306 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif Penginderaan Jauh Terhadap Hasil Belajar Geografi

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    This research aims to determine the extent of multimedia interactive learning remote sensing effect on student learning outcomes in MAN I Malang. Using a quasi experimental study using a non equivalent control group design, this design only in the experimental group and the control group was not chosen at random. The samples were all students of class XII IPS MAN I Malang. The research instrument used was a test. The analysis technique used is the t-test and Cohen'sd Online Calculator for the effectiveness of the use of multimedia in teaching. The results showed that the use of interactive learning multimedia remote sensing effect on learning outcomes, where the results obtained in the experimental class, the mean standard deviation of 74.24 with 7.267 greater than the control class that has a mean 60.21 with a standard deviation of 9.955. Results gain score showed the difference between pretest and posttest values obtained in experimental classes with an average yield gain score of = 0.7 are included in the high category. While the calculations produced 1,610 Cohen'sd online calculator which is regarded as a relatively large effect size, then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. It means that there is a significant influence on the use of remote sensing multimedia interactive learning on learning outcomes in MAN I Malang.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana multimedia pembelajaran interaktif penginderaan jauh berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa di MAN I Malang. Penelitian menggunakan eksperimen quasi dengan menggunakan non equivalent control group design, hanya pada desain ini kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol tidak dipilih secara random. Sampel penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XII IPS MAN I Malang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif penginderaan jauh berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar, dimana hasil yang diperoleh pada kelas eksperimen, diperoleh mean 74,24 dengan standar deviasi 7,267 lebih besar daripada kelas kontrol yang memiliki mean 60,21 dengan standar deviasi 9,955. Hasil gain score menunjukkan selisih antara nilai pretes dan postes didapatkan pada kelas ekperimen dengan hasil rata-rata gain score, yaitu = 0,7 yang masuk dalam kategori tinggi, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Artinya, ada pengaruh yang signifikan pada penggunaan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif penginderaan jauh terhadap hasil belajar di MAN I Malang

    Sajen Sam-sam: Media Perintisan Desa Mandiri melalui Peningkatan Jiwa Wirausaha, Kemandirian, dan Daya Kreativitas Masyarakat Desa Totosan Kecamatan Batang-batang Kabupaten Sumenep dalam Mengolah Buah dan Nira Siwalan Menjadi Jajanan Khas Pulau Madura

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    Most of the palm trees grow in Totosan village, Trunks district, Kabupaten Sumenep, which covers 80 % of the total area. During this the community sell only palm in fresh form. When being analyzed, these economic activities are not effective and efficient. Community service programs through innovation and the sap of palm fruit processing is done to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit, independence and community kreativifas in processing power potential in the vicinity into Sam - Sam Sajen products as specific snacks of the island of Madura in order to increase incomes. PKM - M activities conducted from 17 February to 30 June 2013 and is divided into 4 main activities of observation, the introduction Sajen Sam - Sam, a variety of training and evaluation. Society has learned that Sam - Sam Sajen products to increase the added value of palm, both in terms of taste, aroma, color, price (2-3 fold increase profits) and product shelf life (4-5 months). The high business prospects can be attributed to the entrepreneurial spirit, independence and creativity of the people in the process surrounding the potential of becoming Sajen Sam - Sam marked with the scale greater community that are 90 cup jelly, jam bottles 20, 50 cup candied wet and dry and 45 cup nata per-day as well as the increasing number of people who started the business processing into products Sajen Sam - Sam, but from raw material bananas. Positive responses from the various elements of society in various areas of Madura by organoleptic test results, levels of increasing demand and support from the relevant Department to be an indicator that the processed products Sajen Sam - Sam accepted as typical products of the island of Madura snacks. Government and the general public need to socialize and develop the processing technology of fruit and palm sap into Sam - Sam Sajen products, mainly raw materials from a variety of other fruit into Sajen Sam - Sam is optimal to increase the value -added products, entrepreneurial spirit, independence, and creativity the local community

