23 research outputs found

    Anatomia do lenho secundário de Annona glabra L. (Annonaceae), algumas propriedades físicas da madeira e análise crítica da grafia do gênero

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    Analisadas a estrutura do lenho secundário da raiz, da madeira e algumas de suas propriedades físicas, bem como a estrutura da casca. Foram realizados testes histoquímicos para detectar elementos minerais ocorrentes na madeira e na casca. Paralelamente estabelecida, através de pesquisas bibliográficas, a grafia correta do gênero Annona.The root of Annona glabra L. is extremely soft, light in weight and spongy, morphologically like cork. The secondary wood has few vessels, no fibers, and has a great deal of axial aerenchyma. The aerenchyma cells are pitted and appear like vessel elements. The bark when cut gives off an abundant volatile perfume. The roots are used by fishemen in Pernambuco (Brazil) and Florida (USA) as floats for their nets. The wood of the trunk is lightweight and soft. In transverse section and in disassociated cells, crystals of silica, calcium carbonate and calcium carbonate and calcium oxalate can be noted, aill in same vessel element. The rays are homogenous of Kribs type II. The bark is perfumed and contains many crystals of calcium oxalate. The spelling of "Annona" should have two n's because of the origin of the word as used by Linnaeus and also according to the list of Nomina Conservanda

    Desarrollo de un componente de intercambio electrónico de datos para la mejora del proceso de afiliación de seguros de salud en la superintendencia nacional de salud

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    El proceso de Registro de Asegurados es un mecanismo, a través del cual se realiza la transferencia de información desde las aseguradoras hacia a la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud. La información contiene los datos asociados a una persona que cuenta con algún seguro de salud que se envía a través de archivos planos donde la información que se remite se encuentran definidos bajo criterios estructurales de posicionamiento, luego estos datos son extraídos, validados, procesados y almacenados en los repositorios de la Superintendencia. El mecanismo de manejo de la información no cuenta con ningún estándar que les otorga a los datos todas las bondades propias de los formatos estandarizados de intercambio electrónico de datos (EDI siglas en ingles). Este mecanismo de manejo en la estructura de la información no dispone de escalabilidad en el tiempo ya que cualquier modificación en algún dato de la información manejada en el proceso de intercambio entre las entidades involucradas, impactaría en la funcionalidad de tales procesos. Los inconvenientes son el desfase de actualización de la información al no contar con procesamiento en tiempo real. Se busca obtener eficiencia en la captura de información del Registro de Asegurados del Aseguramiento Universal en Salud. La implementación de un componente forma parte del engranaje de una plataforma de interoperabilidad e integración entre la Superintendencia, los administrados y los usuarios de los servicios de salud para otorgar al proceso de afiliación, la calidad, información actualizada, ordenamiento y escalabilidad en el tiempo para los datos que forman parte de los procesos transaccionales. El componente de intercambio electrónico de datos brinda la capacidad de transformar la información propia de envíos y respuestas en el proceso de registro de asegurados a través del proceso en línea otorgándole a la misma una estructura con formato de intercambio electrónico de datos utilizado como estándar en el sector saludThe Insured Registration process is a mechanism, through which information is transferred from the insurers to the National Superintendency of Health. The information contains the data associated with a person who has some health insurance that is sent through flat files where the information that is forwarded is defined under structural criteria of positioning, then this data is extracted, validated, processed and stored in the repositories of the Superintendency. The information management mechanism does not have any standard that gives the data all the benefits of standardized EDI (electronic data interchange) formats. This management mechanism in the structure of the information does not have scalability in the time since any modification in some data of the information handled in the process of interchange between the involved entities, would impact in the functionality of such processes. The disadvantages are the information update mismatch as there is no real-time processing. It seeks to obtain efficiency in the capture of information from the Registry of Insured of the Universal Health Insurance. The implementation of a component is part of an interoperability and integration platform between the Superintendency, the administrators and the users of the health services to grant the affiliation process, quality, updated information, ordering and scalability over time. The data that are part of the transactional processes. The electronic data interchange component provides the ability to transform own information of remittances and responses into the insured registration process through the online process, giving it an electronic data interchange format structure used as standard in the Health secto


