24 research outputs found

    Perceptions of organizational characteristics and organizational effectiveness.

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    This study was concerned with the identification of the concept of effectiveness in formal organizations and developing a better understanding of the conceptual and empirical domain of the organizational effectiveness construct. An effectiveness model was utilized in which organizational effectiveness was the dependent variable and various organizational characteristics were the independent variables. Data were obtained from three types of organizations. Regression as well as correlation analyses were performed across the organizations and two types of employees (supervisory and non-supervisory) for each of the organizations.The results of this research can be summarized as follows: (1) selected organizational characteristics such as productivity, adaptability, and flexibility are closely related to organizational effectiveness, and (2) there were no significant differences in the emphases placed on the importance of the perceived selected organizational characteristics between the two types of employees or among the three organizations.Implications of this study indicate that the organizational effectiveness construct is difficult to measure and compare it across organizations, because different organizations have different goals, needs, environment and other specific characteristics that are relevant to each organization

    Causal Relationship of Logistics Performance Gross Domestic Product and Governance

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    This study investigates the short-run and long-run relationship between a country’s logistic performance, GDP, and governance. Although several studies have explored the relationship between governance indicators and economic growth, up to now, no attempt has been made to quantify the relationship and direction of causality between logistic performance, GDP, and governance for African countries. Using data from forty-seven African countries for the period 2007-2018, we conduct our empirical analyses using the panel error correction model. The contribution of this study is by using a panel-data approach to a variety of factors, it attempted to explain the variance in the LPI for the selected countries

    Relationships of Selected Key Logistics Factors and Logistics Performance Index of Sub-Saharan African Countries

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    Logistics and supply chain bottlenecks are magnified with inefficient business processes and can result in increases of trade costs. Logistics Performance Index is a measure of how well different countries perform in their logistics activities to increase trade efficiencies. This study tries to explore the relationship of critical logistics factors with logistics performance index (LPI) developed by the World Bank. By taking Rwanda as a case study, the paper also explores the performance differences in logistics between landlocked and coastal countries, among countries within the same region, and income group. It shades light how a landlocked and low-income country was able in a decade to improve its logistics performance. The findings of two-stage least square provides a single estimated logistics index. It can explain the multiple logistic indicators which can be used to improve the ability to compete and improve logistics performance. Moreover, countries in the study, as well as other countries can utilize this estimated index to target policy actions to improve logistics operations

    Information Technology Training For Under-Represented Minority Teachers And Students

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    This paper will present an attempt for addressing the high rate of under-representation of minority students and teachers in Information Technology (IT) in low income localities. It appears that these communities have been left behind during the economic boom of the dot.com experienced by the rest of the western world and the nation. The paper will discuss on strategies to alleviate the disparity between the ‘haves’ and ‘have not’ in information technology training, skills, and economic opportunity that can be availed through use of e-commerce and, generally, seeking information through the Internet. Our proposal is to train teachers and students in such communities to make difference in their lives and by mentoring the teachers and hopefully the knowledge passed to the teachers will reach their students in junior and high schools