    Transfer Of Knowledge Keterampilan Pengobatan Tradisional Pijat Sangkal Putung

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    This study aims to describe the transfer of Knowledge the skills of the local wisdom of traditional medicine sangkal putung massage (KPTPSP). Qualitative research approach with the types of case studies, the research took three shaman deny one as the subject of the case. Data unearthed by the method of interview and observation, as well as equipped with study documents. Data were analyzed through the stages of reduction data, display data, and conclusions. To get the keabsyahan data sources and triangulation methods do data mining. There are five major stages that must be traversed learners in Knowledge KPTPSP, i.e. stages melu, stage njajal praktek, stage laku, stage practice, and independent stages. Melu stage is the activity of prospective learners observe all activities related to KPTPSP. Phase njajal praktek are doing massage on some members of the body of the client in the supervision of Knowledge resource (tentor). Phase laku is doing the fast and read the verses of the Holy Qur'an. Stages of practice in the form of activity doing massage to patient fractures. Independent stage in which learners opens own Massage practice.Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan transfer of knowledge kearifan lokal pengobatan tradisional pijat sangkal putung yang selanjutnya dapat disingkat (KPTPSP). Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Penggalian data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Analisa data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, display data, dan pengambilan keputusan. Pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan teknik triangulasi, yaitu triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi metode. Tahapan-tahapan yang harus dikuasai peserta didik dalam mempelajari (KPTPSP), yaitu (a) tahap melu, (b) tahap njajal praktek, (c) tahap laku, (d) tahap praktik, dan (e) tahap mandiri. Tahap melu yaitu mengamati semua kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan (KPTPSP). Tahap njajal praktik yaitu mencoba melakukan pemijatan. Tahap laku yaitu melakukan puasa dan membaca ayat suci Al-Qur'an. Tahap praktik adalah melakukan pemijatan kepada pasien patah tulang. Tahap mandiri, peserta didik membuka praktik pijat sendiri. Transfer of Knowledge (KPTPSP) merupakan upaya dalam melestarikan kearifan lokal, hal ini bertujuan untuk menjaga eksistensi dari kearifan lokal

    Kajian Sosial-budaya Rambu Solo' dalam Pembentukan Karakter Peserta Didik

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    This study focused on the analysis of social culture of rambu solo' in growing the learners' character. The problems of generations of one country was affected by globalization growth. It causes the need of implementing the educational character. The ceremony of rambu solo' which brings social and religious value can be identified as social cultural aspect in ceremony rambu solo'. This research was a library research using descriptive approach. The results were: a). The ceremony is held to unite the family. b). to devide the heritage of family. c). to state prestige. d). to work together and become responsible. e). to develop art of custom. f). to donate wealth as a charity. This ceremony rambu solo' enables to be designed as a reference of learning of character education because it is appropriate with the need of learners' character expected by Indonesia.Kajian sosial-budaya rambu solo' dalam pembentukan karakater peserta didik. Permasalahan karakter generasi bangsa merupakan dampak dari globalisasi. Hal tersebut menyebabkan perlunya penanaman pendidikan berkarakter. Upacara rambu solo' yang memiliki nilai sosial dan religus dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar pendidikan berkarakter. Tujuan Penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui aspek sosial-budaya dalam upacara rambu solo' di Toraja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kepustakaan dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Adapun hasilnya, yaitu (a) Sebagai wadah pemersatu keluarga; b). Sebagai tempat membagi warisan (c) sebagai tempat menyatakan martabat; (d) sebagai tempat bergotong royong; (e) sebagai wadah pengembangan seni artinya; (f) sebagai Wadah berdonasi. Upacara rambu solo' dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pembelajaran pendidikan berkarakter karena sesuai dengan kebutuhan karakter peserta didik yang diinginkan oleh bangsa Indonesia

    Keragaan Dan Peran Modal Ventura Terhadap Perikanan Tangkap Di Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah

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    Nowadays,venture capital is not known on the field of marine and fisheries, while this sector has a problem in capital needed. Challenges of capital needed have became a classical problem on fisheries sector, so it requires a comprehensive solution by all parties. The existence of venture capital on the one hand who actually provide the opportunity is big enough to bridge and help solve the problem. But on the other hand, until this time there is no model for the appropriate use of venture capital in the fishery. The goal of this research is to analyze the role of venture capital funding in the fishery, to analyze the impact/influence of the venture capital fishery and determine the development of policy scenarios for the development of venture capital fisheries. This research is conducted in the Tegal District because this area has a lot of fishermen who receive assistance from the venture capital PT Facilities Central Java Ventura. approaches of this reseach are descriptive analysis, regression analysisand Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The results of this research are venture capital have positif or significant influence to the performance of fisheries sector in Tegal District if its operated appropriate with early criterias or terms of venture capital ditribution and it is need specific criterias terms in venture capital credit distribution, such as ship lifespan, fisherman experiences and capital quantity that distributed
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