470 research outputs found

    Survey of Input Modalities in the Western World

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    Having your account compromised can lead to serious complications in your life. Oneway accounts become compromised is through the security risks associated with weakpasswords and reused passwords [22,23]. In this thesis, we seek to understand howentering passwords on non-PC devices contributes to the problems of weak and reusedpasswords. To do so, we conducted a survey that was distributed to people in thethe Western World. In our survey results, we found that users commented abouthow the current password model was not created with a variety of device types inmind, which created frustrations and complexity in the authentication process. Wealso found that users will try to prioritize using the devices that are fast and theones they are familiar with. While users are most frequently authenticating usingkeyboards and mice, and generally had a strong preference for physical devices, wealso found that touchscreen and mobile devices were the next most frequent deviceused to authenticate. When authenticating on other devices, users listed a numberof frustrations like not having access to password managers and having to use arrowkeys to input passwords, which made the whole process slower and more complex.Ultimately, these frustrations caused a majority of users to create intentionally weakpasswords so they could authenticate faster and it caused other users to simply refuseto use the device or service. This shows that there are specific user needs that are notbeing met when it comes to the current authentication scheme, and to rectify this,we suggest a preliminary model for how password managers might better meet theseneeds in the conclusion of this paper

    Simulation of production scheduling in manufacturing systems

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    Research into production scheduling environments has been primarily concerned with developing local priority rules for selecting jobs from a queue to be processed on a set of individual machines. Most of the research deals with the scheduling problems in terms of the evaluation of priority rules with respect to given criteria. These criteria have a direct effect on the production cost, such as mean make-span, flow-time, job lateness, m-process inventory and machine idle time. The project under study consists of the following two phases. The first is to deal with the development of computer models for the flow-shop problem, which obtain the optimum make-span and near-optimum solutions for the well-used criteria in the production scheduling priority rules. The second is to develop experimental analysis using a simulation technique, for the two main manufacturing systems, 1. Job-shop 2. Flexible Manufacturing System The two manufacturing types were investigated under the following conditions i. Dynamic problem conditions ii. Different operation time distributions iii. Different shop loads iv. Seven replications per experiment with different streams of random number v. The approximately steady state point for each replication was obtained. In the FMS, the material handling system used was the automated guided Vehicles (AGVs), buffer station and load/ unload area were also used. The aim of these analyses is to deal with the effectiveness of the priority rules on the selected criteria performance. The SIMAN software simulation was used for these studies

    Mixing characteristics of bubble columns with internals for Biomass to liquid synthesis [abstract]

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    Only abstract of poster available.Track II: Transportation and BiofuelsThe use of renewable energy sources is becoming increasingly necessary, if we are to achieve the changes required to address the impacts of global warming. Biomass is the most common form of renewable energy, widely used in the third world but until recently, less so in the Western world. Latterly much attention has been focused on the conversion of biomass to liquid fuels; a process which would greatly increases the potential usefulness of biomass as a renewable resource. Conversion of biomass to liquid is carried out by first gasification of biomass to yield synthetic gas. The synthetic gas can then be converted to liquid fuels using Fischer Tropsch process or transformed to methanol for subsequent use as a chemical, solvent or fuel. For large-scale FT / methanol synthesis the slurry bubble column reactor is the best choice. These reactors offer high conversion and high volumetric productivity when operated in the heterogeneous or churn turbulent regime. Notwithstanding the presence of large diameter bubbles and their short residence time in the liquid, gas-liquid mass transfer is quite fast in this regime due to the effective interaction between bubbles of various sizes. However, despite the simple construction and operation of bubble columns, their scale-up is very difficult due to complex interrelations among the many parameters that determine the behavior of bubble columns. In addition the complexity increases with the presence of cooling internals that affect the hydrodynamics and mixing behavior in bubble columns. Gas phase backmixing is one of the important hydrodynamic parameters to be considered in the scale-up of bubble columns as it can adversely affect the reaction rates and product selectivity. The present investigation focuses on studying the effect of the cooling internals on gas phase mixing behavior. The percentage of internals used in this study is the same percentage used industrially for methanol synthesis (5 % internals) and FT synthesis (25% internals)

    Key determinants of the voluntary adoption of corporate internet reporting and its consequence on firm value : evidence from Egypt

