328 research outputs found


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    Untuk Mendorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah Maka Perlu Fokus Pada Peningkatan Atau Scalling Up Dari Usaha Informal Dan Kecil Di Suatu Wilayah. Untuk Itu Pentingnya Formalisasi Dan Modernisasi Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah Khususnya Yang Berbasis Industri Perlu Didorong Oleh Pemerintah Dan Para Akademisi Agar Bisa Menjadi Maju, Berkembang, Serta Kompetitif. Permasalahan Yang Dihadapi Ditemukan Adalah Masih Rendahnya Usaha IKM Informal Untuk Menjadikan Usaha Mereka Menjadi Usaha Formal Serta Masih Banyak IKM Yang Usahanya Belum Modern Atau Masih Tradisional Dan Menggunakan Teknologi Rendah Serta Minim Inovasi. Tujuan PKM Ini Adalah Untuk Membantu IKM Di Kelurahan Dan Pedesaan Agar Dapat Meningkatkan Usahanya Yaitu Dengan Melegalkan Usahanya Dari Usaha Informal Menjadi Usaha Formal Serta Memodernisasi Usaha IKM Dari Teknologi Tradisional Atau Rendah Menjadi IKM Yang Menggunakan Teknologi Terkini Atau Modern Serta Inovatif. Tahapan Kegiatan Yang Dilakukan Adalah Pengenalan Dan Sosialisasi Formalisasi Usaha Dan Modernisasi IKM Makanan Dan Minuman Di Kelurahan Batu Kota Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado. Selanjutnya Adalah Pendampingan Terhadap Formalisasi Usaha Dan Modernisasi IKM.______________________________________________________________________Kata Kunci : formalisasi usaha, modernisasi, IKM, Kelurahan Batu Kota, Malalayang,Manad

    A spatial decision support system for groundwater abstraction impact assessment and licensing

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    Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Water resources in South Africa are limited and groundwater plays an important role in supporting basic human needs, sustaining ecosystems and enabling industrial and agricultural development. Sound management practices are necessary to ensure sustainable development of water resources. All groundwater usage must be licensed in compliance with the National Water Act of 1998. A Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) can be used to assist in the groundwater usage licensing process of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). The main aim of this study was to develop a SDSS, named Groundwater Abstraction & Licence Evaluation Tool (GALET), that could assist in the process of allocating water use licences and determining the local impact of abstraction, based on existing theory and data. The development was done within ArcView 3.2 using the scripting language Avenue. The Sandveld, an arid stretch of land along the west coast of South Africa that is heavily impacted by groundwater abstraction, was the chosen study area. The data collected for this study included existing borehole, recharge, rainfall and geological information. GALET proved to be capable of calculating essential information needed to evaluate groundwater abstraction, which included drawdown in the water table, zone of influence and the possible effects on features such as rivers and wetlands. Targeted potential users regarded GALET as a useful tool in the process of licensing and groundwater abstraction impact assessment and plans are under way to implement GALET or a derivative thereof at the DWAF regional offices.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Waterhulpbronne in Suid-Afrika is beperk en grondwater speel 'n belangrike rol in die ondersteuning van basiese menslike behoeftes, volhouding van ekosisteme asook industriële en landbou-ontwikkeling. Betroubare bestuurspraktyke is noodsaaklik om die volhoubare ontwikkeling van waterhulpbronne te verseker. Alle grondwatergebruik moet volgens die Nasionale Waterwet van 1998 gelisensieer word. 'n Ruimtelike Besluitnemings Ondersteuning Stelsel (RBOS) kan as 'n hulpmiddel gebruik word in die lisensiëringsproses van die Departement van Waterwese en Bosbou. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om 'n RBOS, genoem Groundwater Abstraction & Licence Evaluation Tool (GALET), te ontwikkel wat as hulpmiddel gebruik kan word in die allokeringsproses van watergebruiklisensies en die bepaling van die impak van grondwateronttrekking op die omgewing, gebaseer op bestaande teorie en data. Die ontwikkeling is in ArcView 3.2 met die programmeringstaal Avenue gedoen. Die Sandveld, 'n ariede streek aan die weskus van Suid-Afrika wat onderhewig is aan grootskaalse grondwateronttrekking, is gekies as die studie area. Die data wat vir hierdie studie ingesamel is sluit bestaande boorgat, grondwateraanvulling, reënval en geologiese inligting in. GALET was in staat om belangrike inligting aangaande die evaluering van grondwateronttrekking te bereken, o.a. die daling van die grondwatervlak, die impaksone en die moontlike effekte op landvorms soos riviere en vleilande. Die teikengroep potensiële gebruikers het GALET as 'n nuttige hulpmiddel in die proses van lisensiëring en grondwateronttrekking impakbepaling beskou en planne is onderweg om dit of 'n aangepaste program by die streekskantore van die Departement van Waterwese en Bosbou te implementeer

