7 research outputs found

    The NlpD Lipoprotein Is a Novel Yersinia pestis Virulence Factor Essential for the Development of Plague

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    Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of plague. Previously we have isolated an attenuated Y. pestis transposon insertion mutant in which the pcm gene was disrupted. In the present study, we investigated the expression and the role of pcm locus genes in Y. pestis pathogenesis using a set of isogenic surE, pcm, nlpD and rpoS mutants of the fully virulent Kimberley53 strain. We show that in Y. pestis, nlpD expression is controlled from elements residing within the upstream genes surE and pcm. The NlpD lipoprotein is the only factor encoded from the pcm locus that is essential for Y. pestis virulence. A chromosomal deletion of the nlpD gene sequence resulted in a drastic reduction in virulence to an LD50 of at least 107 cfu for subcutaneous and airway routes of infection. The mutant was unable to colonize mouse organs following infection. The filamented morphology of the nlpD mutant indicates that NlpD is involved in cell separation; however, deletion of nlpD did not affect in vitro growth rate. Trans-complementation experiments with the Y. pestis nlpD gene restored virulence and all other phenotypic defects. Finally, we demonstrated that subcutaneous administration of the nlpD mutant could protect animals against bubonic and primary pneumonic plague. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Y. pestis NlpD is a novel virulence factor essential for the development of bubonic and pneumonic plague. Further, the nlpD mutant is superior to the EV76 prototype live vaccine strain in immunogenicity and in conferring effective protective immunity. Thus it could serve as a basis for a very potent live vaccine against bubonic and pneumonic plague

    Rapid, Sensitive and Reliable Ricin Identification in Serum Samples Using LC–MS/MS

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    Ricin, a protein derived from the seeds of the castor bean plant (Ricinus communis), is a highly lethal toxin that inhibits protein synthesis, resulting in cell death. The widespread availability of ricin, its ease of extraction and its extreme toxicity make it an ideal agent for bioterrorism and self-poisoning. Thus, a rapid, sensitive and reliable method for ricin identification in clinical samples is required for applying appropriate and timely medical intervention. However, this goal is challenging due to the low predicted toxin concentrations in bio-fluids, accompanied by significantly high matrix interferences. Here we report the applicability of a sensitive, selective, rapid, simple and antibody-independent assay for the identification of ricin in body fluids using mass spectrometry (MS). The assay involves lectin affinity capturing of ricin by easy-to-use commercial lactose–agarose (LA) beads, following by tryptic digestion and selected marker identification using targeted LC–MS/MS (Multiple Reaction Monitoring) analysis. This enables ricin identification down to 5 ng/mL in serum samples in 2.5 h. To validate the assay, twenty-four diverse naive- or ricin-spiked serum samples were evaluated, and both precision and accuracy were determined. A real-life test of the assay was successfully executed in a challenging clinical scenario, where the toxin was identified in an abdominal fluid sample taken 72 h post self-injection of castor beans extraction in an eventual suicide case. This demonstrates both the high sensitivity of this assay and the extended identification time window, compared to similar events that were previously documented. This method developed for ricin identification in clinical samples has the potential to be applied to the identification of other lectin toxins

    Rapid, Sensitive and Reliable Ricin Identification in Serum Samples Using LC–MS/MS

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    Ricin, a protein derived from the seeds of the castor bean plant (Ricinus communis), is a highly lethal toxin that inhibits protein synthesis, resulting in cell death. The widespread availability of ricin, its ease of extraction and its extreme toxicity make it an ideal agent for bioterrorism and self-poisoning. Thus, a rapid, sensitive and reliable method for ricin identification in clinical samples is required for applying appropriate and timely medical intervention. However, this goal is challenging due to the low predicted toxin concentrations in bio-fluids, accompanied by significantly high matrix interferences. Here we report the applicability of a sensitive, selective, rapid, simple and antibody-independent assay for the identification of ricin in body fluids using mass spectrometry (MS). The assay involves lectin affinity capturing of ricin by easy-to-use commercial lactose–agarose (LA) beads, following by tryptic digestion and selected marker identification using targeted LC–MS/MS (Multiple Reaction Monitoring) analysis. This enables ricin identification down to 5 ng/mL in serum samples in 2.5 h. To validate the assay, twenty-four diverse naive- or ricin-spiked serum samples were evaluated, and both precision and accuracy were determined. A real-life test of the assay was successfully executed in a challenging clinical scenario, where the toxin was identified in an abdominal fluid sample taken 72 h post self-injection of castor beans extraction in an eventual suicide case. This demonstrates both the high sensitivity of this assay and the extended identification time window, compared to similar events that were previously documented. This method developed for ricin identification in clinical samples has the potential to be applied to the identification of other lectin toxins

    A seven-transmembrane protein-TM7SF3, resides in nuclear speckles and regulates alternative splicing

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    The seven-transmembrane superfamily member 3 protein (TM7SF3) is a p53-regulated homeostatic factor that attenuates cellular stress and the unfolded protein response. Here we show that TM7SF3 localizes to nuclear speckles; eukaryotic nuclear bodies enriched in splicing factors. This unexpected location for a trans -membranal protein enables formation of stable complexes between TM7SF3 and pre-mRNA splicing factors including DHX15, LARP7, HNRNPU, RBM14, and HNRNPK. Indeed, TM7SF3 regulates alternative splicing of >330 genes, mainly at the 3'end of introns by directly modulating the activity of splicing factors such as HNRNPK. These effects are observed both in cell lines and primary human pancreatic islets. Accordingly, silencing of TM7SF3 results in differential expression of 1465 genes (about 7% of the human genome); with 844 and 621 genes being up- or down-regulated, respectively. Our findings implicate TM7SF3, as a resident protein of nuclear speckles and suggest a role for seven-transmembrane proteins as regulators of alternative splicing