6 research outputs found

    Assessment of construction workers' hydration status using urine specific gravity

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    Objectives: The study objective was to assess hydration status by measuring USG among construction workers in Iran. Materials and Methods: The study design was comparative and experimental. Sixty participants were randomly selected from the construction workers from a construction campus with a similar type of work, climate and diet and formed 2 groups (individuals exposed to the sun and non-exposed individuals). TWL and USG were measured in both groups on 2 consequent days, at the beginning, mid and end of the work shift. Results: USG test showed that mean USG was 1.0213±0.0054 in the control group and in the exposed group, where it was significantly higher, it amounted to 1.026±0.005. In the exposed group, 38 of workers had a USG level between 1.026-1.030, representing a higher risk of heat illness and impaired performance and 12.72 had a USG level above 1.030 representing a clinically dehydrated status, while this proportion in the control group was 15.2 and 0.58, respectively. The mean TWL index measure was 215.8±5.2 W/m2 for the control group and 144±9.8 W/m2 for the exposed group, where, again, it was significantly higher. The Pearson correlation measure showed a significant correlation between USG and TWL. Conclusions: Strong correlation between TWL, as an indicator of thermal stress and USG shows that USG can be considered as a predictor of thermal stress. The difference between USG among the exposed and non-exposed workers and the increase in USG during midday work show the sensitivity of this measure in different thermal and climatic conditions, whereas, the high level of dehydration among workers despite acceptable TWL level, shows that heat stress management without considering the real hydration status of workers, is insufficient. © 2013 Versita Warsaw and Springer-Verlag Wien

    Analytical evaluation of work ability index and its determining factors among workers of a car manufacturing industry

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      Background and aims : The ability of work is the basis of well-being for all of us. Many factors affect the work ability such as work and work condition, work organization and human resource. The aim of this study was to assess the work ability among car manufacturing workers and determine the relationship between the work ability index with individual characteristics and life style factors.   Methods : The study was a descriptive cross-sectional investigation. The subjects comprised of 271 workers­ with mean age of 35 years who occupied by a car manufacturing Company. They completed the Work Ability Index Questionnaire during semi interview sessions. The job groups of Painting Shop, assembling line, office department, and technical section were studied. Statistical tests including one-way­ ANOVA, t-test, Kruskal wallis were used for analyzing the relationship between work ability index and individual characteristic as well as life style factors. To test the distribution of work ability index score categories, a chi-square test was used and finally, Spearman correlation coefficient was used in order to determine correlation between the final of work ability index score with any of questionnaire items.   Results : The mean value of work ability index in this study was (37.67) with SD=5.87. The WAI categories were 17.71% in "excellent", 38.75% in "good", 36.16% in "moderate", and 7.4% in "poor" levels. Association between life style factors (obesity, smoking, exercise) and WAI was statistically significant (P< .0.001 ). Lower WAI was associated with increasing the age, high work experience and lower education (P<.0.001). Meanwhile, physical demand of the jobs was strongly associated with the WAI score (P<.0.001). Conclusion : On the basis of Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, the value of work ability in current study was in good category(37-43); but, concerning the mean age (35 years) of the studied population the mean value of work ability is not appropriate. Individual characteristics, such as age and life style, are most effective factors on work abilities of the employees. Therefore, preventive programs relating to the work conditions as well as life style should be considered for improving the work ability. Some of these actions are establishing effective ergonomics evaluation and intervention programs, decreasing smoking rate, proposing appropriate diets to maintain ideal weight and functional capacity of the workers

    Prevalence, Location, and Size of Maxillary Sinus Septa: Computed Tomography Scan Analysis

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