5 research outputs found

    Blood-derived compounds can efficiently prevent iron deficiency in the grapevine

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    The present study investigated the effectiveness of bovine blood (BB)-based products, compared with that of the widely used iron thylenediaminedi-(2-hydroxyphenylacetic) acid (Fe-EDDHA) synthetic chelate, in iron nutrition of grapevine graft combinations and rootstocks grown under different controlled conditions. In experiments under nutrient solution utilising rhizoboxes and pots, the effect of iron application treatments was evaluated through biometric and chlorophyll index measurements, leaf nutrient concentration and root scanning electron microscopy. The bovine blood compounds improved iron nutrition of the grapevine similar to or better than Fe-EDDHA and enhanced root growth. The experimental evidence indicates that BB-based products represent a sustainable alternative to synthetic chelates as Fe fertilisers

    Strategie flessibili nella gestione della chioma

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    Come prevenire gli attacchi fungini, soprattutto nelle annate piovose e attraverso azioni compatibili con l\u2019agricoltura biologica