14 research outputs found

    2-Dimensional Resistivity Imaging of Inyi Coal-Field, Anambra Basin, Nigeria

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    2-Dimensional resistivity imaging of Inyi coalfield has been carried out with a view of imaging the coal field for possible location and future exploitation of the coal seam in the area and to carry out detailed geological mapping aimed at producing the geologic map of the area and to provide recommendations for managing the exploitation and exploration of solid minerals in the area. ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000 was used for resistivity data collection and Wenner-Schlumberger array electrode configuration was used because of its sensitivity to both horizontal and vertical structures. 2-D imaging was targeted at determining the lateral extent of the coal seam, the depth to the coal seam and the thickness of the coal seam. 50 VES points was conducted to help in delineating lithology and to be used in correlating 2-D results. Result reveals a resistivity values ranging from 600Ωm to 45000Ωm around the surveyed area. It also show that the coal in the area occurred at varying depth between 4m to about 14.3m which could be extensive below this depth and the thickness ranging from 1m to 3m. Twenty one (21) points of coal seams was identified using VES at various depths ranging from about 0.9m to 23m. The thickness of the coal seams found in the area ranges from about 0.2m to 4m. The coal in the study area is disseminated and occurred at shallow depth hence it’s not in economic quantity but the coal can be mined locally

    Delineation of Basin Geometry within Parts of Northern Anambra Basin, Nigeria: An Aeromagnetic Approach

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    Total field aeromagnetic anomalies over Ankpa and environs Northern Anambra basin (sheets 269, 270,288 and 289) were acquired, digitized and analyzed with a view of mapping the predominate geologic structures, demarcate the basin geometry, estimation of the basal depth (sedimentary thicknesses) and produce an ideological magnetic potential map of the area. The residual map is noticeable by spirogyra and uneven shaped bodies characterized by different magnetic values ranging from lows, highs and medium magnetic intensities within the range of -91.50nT to 41.60nT. qualitative study of the residual anomalous map shows the presence of basement rocks intrusion around north and south-western portion of the area. Downward continuation map reveals the structures are orienting in NE-SW and NW-SE direction and these conforms with trend of structures in Northern Anambra basin and by extension lower Benue trough. Result from quantitative interpretation shows two basal depth sources, the deeply seated magnetic source which ranges from 1.76 to 4.50km and the near surface seated magnetic sources, ranging from 0.50 to 1.76km. The shallower magnetic basal depth sources are believed to be as a result of basement intrusion or magnetized ore bodies inside the sedimentary infillings. 3-D surface map reveals a depression at the middle part of the study area indicating thicker sediments which trend northwest-southeast direction while the eastern and southern parts have shallower sedimentary thicknesses. The high pass filter map depicts anomalies between the range -16.0nT and 8.7nT. Keywords:Spectral Analysis, Magnetic Potential, Basin Configuration, High-pass-filter, Downward-Continuation. DOI: 10.7176/JEES/11-4-04 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Evaluation of Second National Fadama Development Project in Nigeria: A Rapid Policy Appraisal

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    The Second National Fadama Development Project was borne out of the need to ensure all year round agricultural production using available Fadama resources in Nigeria and also a follow – up to Fadama 1 that was adjudged successful. Its approach was Community Driven Development (CDD) with emphasis on social inclusiveness and empowerment of the rural people to take charge of their development agenda. The Project focused on increasing sustainably the incomes of Fadama Users via empowerment in terms of capacity building, advisory services, acquisition of productive assets and rural infrastructure development. As at mid – term, beneficiaries have increased their income by about 25%. So far, an estimated 2.3 million Fadama households have benefited from the expansion in incomes and wealth (asset) derived from the previously unavailable services provided by the project. The project had created about 126, 000 permanent jobs and an additional savings of more than $40.8 million have been realized by the majority of the participating states

    Evaluation of Second National Fadama Development Project in Nigeria: A Rapid Policy Appraisal

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    The Second National Fadama Development Project was borne out of the need to ensure all year round agricultural production using available Fadama resources in Nigeria and also a follow – up to Fadama 1 that was adjudged successful. Its approach was Community Driven Development (CDD) with emphasis on social inclusiveness and empowerment of the rural people to take charge of their development agenda. The Project focused on increasing sustainably the incomes of Fadama Users via empowerment in terms of capacity building, advisory services, acquisition of productive assets and rural infrastructure development. As at mid – term, beneficiaries have increased their income by about 25%. So far, an estimated 2.3 million Fadama households have benefited from the expansion in incomes and wealth (asset) derived from the previously unavailable services provided by the project. The project had created about 126, 000 permanent jobs and an additional savings of more than $40.8 million have been realized by the majority of the participating states

    Servicescape and loyalty intentions : an empirical investigation

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    Purpose - This paper seeks better to conceptualise, operationalise and subsequently to test a multi-dimensional and more social view of servicescape and the direct and moderated linkages with loyalty intentions. Design/methodology/approach - A survey research method was used to study servicescapes in the context of UK restaurants. Findings - In furtherance of conceptualisation efforts, a model is developed to evaluate the linear influences of nine servicescape variables on customers' loyalty intentions. Additionally, the model appraises the impact of personal and environmental factors which moderate the servicescape-loyalty intentions relationship. Analysis of survey responses finds a number of significant associations with loyalty intentions. Practical implications - The results of the study indicate that practitioners should reflect carefully on a range of servicescape variables and judiciously manage such factors to improve the extent to which consumers are likely to foster positive intentions to be loyal. Originality/value - The paper contributes a multi-dimensional and more social framework of servicescape that is subsequently operationalised and tested. It also supplies a measure of servicescape that future researchers may find useful