62 research outputs found

    CCL17 protects against viral myocarditis by suppressing the recruitment of regulatory T cells

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    Background Viral myocarditis is characterized by leukocyte infiltration of the heart and cardiomyocyte death. We recently identified C-C chemokine ligand (CCL) 17 as a proinflammatory effector of C-C chemokine receptor 2-positive macrophages and dendritic cells that are recruited to the heart and contribute to adverse left ventricular remodeling following myocardial infarction and pressure overload. Methods and Results Mouse encephalomyocarditis virus was used to investigate the function of CCL17 in a viral myocarditis model

    Compartmentalized Production of CCL17 In Vivo: Strong Inducibility in Peripheral Dendritic Cells Contrasts Selective Absence from the Spleen

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    Dendritic cells (DCs)* fulfill an important regulatory function at the interface of the innate and adaptive immune system. The thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC/CCL17) is produced by DCs and facilitates the attraction of activated T cells. Using a fluorescence-based in vivo reporter system, we show that CCL17 expression in mice is found in activated Langerhans cells and mature DCs located in various lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs, and is up-regulated after stimulation with Toll-like receptor ligands. DCs expressing CCL17 belong to the CD11b+CD8−Dec205+ DC subset, including the myeloid-related DCs located in the subepithelial dome of Peyer's patches. CCL17-deficient mice mount diminished T cell–dependent contact hypersensitivity responses and display a deficiency in rejection of allogeneic organ transplants. In contrast to lymphoid organs located at external barriers of the skin and mucosa, CCL17 is not expressed in the spleen, even after systemic microbial challenge or after in vitro stimulation. These findings indicate that CCL17 production is a hallmark of local DC stimulation in peripheral organs but is absent from the spleen as a filter of blood-borne antigens

    Balancing intestinal and systemic inflammation through cell type-specific expression of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor

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    As a sensor of polyaromatic chemicals the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) exerts an important role in immune regulation besides its requirement for xenobiotic metabolism. Transcriptional activation of AhR target genes is counterregulated by the AhR repressor (AhRR) but the exact function of the AhRR in vivo is currently unknown. We here show that the AhRR is predominantly expressed in immune cells of the skin and intestine, different from other AhR target genes. Whereas AhRR antagonizes the anti-inflammatory function of the AhR in the context of systemic endotoxin shock, AhR and AhRR act in concert to dampen intestinal inflammation. Specifically, AhRR contributes to the maintenance of colonic intraepithelial lymphocytes and prevents excessive IL- 1β production and Th17/Tc17 differentiation. In contrast, the AhRR enhances IFN-γ-production by effector T cells in the inflamed gut. Our findings highlight the physiologic importance of cell-type specific balancing of AhR/AhRR expression in response to microbial, nutritional and other environmental stimuli
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