    Testing the impact and feasibility of 30 km/h speed limit zones at schools

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    Local authorities such as the City of Tshwane (CoT) Municipality are confronted on a daily basis with road traffic safety challenges around schools. School principals, councillors, parents, scholars and neighbourhood residents approach local authorities for assistance to address unlawful driver behaviour and implement remedial measures to enhance the safety of scholars at schools. One potential countermeasure is the implementation of 30 km/h speed limit zones at schools. However, such speed limit zones to improve pedestrian safety on lower order roads around schools are not common in South Africa. Very little before-and-after data are available to understand and evaluate the effectiveness of such zones. The objective of this study was to measure the effectiveness of introducing a 30 km/h speed limit zone strategy at schools, where high pedestrian activity and non-motorised transport are present and can be endangered by vehicular traffic. Thirty kilometre per hour speed limit school zone signs were designed and installed to enforce a 30 km/h speed limit for specific periods of time during school arrival and departure times. Three school sites in different areas in the City of Tshwane Municipality were selected as case study sites. Before-and-after speed data were used to test the hypothesis that the 30 km/h speed limit zone has no effect on the mean and variance of speed. The results showed that the speeds recorded after the implementation of the 30 km/h speed limit school zone signs varied between 30 km/h and 35 km/h at all the sites. The mean speed at all the sites was lower than before, for both passenger and public transport vehicles. A control site was also used to ensure that the results were not caused by spurious fluctuations. Qualitative feedback from the schools showed widespread acceptance of the measure. The results of this study show that international best practice initiatives can be applied with great success and that 30 km/h speed limit school zones can contribute to safer roads and support the National Road Safety Strategy to reduce the increasing trend in road traffic fatalities.Paper presented at the 34th Annual Southern African Transport Conference 6-9 July 2015 "Working Together to Deliver - Sakha Sonke", CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa.The Minister of Transport, South AfricaTransportation Research Board of the US


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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es caracterizar el perfil de salud del recién nacido y su madre atendidos en un centro municipal de salud, determinando los principales males intercurrentes que les acometen en el período neonatal; identificar el recién nacido de bajo peso con miras al acompañamiento de su crecimiento y desarrollo. Se trata de un estudio epidemiológico y descriptivo cumplido en un centro municipal de salud, sito en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro-Brasil. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de guión para consulta de enfermería, en 2003 y 2004, y sometidos a análisis estadístico. Son resultados: atención a 153 recién nacidos, la mayoría - 134 (87,6%) - con peso adecuado para la edad y 19 (12,4%) con peso bajo al nacer, variando entre 2035 g. y 2490 g. Factores como gravidez en la adolescencia, poca escolaridad y la calidad de la atención en el pre-natal ejercen papel preponderante en la cadena causal de recién nacido de bajo peso. El enfermero debe primar por el cuidado integral al niño y a su madre en el período neonatal a fin de contribuir a la reducción de la mortalidad infantil.Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo os recém-nascidos (RN) egressos das maternidades municipais do Rio de Janeiro, em especial, os de baixo peso ao nascer (BPN). O estudo tem como objetivos: identificar os recém-nascidos de baixo peso para a realização de seguimento do seu crescimento e desenvolvimento; determinar as principais intercorrências que acometem o RN e sua família no período neonatal, contribuindo para a melhoria dos indicadores de saúde; caracterizar a situação de saúde dos RN e sua família atendidos no CMS; promover educação em saúde através da implementação da consulta de enfermagem coletiva. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, de caráter descritivo e exploratório. A população foi constituída de 153 crianças, atendidas na consulta de enfermagem, no período de fevereiro a Dezembro de 2003. Fizeram parte da amostra 134 (87,6%) recém-nascidos com peso apropriado para a idade gestacional e 12,4% (19) recém-nascidos com baixo peso ao nascer com peso variando entre 2.035 a 2.490g. Os fatores como gravidez na adolescência e a qualidade do atendimento no prénatal têm mostrado papel preponderante na cadeia casal de RNBP. Enquanto profissional de saúde, a enfermagem deve ter um olhar de vigilância para o cuidado integral acriança e sua família no período neonatal, a fim de contribuir para a redução da mortalidade neonatal

    Constructing solutions to the Bj\"orling problem for isothermic surfaces by structure preserving discretization

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    In this article, we study an analog of the Bj\"orling problem for isothermic surfaces (that are more general than minimal surfaces): given a real analytic curve γ\gamma in R3{\mathbb R}^3, and two analytic non-vanishing orthogonal vector fields vv and ww along γ\gamma, find an isothermic surface that is tangent to γ\gamma and that has vv and ww as principal directions of curvature. We prove that solutions to that problem can be obtained by constructing a family of discrete isothermic surfaces (in the sense of Bobenko and Pinkall) from data that is sampled along γ\gamma, and passing to the limit of vanishing mesh size. The proof relies on a rephrasing of the Gauss-Codazzi-system as analytic Cauchy problem and an in-depth-analysis of its discretization which is induced from the geometry of discrete isothermic surfaces. The discrete-to-continuous limit is carried out for the Christoffel and the Darboux transformations as well.Comment: 29 pages, some figure

    Sturmian morphisms, the braid group B_4, Christoffel words and bases of F_2

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    We give a presentation by generators and relations of a certain monoid generating a subgroup of index two in the group Aut(F_2) of automorphisms of the rank two free group F_2 and show that it can be realized as a monoid in the group B_4 of braids on four strings. In the second part we use Christoffel words to construct an explicit basis of F_2 lifting any given basis of the free abelian group Z^2. We further give an algorithm allowing to decide whether two elements of F_2 form a basis or not. We also show that, under suitable conditions, a basis has a unique conjugate consisting of two palindromes.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure