16 research outputs found

    Vertical representation of CC^{\infty}-words

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    We present a new framework for dealing with CC^{\infty}-words, based on their left and right frontiers. This allows us to give a compact representation of them, and to describe the set of CC^{\infty}-words through an infinite directed acyclic graph GG. This graph is defined by a map acting on the frontiers of CC^{\infty}-words. We show that this map can be defined recursively and with no explicit references to CC^{\infty}-words. We then show that some important conjectures on CC^{\infty}-words follow from analogous statements on the structure of the graph GG.Comment: Published in Theoretical Computer Scienc

    Equitable (d,m)(d,m)-edge designs

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    The paper addresses design of experiments for classifying the input factors of a multi-variate function into negligible, linear and other (non-linear/interaction) factors. We give constructive procedures for completing the definition of the clustered designs proposed Morris 1991, that become defined for arbitrary number of input factors and desired clusters' multiplicity. Our work is based on a representation of subgraphs of the hyper-cube by polynomials that allows the formal verification of the designs' properties. Ability to generate these designs in a systematic manner opens new perspectives for the characterisation of the behaviour of the function's derivatives over the input space that may offer increased discrimination

    Extending Morris Method: identification of the interaction graph using cycle-equitabe designs

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    International audienceThe paper presents designs that allow detection of mixed effects when performing preliminary screening of the inputs of a scalar function of dd input factors, in the spirit of Morris' Elementary Effects approach. We introduce the class of (d,c)(d,c)-cycle equitable designs as those that enable computation of exactly cc second order effects on all possible pairs of input factors. Using these designs, we propose a fast Mixed Effects screening method, that enables efficient identification of the interaction graph of the input variables. Design definition is formally supported on the establishment of an isometry between sub-graphs of the unit cube QdQ_d equipped of the Manhattan metric, and a set of polynomials in (X1,,Xd)(X_1,\ldots, X_d) on which a convenient inner product is defined. In the paper we present systems of equations that recursively define these (d,c)(d,c)-cycle equitable designs for generic values of c1c\geq 1, from which direct algorithmic implementations are derived. Application cases are presented, illustrating the application of the proposed designs to the estimation of the interaction graph of specific functions

    The number of kk-parallelogram polyominoes

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    A convex polyomino is kk-convex\textit{convex} if every pair of its cells can be connected by means of a monotone path\textit{monotone path}, internal to the polyomino, and having at most kk changes of direction. The number kk-convex polyominoes of given semi-perimeter has been determined only for small values of kk, precisely k=1,2k=1,2. In this paper we consider the problem of enumerating a subclass of kk-convex polyominoes, precisely the kk-convex parallelogram polyominoes\textit{convex parallelogram polyominoes} (briefly, kk-parallelogram polyominoes\textit{parallelogram polyominoes}). For each k1k \geq 1, we give a recursive decomposition for the class of kk-parallelogram polyominoes, and then use it to obtain the generating function of the class, which turns out to be a rational function. We are then able to express such a generating function in terms of the Fibonacci polynomials\textit{Fibonacci polynomials}

    Automata and Differentiable Words

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    We exhibit the construction of a deterministic automaton that, given k > 0, recognizes the (regular) language of k-differentiable words. Our approach follows a scheme of Crochemore et al. based on minimal forbidden words. We extend this construction to the case of C\infinity-words, i.e., words differentiable arbitrary many times. We thus obtain an infinite automaton for representing the set of C\infinity-words. We derive a classification of C\infinity-words induced by the structure of the automaton. Then, we introduce a new framework for dealing with \infinity-words, based on a three letter alphabet. This allows us to define a compacted version of the automaton, that we use to prove that every C\infinity-word admits a repetition in C\infinity whose length is polynomially bounded.Comment: Accepted for publicatio

    Some Remarks on Differentiable Sequences and Recursivity

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    We investigate the recursive structure of differentiable sequences over the alphabet {1, 2}. We derive a recursive formula for the (n + 1)-th symbol of a differentiable sequence, which yields to a new recursive formula for the Kolakoski sequence. Finally, we show that the sequence of absolute differences of consecutive symbols of a differentiable sequence u is a morphic image of the run-length encoding of u

    More Statistics on Permutation Pairs

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    Two inversion formulas for enumerating words in the free monoid by `-adjacencies are applied in counting pairs of permutations by various statistics. The generating functions obtained involve refinements of bibasic Bessel functions. We further extend the results to finite sequences of permutations. This work is partially supported by EC grant CHRX-CT93-0400 and PRC Maths-Info y Financial support provided by LaBRI, Universit'e Bordeaux I the electronic journal of combinatorics 1 (1994), #R11 1 1 Introduction The study of statistics on permutation pairs was initiated by Carlitz, Scoville, and Vaughan [4]. Stanley [18] q-extended their work to finite sequences of permutations. In [6], we exploited the recursive technique of Carlitz et. al. to obtain some additional refinements. We also discussed numerous related distributions. Our purpose here is to further extend the study of statistics on finite permutation sequences. Our method is based on the theory of inversion presented in ..

    On the tiling by translation problem

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    On square or hexagonal lattices tiles or polyominoes are coded by words. The polyominoes that tile the plane by translation are characterized by the Beauquier-Nivat condition. By using the constant time algorithms for computing the longest common extensions in two words, we provide a linear time algorithm in the case of pseudo-square polyominoes, improving the previous quadratic algorithm of Gambini and Vuillon. For pseudo-hexagon polyominoes not containing arbitrarily large square factors we also have a linear algorithm. The results are extended to more general tiles. Key words: Tiling polyominoes, plane tesselation, longest common extensions

    A Quality Measure for Multi-Level Community Structure

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    International audienceMining relational data often boils down to computing clusters, that is finding sub-communities of data elements forming cohesive sub-units, while being well separated from one another. The clusters themselves are sometimes terms “communities” and the way clusters relate to one another is often referred to as a “community structure”. We study a modularity criterionMQ introduced by Mancoridis et al. in order to infer community structure on relational data. We prove a fundamental and useful property of the modularity measure MQ, showing that it can be approximated by a gaussian distribution, making it a prevalent choice over less focused optimization criterion for graph clustering. This makes it possible to compare two different clusterings of a same graph as well as asserting the overall quality of a given clustering relying on the fact that MQ is gaussian. Moreover, we introduce a generalization extending MQ to hierarchical clusterings of graphs which reduces to the original MQ when the hierarchy becomes flat