8 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Novel Aromatic Core Zero Generation Dendrimers

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    Bromomethyl arenes used as polyfunctional core of dendrimers were derivatized with diethanolamine branches. The obtained compounds containing 4 or 6 hydroxyl terminal surface groups are highly water-soluble

    Effects of a Nuclear Power Plant Warmwater Outflow on Environmental Conditions and Fish Assemblages in a Very Large River (the Danube, Hungary)

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    Direct or indirect effects of nuclear power plants' (NPPs) warmwater effluents on the structure of biotic assemblages are poorly known in very large rivers. We examined changes in physical habitat structure, temperature condition and their possible effects on the structure of Danubian fish assemblages due to the outflow of the Paks NPP's warmwater channel, in Hungary. Seasonal surveys conducted both upstream and downstream from the outfall showed that its hydromorphological effects were generally local and comparable to natural or other anthropogenic hydromorphological changes. The effect of the returned cooling water was more apparent in the seasonally recorded surface water temperatures and depended highly on the spatial positioning of the sampling sites. However, environmental and spatial variables accounted only for a low amount of variance in case of both shoreline and offshore fish assemblage data. Overall, we found that the outflow exerted only a local scale effect on the structure of Danubian fish assemblages. Rather, fish assemblages varied largely both inshore and offshore, which dynamics overruled any effects of the artificially elevated temperature. Our study highlights the importance of the assessment of hydrogeomorphological variability of rivers and their influence on fish assemblage variability when examining spatial effects of thermal pollution

    Protein Interaction with Dendrimer Monolayers: Energy and Surface Topology

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    Protein interaction with polymers layers is a keystone in designing bio-nano devices. Polyamidoamines (PAMAMs) are well-known polymers. Zero aromatic core dendrimers (ZAC) are molecules with no proven toxic effect in cultured cells. When coating nanodevices with enzymatic systems, active sites are disturbed by an interaction with the biosystem surface. Computational methods were used in order to simulate, characterize, and quantify protein–polymer interaction. Protein corona, i.e., surface proteins disposed on a viral membrane or nanodevice outer surface, are crucial in interactions with a potential pharmacological target or receptor. Corona symmetry has been observed in the Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). As a protein alpha 1 antitrypsin’s a crystallographic structure was chosen. Protein–mono dendrimer layer systems were generated using in silico methods in order to simulate their interaction. Interactions were quantified using topological and quantum mechanical strategies. Results showed that PAMAM and ZAC interact differently with alpha 1 antitrypsin. Energy and topological surfaces of protein vary accordingly with the dendrimer monolayer. Topological surfaces have a higher sensibility in describing the interactions

    Direct and indirect effects of age on interoceptive accuracy and awareness across the adult lifespan

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    Various aspects of physical and mental health have been linked to an individual’s ability to perceive the physical condition of their body (‘interoception’). In addition, numerous studies have demonstrated a role for interoception in higher-order cognitive abilities such as decision-making and emotion processing. The importance of interoception for health and typical cognitive functioning has prompted interest in how interoception varies over the lifespan. However, few studies have investigated interoception into older adulthood, and no studies account for the set of physiological changes that may influence task performance. The present study examined interoception from young to very late adulthood (until 90 years of age) utilising a self-report measure of interoception (Study One) and an objective measure of cardiac interoception (Study Two). Across both studies interoception decreased with age, and changes in interoceptive accuracy were observed which were not explained by accompanying physiological changes. In addition to a direct effect of age on interoception, an indirect effect of ageing on cardiac interoceptive accuracy mediated by body mass index (BMI) was found, such that ageing was associated with increased BMI which was, in turn, associated with reduced interoceptive accuracy. Such findings support and extend previous research demonstrating interoceptive decline with advancing age, and highlight the importance of assessing whether decreasing interoceptive ability is responsible for some aspects of agerelated ill-health and cognitive impairment