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    This study is part of the development of a model of hydraulic calculation of controlling reserves control in drinking water supply systems. To that end, the general expressions of the cumulative curves of gravity water supply and pumped water supply as well as the ones of the distribution over time were formulated. It appears from this study that for a peak coefficient Kp between 1.2 and 1.4, the cumulative consumption evolves linearly and for Kp ranging from 1.45 to 2.5 the cumulative consumption follows a polynomial curve of degree 3. Then, there is a relationship between the respective totals of gravity water supply and pumped water supply and the total of the cumulative consumption, which superimposed have enabled the establish- ment of the mathematical model for determining the volume of the controlling reserves

    Panegyris LIPSIAE,|| DE CONDITIONE || VRBIS ELEGANTISSIMAE, FVNDA-||TIONE ACADEMIAE FLORENTISSIMAE,|| & ijs, quae ad laudem nobilissimae ciuitatis pertinere vi-||deantur, narrationem complectens: originem || item gentis Mysorum perstringens:|| HONORI INCLYTI SENATVS,|| populíq; Reipub. Lipsiensis contexta:|| et || PVBLICE IN MAGNO PHILOSOPHO-||RVM ACROATERIO, XII. CALEND.|| April. an. ... CI#) I#).XC.|| pronunciata, ab || Ezechia Fabricio, Glogouiensi, Elys. M.|| ... ||

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    PANEGYRIS LIPSIAE,|| DE CONDITIONE || VRBIS ELEGANTISSIMAE, FVNDA-||TIONE ACADEMIAE FLORENTISSIMAE,|| & IJS, QUAE AD LAUDEM NOBILISSIMAE CIUITATIS PERTINERE VI-||DEANTUR, NARRATIONEM COMPLECTENS: ORIGINEM || ITEM GENTIS MYSORUM PERSTRINGENS:|| HONORI INCLYTI SENATVS,|| POPULÍQ; REIPUB. LIPSIENSIS CONTEXTA:|| ET || PVBLICE IN MAGNO PHILOSOPHO-||RVM ACROATERIO, XII. CALEND.|| APRIL. AN. ... CI#) I#).XC.|| PRONUNCIATA, AB || EZECHIA FABRICIO, GLOGOUIENSI, ELYS. M.|| ... || Panegyris LIPSIAE,|| DE CONDITIONE || VRBIS ELEGANTISSIMAE, FVNDA-||TIONE ACADEMIAE FLORENTISSIMAE,|| & ijs, quae ad laudem nobilissimae ciuitatis pertinere vi-||deantur, narrationem complectens: originem || item gentis Mysorum perstringens:|| HONORI INCLYTI SENATVS,|| populíq; Reipub. Lipsiensis contexta:|| et || PVBLICE IN MAGNO PHILOSOPHO-||RVM ACROATERIO, XII. CALEND.|| April. an. ... CI#) I#).XC.|| pronunciata, ab || Ezechia Fabricio, Glogouiensi, Elys. M.|| ... || (1) Titelseite (1) Glückwunschadresse (2) Widmung (3) Text (7

    Contribuição para o conhecimento ecodendrométrico de matas ripárias da região Centro-Oeste brasileira Ecodendrometric data on riparian forest in Central-Westem, Brazil

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    O estudo tem por escopo somar subsídios biológicos e dendrométrios com vistas à prática de manejo de rendimento sustentado em matas riparias (ciliares) da região Centro-Oeste brasileira. Dentre outros parâmetros, foram considerados o volume de madeira do fuste por hectare, incremento, número de árvores por classes de diâmetro e área basal. Nos 3 525 hectares estudados ocorrem 1 416 indivíduos arbóreos, ou seja, 402 indivíduos por hectares e 282 672 m³ de madeira.<br>This study is a contribution to the dendrometrical and ecological knowledge of gallery forests of the Brazilian Mid-West region. Its objective is to add biological information to the practice of sustained ecological handling. Among other parameters, the volume, basal areas and number of trees/ha are considered. A total of 1,416 trees was found in 3,525 hectares corresponding to 402 units per hectare and 282,672 m³ of wood

    Ecodendrometric data on riparian forest in Central-Westem, Brazil

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    O estudo tem por escopo somar subsídios biológicos e dendrométrios com vistas à prática de manejo de rendimento sustentado em matas riparias (ciliares) da região Centro-Oeste brasileira. Dentre outros parâmetros, foram considerados o volume de madeira do fuste por hectare, incremento, número de árvores por classes de diâmetro e área basal. Nos 3 525 hectares estudados ocorrem 1 416 indivíduos arbóreos, ou seja, 402 indivíduos por hectares e 282 672 m3 de madeira