as they could infl uence the structure, morphology and, consequently, the properties of magnetic arrays prepared by FIB patterning of magnetic layers on MgO crystalline substrates. We studied by AFM the ions eff ects on the morphology of one micron size square dots array obtained on a 5\u201310 nm MgO/10 nm Fe/MgO(001) multilayers. A Fe interlayer has been deposited to avoid electronic charging that restricts ion beam effi ciency. 30 keV, 5x1016 Ga+cm-2 bombardment leads to a signifi cant swelling eff ect (4\u20136 nm protrusion) on the patterned areas. Electron diff raction and Auger depth profi le measurements suggest that the observed swelling mainly originates from MgO structural damage

    Clonal analysis of joint fluid T Iymphocytes in patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthrits

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