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    Corporate Internet reporting represents one of the voluntary types which helps to achieve transparency by disseminating various types of timely information by using different presentation types and easily accessible tools. Corporate governance has become one of the most crucial issues in recent years due to the consequent scandals that have happened either in developed or developing countries. Therefore, most stakeholders demand greater transparency within the disclosed information provided by various companies. Consequently, the current study aims to contribute to the disclosure literature by examining the association between corporate Internet reporting and its main components, and corporate governance and ownership structure variables in one of the developing countries, namely Egypt, based on a comprehensive theoretical framework and explore the economic consequences of corporate Internet reporting and its main components. By using a self-construct disclosure index, the study measures corporate Internet reporting based on an un-weighted checklist that includes 100 items. Of the Egyptian listed companies, 343 are surveyed to explore the extent of corporate Internet reporting. The findings reveal that about half of the Egyptian listed companies have a website. However, the level of corporate Internet reporting is slightly low relatively to the developed countries. The results of the empirical findings demonstrate that corporate Internet reporting by Egyptian listed companies is influenced by various variables such as company size, leverage, legal form, asset in place, financial type, foreign listing, audit type, shares volatility, shares activity, shares issuance, block holder ownership, managerial ownership, governmental ownership, institutional ownership, board size and family members on the board. In addition, the study indicates that these determinants vary among the various components of corporate Internet reporting: content, presentation, timeliness and usability. Finally, the study provides empirical evidence that corporate Internet reporting has a positive impact on firm value. Such a finding demonstrates the importance of corporate Internet reporting in the Egyptian context and reveals the motivation for applying such a disclosure medium.Egyptian Governmen


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    One of the most relevant flow assurance issue in oil transportation is indeed the phenomena of wax deposition. Wax deposition occur when the temperature along the pipeline falls below a point where it is described as Wax Appearance Temperature(WAT) of the oil. The deposition may cause a lot of problems to the industry and definitely will involve expensive cause to overcome the problem. The main objective of this study is to compare wax deposition predicted by a simulation model to operational data. Literature reviews was conducted extensively in order to have a better understanding regarding the topic and developments regarding this topic in recent years. The objective and scope of studies is determined. A Gantt chart is also constructed to measure the progress of the project. Forecasted result and outcome from this project are informations to determine which wax deposition method in certain software are the most reliable on predicting wax deposition to be use in Petroleum industry. Prediction of wax deposition indeed help to minimize the cost of operating such equipment. The model used for the wax deposition simulations in this study is described below. The properties of the fluids used in the study are presented and discussed. Then the simulation results are presented and compared to the existing field experience data. Finally, some conclusion are drawn. This simulation will enable prediction of wax deposition such as its wax deposition rate and thickness of deposition. A main conclusion of this paper is that wax deposition under field condition is not as severe as predicted by the model. This information will be greatly appreciated since it can assess remediation or prevention strategies, such as, the models can be used to evaluate insulation effectiveness or to estimate pigging frequency

    Capacity of public health laws enforcement by health inspectors in state of Selangor, Malaysia

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    A cross sectional study initiated among the Public Health Enforcement Inspectors in state of Selangor, Malaysia in July 2003 using a self administered questionnaire and universal sampling with the purpose to determine the capacity of public health laws enforcement and factors influencing it. A total of 99 respondents from the Health Districts Ofices and I00 respondents from the Local Municipal Health Departments participated in this study. It was found that the level of enforcement is generally low in all the units except for two units; the Food Unit and Sanitary and Hygiene Units. Factors found to influence enforcement capacity are the units' the enforcers work in and the length of service being in the same unit. Further analysis using multiple logistic regression, showed that respondents from the Food Unit (adjusted odds ratio 22; CI 95% : 7.851, 58.896), enforcers from the middle level category (adjusted odds ratio 5; CI 95%: 1.397, 17.630), duration of service of 4 years and above in the same unit (adjusted odds ratio 6; CI 95%: 2.174, 13.747), past acceptance of formal service rewards from their departments (adjusted odds ratio 3; CI 95% : 1.150, 6.917); low exposure to bribery (adjusted odds ratio 46; CI 95% : 2.336, 1000) and have in the past being oflered bribes while on the field (adjusted odds ratio 3; CI 95% : 1.018, 4.772) are associated with higher enforcement capacity. In conclusion; die attention must be looked into the enforcement organization with respect to the duration of service, acknowledgement via service rewards and monitoring of bribes exposure will help shape a better public health laws' enforcement capacity

    Antimicrobial resistance, Virulence profiles of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium isolated from clinical samples

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    A total of 33 Salmonella enterica serovar (ser.) Typhimurium isolates were isolated from clinical samples. These isolates were subjected to testing and analyzed for antibiotic resistance and virulence genes by using simplex PCR. All isolates were sensitive to gentamycin, kanamycin, nalidixic acid, chloramphenicol, and sulfisoxazol. on other hands the isolates showed intermediate resistance to streptomycin while one isolate (# 22) showed resistance to chloramphenicol and tetracycline. For ampicillin, six isolates were resistance to the drug. 33 of the showed either intermediate or full resistance to one or two of the animicrobials tested. Most isolates were positive for teen of the virulence genes tested (msgA, tolC, spaN, invA, ipfC, sitC,sopB, orgA, pagC and pefA ) . For sitC, three isolated were negative to this virulence gene .While two isolate were negative to lpfC . One isolate # 33 was negative to orgA and spaN. These results suggest that S. Typhimurium from clinical is virulent, and that capable of causing salmonellosis in humans and it may contribute to pathogenesi