16 research outputs found

    Kajszifajták pomológiai vizsgálata és a szalicilsav és metil-jazmonát posztharveszt alkalmazásának hatása a stresszrezisztenciára.

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    A tudományos kutatómunka célkitűzése volt i) a szalicilsav kezelések hatásának vizsgálata 3 kajszifajta tárolhatóságára, ii) a szalicilsav és a metiljazmonát kezelések hatásának vizsgálata ‘Bergarouge’ fajta gyümölcsök beltartalmi paramétereire 2 különböző tárolási körülmény között; és iii) a M. laxa-val fertőzött kajszi gyümölcsök beltartalmi paramétereinek összehasonlítása szalicilsav és metiljazmonát kezelések mellett. Flavor Cot, Jambo Cot and Bergeron fajtákat 1 C-on tároltuk és a 7., 14., 21. és 28. napokon felvéteztük a beltartalmi paramétereiket. 1 és 2 mmol L-1 szalicilsav szignifikánsan csökkentette a gyümölcsök tömegvesztését és puhulását és javította a szárazanyagtartalmat és savtartamat a teljes tárolási időszak alatt. A szalicilsav kezelés csökkentette a gyümölcsrothadást és az alacsony tárolási hőmérséklet károsító hatását. A szalicilsav kezelés növelte a gyümölcsök össz fenoltartalmát, antioxidáns kapacitását és a karotinoidtartalmát. A betakarítást követő 0.2 mmol metiljazmonát és 2 mmol szalicilsav javította a ‘Bergarouge’ fajta szinte valamennyi beltartalmi jellemzőjét, mind a hűtőtárolóban (1 C) és mind a pulton (25 C). Mind a metiljazmonát és mind a szalicilsav kezelések szignifikánsan csökkentették a gyümölcsök tömegvesztését és puhulását és javították a szárazanyag- és savtartamat a teljes tárolási időszak alatt. A két kezelés csökkentette a gyümölcsrothadást, az alacsony tárolási hőmérséklet károsító hatását, valamint növelték a gyümölcsök össz fenoltartalmát és antioxidáns kapacitását is. A két kezelés fokozta a PAL és SOD enzimek aktivitását is mind a két tárolási feltétel mellett. A 2 mmol L-1 szalicilsav és a 0.4 mmol L-1 metiljazmonát csökkentette a M. laxa gomba növekedési rátáját a gyümölcsök fertőzöttségi gyakoriságát és a képződött rothadó foltok átmérőjét is. Minkét kezelés direkt és indirekt gátló hatást gyakorolt a kórokozó gombára. A beltartalmi vizsgálatok igazolták a metiljazmonát növelte a gyümölcsök lignintartalmát. A metiljazmonát növelte a SOD és POD enzimek aktivitását a fertőzött gyümölcsökben. Mindkét kezelés növelte a fertőzött gyümölcsök fenoltartalmát és a PAL enzim aktivitását. Apricot fruit production occupies very important position in regard to fruit production in Hungary. The last 10 years many cultivars were introduced into Hungary and the evaluation of these cultivars acceptability to Hungary conditions is very important for enhancement this industry. The first experiment: effect of different salicylic acid SA concentations on different apricot cultivas in regad to storability Cultivar Flavor Cot, Jambo cot and Bergeron were used in during cold storage (1 C for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days). Applications of 1 and/or 2 mmol L-1 SA significantly reduced fruit weight loss and fruit softening and maintained soluble solid content and acidity over the whole storage period. Chilling injury and fruit decay index indicated SA significantly reduced the deterioration of apricot fruit. Fruit treated 2 mmol L-1 SA had priority to keep the fruit firmness and at the same time was able to reduce the chilling injury and decay development. Fruits treated with SA were characterized by high total polyphenolic content, antioxidant capacity and carotenoids content while these parameters significantly decreased quickly in control fruits. In contrast the ascorbic acid values increased in control fruit. The second experiment: effect of SA and/or methyl jasmonate (MeJA) on fruit quality, alleviating chilling injuiries and pomological characters of apricot fruit (Prunus armeniaca L.) cv. ‘Bergarouge’ Postharvest treatments of apricot fruit with 0.2 mmol MeJA and 2 mmol SA were studied to enhance fruit quality and decrease chilling injury during storage. MeJA and SA application helped to keep fruit quality in early phases of storage by reducing fruit weight lost, fruit softening, maintaining soluble solid content (SSC) and acidity over the whole storage period. The decay and chilling injury index indicated that MeJA and SA reduced the deterioration of apricot fruit and this trend was also clear during 4 days at 25 C. Fruit treated with MeJA and SA were characterized by high total polyphenolic content and antioxidant capacity while these parameters decreased quickly in control fruits. Treated fruit with MeJA and SA enhanced phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities during the early phase of storage period. Our results support the idea of using MeJA and SA can help to enhance and prolong the storability of apricot fruits during cold storage and also can help to prolong its shelf-life period. These beneficial effects might be attributed to the modification of stress-related enzyme activities, which results in an increase of polyphenolic contents of fruit tissues. this study we thought that the assessment of the effect of these elicitors in apricot fruit storability and shelf life to be more effective and provide novel information has to involve studying the effect of these chemical in sensory parameter. Most of sensory parameter data showed that the MeJA and SA recoded the highest score over 2 weeks of cold storage or 8 days at room temperature while the control fruit showed the extreme low texture, and taste score over 2 weeks at 1 o C or 4 days at 25 o C. Fruit color score showed priority of control fruit at 2nd week cold storage or at 4th day a room temperature and this may because the fast over ripening of untreated fruit. The third experiment: effect of SA and/or MeJA on induce resistance to Monilinia laxa on apricot fruit (Prunus armeniaca L.) cv. ‘Bergarouge’ This experiment showed favorable effect of 2 mmol L-1 of SA and 0.4 mmol L-1 of MeJA than the other concentrations in regard to reduce growth rate, disease incidence and lesion diameter of M. laxa. The 2 mmol L-1 of SA and 0.4 mmol L-1 concentrations were used to investigate how the SA and MeJA can improve the resistance of cultivar Bergarouge fruit to M. laxa. One group of the fruit was wounded and incubated with M. laxa and other group was not wounded. The two groups were stored at shelf at 25 -C for 8 days and the samples were taken and measured 2 days intervals. The SA and MeJA showed high direct toxicity in vivo in regard to the growth rate of the fungi than water treated media. At the same time the disease incidence and lesion diameter were low in SA and MeJA treated fruit than control fruit. For fruit firmness, control fruit showed sharp deterioration in fruit firmness while treated fruit with SA or MeJA in non inoculation fruit, present approximately unchanged fruit firmness during second, 4th and 6th of storage at 25 C. MeJA showed high accumulation of lignin than the other treatment, SA did not affect lignin content. Phenolic content was enhanced and increased significantly by SA and MeJA treatment in comparison to water treated fruit. The defense enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and phenyl alanine ammonia layase (PAL) were measured periodically and MeJA showed high influence on these enzymes activities. the role of MeJA appear obviously in infected fruit as SOD and POD activity increased significantly than SA after infection. Fruit treated with SA or MeJA showed enhance PAL activity than control fruit. In conclusion, these elicators seems to play vital role to improve apricot fruit resistance by two ways, the first by the direct toxicity on fungi and the second way by improving the antioxidant statement of the fruit and raising the defenses enzymes