28 research outputs found

    Determinants of (–1,1)-matrices of the skew-symmetric type: a cocyclic approach

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    An n by n skew-symmetric type (−1, 1)-matrix K = [ki,j ] has 1’s on the main diagonal and ±1’s elsewhere with ki,j = −kj,i. The largest possible determinant of such a matrix K is an interesting problem. The literature is extensive for n 0 mod 4 (skew- Hadamard matrices), but for n 2 mod 4 there are few results known for this question. In this paper we approach this problem constructing cocyclic matrices over the dihedral group of 2t elements, for t odd, which are equivalent to (−1, 1)-matrices of skew type. Some explicit calculations have been done up to t = 11. To our knowledge, the upper bounds on the maximal determinant in orders 18 and 22 have been improved.Junta de AndalucĂ­a FQM-01

    Equivalences of Zt×Z22-cocyclic Hadamard matrices

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    One of the most promising structural approaches to resolving the Hadamard Conjecture uses the family of cocyclic matrices over Zt × Z2 2. Two types of equivalence relations for classifying cocyclic matrices over Zt × Z2 2 have been found. Any cocyclic matrix equivalent by either of these relations to a Hadamard matrix will also be Hadamard. One type, based on algebraic relations between cocycles over any fi- nite group, has been known for some time. Recently, and independently, a second type, based on four geometric relations between diagrammatic visualisations of cocyclic matrices over Zt × Z2 2, has been found. Here we translate the algebraic equivalences to diagrammatic equivalences and show one of the diagrammatic equivalences cannot be obtained this way. This additional equivalence is shown to be the geometric translation of matrix transposition

    Embedding cocylic D-optimal designs in cocylic Hadamard matrices

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    A method for embedding cocyclic submatrices with “large” determinants of orders 2t in certain cocyclic Hadamard matrices of orders 4t is described (t an odd integer). If these determinants attain the largest possible value, we are embedding D-optimal designs. Applications to the pivot values that appear when Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting is performed on these cocyclic Hadamard matrices are studied.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2008-06578Junta de Andalucía FQM-016Junta de Andalucía P07-FQM-0298

    Rooted Trees Searching for Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices over D4t

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    A new reduction on the size of the search space for cocyclic Hadamard matrices over dihedral groups D4t is described, in terms of the so called central distribution. This new search space adopt the form of a forest consisting of two rooted trees (the vertices representing subsets of coboundaries) which contains all cocyclic Hadamard matrices satisfying the constraining condition. Experimental calculations indicate that the ratio between the number of constrained cocyclic Hadamard matrices and the size of the constrained search space is greater than the usual ratio.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2008-06578Junta de Andalucía FQM–296Junta de Andalucía P07-FQM-0298

    A computational algebraic geometry approach to analyze pseudo-random sequences based on Latin squares

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    Latin squares are used as scramblers on symmetric-key algorithms that generate pseudo-random sequences of the same length. The robustness and effectiveness of these algorithms are respectively based on the extremely large key space and the appropriate choice of the Latin square under consideration. It is also known the importance that isomorphism classes of Latin squares have to design an effective algorithm. In order to delve into this last aspect, we improve in this paper the efficiency of the known methods on computational algebraic geometry to enumerate and classify partial Latin squares. Particularly, we introduce the notion of affine algebraic set of a partial Latin square L = (lij ) of order n over a field K as the set of zeros of the binomial ideal xi xj − xlij : (i, j) is a non-empty cell inL ⊆ K[x1, . . . , xn]. Since isomorphic partial Latin squares give rise to isomorphic affine algebraic sets, every isomorphism invariant of the latter constitutes an isomorphism invariant of the former. In particular, we deal computationally with the problem of deciding whether two given partial Latin squares have either the same or isomorphic affine algebraic sets. To this end, we introduce a new pair of equivalence relations among partial Latin squares: being partial transpose and being partial isotopic

    Searching for partial Hadamard matrices

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    Three algorithms looking for pretty large partial Hadamard ma- trices are described. Here “large” means that hopefully about a third of a Hadamard matrix (which is the best asymptotic result known so far, [8]) is achieved. The first one performs some kind of local exhaustive search, and consequently is expensive from the time consuming point of view. The second one comes from the adaptation of the best genetic algorithm known so far searching for cliques in a graph, due to Singh and Gupta [21]. The last one consists in another heuristic search, which prioritizes the required processing time better than the final size of the partial Hadamard matrix to be obtained. In all cases, the key idea is characterizing the adjacency properties of vertices in a particular subgraph Gt of Ito’s Hadamard Graph (4t) [18], since cliques of order m in Gt can be seen as (m + 3) × 4t partial Hadamard matrices.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2008-06578Junta de Andalucía FQM-016Junta de Andalucía P07-FQM-0298

    ACS Searching for D4t-Hadamard Matrices

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    An Ant Colony System (ACS) looking for cocyclic Hadamard matrices over dihedral groups D4t is described. The underlying weighted graph consists of the rooted trees described in [1], whose vertices are certain subsets of coboundaries. A branch of these trees defines a D4t- Hadamard matrix if and only if two conditions hold: (i) Ii = i − 1 and, (ii) ci = t, for every 2 ≀ i ≀ t, where Ii and ci denote the number of ipaths and i-intersections (see [3] for details) related to the coboundaries defining the branch. The pheromone and heuristic values of our ACS are defined in such a way that condition (i) is always satisfied, and condition (ii) is closely to be satisfied.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn MTM2008-06578Junta de AndalucĂ­a FQM–296Junta de AndalucĂ­a P07-FQM-0298

    GA Based Robust Blind Digital Watermarking

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    A genetic algorithm based robust blind digital watermarking scheme is presented. The experimental results show that our scheme keeps invisibility, security and robustness more likely than other proposals in the literature, thanks to the GA pretreatment.Junta de AndalucĂ­a FQM-01

    A Mixed Heuristic for Generating Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices

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    A way of generating cocyclic Hadamard matrices is described, which combines a new heuristic, coming from a novel notion of fitness, and a peculiar local search, defined as a constraint satisfaction problem. Calculations support the idea that finding a cocyclic Hadamard matrix of order 4 · 47 might be within reach, for the first time, progressing further upon the ideas explained in this work.Junta de Andalucía FQM-01