9 research outputs found

    Latest archaeological results on the origin of the Hungarian people in the Eurasian context

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    Early Hungarian history is a research area with scarce written sources. Archaeology, as a scientific discipline boasting a rapidly increasing number of sources, may acquire significant importance in this area. Nevertheless, thorough knowledge about the contemporary, significant archaeological differences between the Eastern European grassy and forest steppes, forest regions, and the microregions of the former makes it possible to research migration with traditional archaeological methods. For archaeology, the fundamental question about early Hungarian history has been the same to this day: from the archaeological finds of the territory stretching from the Urals to the Carpathian Basin. One of them proceeds from the Urals towards the Carpathians, referred to as the linear method, while the other takes the 10th-century heritage of the Carpathian Basin as a point of departure and looks for the Eastern European antecedents – this is the retrospective method

    Honfoglalás kori tarsolylemez Pest megyében a Bugyi-Felsőványi 2. sír

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    In the spring of 2011, people using metal detectors discovered a new site at Bugyi village, Pest county. The Directorate of the Museums of Pest County conducted authenticating and rescue excavations on the territory and they found a few graves of a Conquest Period cemetery. One of the burials proved to be especially important: a gilded silver sabretache plate, a mounted belt of a unique structure and the remains of a rare bow type lay in the grave of a high-ranked man. With regard to the significance of the grave, we describe the finds in a preliminary publication. The planned excavation of the site and the scientific analysis of the finds have been started. | 2011 tavaszán fémkeresőt használó civilek új lelőhelyet fedeztek fel a Pest megyei Bugyi község határában. A területen végzett hitelesítő és leletmentő feltárás során honfoglalás kori temető néhány sírja került elő. Az egyik temetkezés kiemelkedő jelentőségű: a rangos férfi sírjában aranyozott ezüst tarsolylemez, egyedi szerkezetű veretes öv és íjmarkolat léccel is ellátott íj maradványai voltak. A sírt előzetes közlésben ismertetjük. A lelőhely tervásatása és a leletanyag tudományos feldolgozása folyamatban van

    Tanácsadás a büntetés-végrehajtás falain belül

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    A tanulmány 3 különböző esetbemutatást tartalmaz, melyek során a közúti balesetokozást elkövető fogvatartottak alkalmazkodási problémáiban nyújtott tanácsadási folyamatot szemléltetjük. Az esetek büntetés-végrehajtási intézetben végzett pszichológusi munkából származnak

    Visualization of Calcium Dynamics in Kidney Proximal Tubules

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    Intrarenal changes in cytoplasmic calcium levels have a key role in determining pathologic and pharmacologic responses in major kidney diseases. However, cell-specific delivery of calcium-sensitive probes in vivo remains problematic. We generated a transgenic rat stably expressing the green fluorescent protein-calmodulin-based genetically encoded calcium indicator (GCaMP2) predominantly in the kidney proximal tubules. The transposon-based method used allowed the generation of homozygous transgenic rats containing one copy of the transgene per allele with a defined insertion pattern, without genetic or phenotypic alterations. We applied in vitro confocal and in vivo two-photon microscopy to examine basal calcium levels and ligand- and drug-induced alterations in these levels in proximal tubular epithelial cells. Notably, renal ischemia induced a transient increase in cellular calcium, and reperfusion resulted in a secondary calcium load, which was significantly decreased by systemic administration of specific blockers of the angiotensin receptor and the Na-Ca exchanger. The parallel examination of in vivo cellular calcium dynamics and renal circulation by fluorescent probes opens new possibilities for physiologic and pharmacologic investigations

    Downregulation of PACAP and the PAC1 Receptor in the Basal Ganglia, Substantia Nigra and Centrally Projecting Edinger–Westphal Nucleus in the Rotenone model of Parkinson’s Disease

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    Numerous in vitro and in vivo models of Parkinson’s disease (PD) demonstrate that pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) conveys its strong neuroprotective actions mainly via its specific PAC1 receptor (PAC1R) in models of PD. We recently described the decrease in PAC1R protein content in the basal ganglia of macaques in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) model of PD that was partially reversed by levodopa therapy. In this work, we tested whether these observations occur also in the rotenone model of PD in the rat. The rotarod test revealed motor skill deterioration upon rotenone administration, which was reversed by benserazide/levodopa (B/L) treatment. The sucrose preference test suggested increased depression level while the open field test showed increased anxiety in rats rendered parkinsonian, regardless of the received B/L therapy. Reduced dopaminergic cell count in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) diminished the dopaminergic fiber density in the caudate-putamen (CPu) and decreased the peptidergic cell count in the centrally projecting Edinger–Westphal nucleus (EWcp), supporting the efficacy of rotenone treatment. RNAscope in situ hybridization revealed decreased PACAP mRNA (Adcyap1) and PAC1R mRNA (Adcyap1r1) expression in the CPu, globus pallidus, dopaminergic SNpc and peptidergic EWcp of rotenone-treated rats, but no remarkable downregulation occurred in the insular cortex. In the entopeduncular nucleus, only the Adcyap1r1 mRNA was downregulated in parkinsonian animals. B/L therapy attenuated the downregulation of Adcyap1 in the CPu only. Our current results further support the evolutionarily conserved role of the PACAP/PAC1R system in neuroprotection and its recruitment in the development/progression of neurodegenerative states such as PD

    Vikings in Hungary? The Theory of the Varangian-Rus’ Bodyguard of the First Hungarian Rulers

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