391 research outputs found

    Glaciolacustrine Sedimentation During Advance and Retreat of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Central British Colombia

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    Thick (400+ m) and well exposed sediment fills in the Fraser and Chilcotin river valleys of central British Columbia record contrasting glaciolacustrine environments of at least two glaciations. The oldest glaciolacustrine sequence comprises deformed gravel, sand, mud, and diamict fades deposited, in part, on stagnant ice trapped in deep narrow valleys at the end of the penultimate glaciation (Early Wisconsinan or older). Younger glaciolacustrine sequences date from the advance and retreat phases of the Late Wisconsinan Fraser Glaciation {ca. 25-10 ka) and infill a Middle Wisconsinan drainage system cut across older sediments. The Late Wisconsinan advance sequence is dominated by diamict (debris-flow) fades that pass upward into silts. The diamict fades consist largely of reworked older Pleistocene drift and poorly lithified Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments. They record the focusing of large volumes of sediment into one or more glacial lakes occupying deep narrow troughs. Weakly bedded silts in the upper part of the sequence may have been deposited when the lake(s) deepened as glaciers continued to advance and thicken over the study area. It is possible that some advance glaciolacustrine sediments accumulated in subglacial water bodies. Late Wisconsinan deglacial lake sediments form a relatively thin, discontinuous capping in the area and conform to classical notions of gladolacustrine sedimentation involving a seasonal or 'varved' regime. In contrast, no seasonal pattern of sedimentation can be identified in older sequences where the overriding influence on deposition has been the presence of steep subaqueous slopes, buried ice masses, and high sediment fluxes; these, in combination, caused near-continuous downslope movement and resedimentation.Les épaisses accumulations de sédiments (400+ m) qui comblent les vallées du Fraser et de la Chilcotin River permettent de distinguer les milieux glaciola-custres issus d'au moins deux glaciations. La séquence glaciolacustre la plus ancienne comprend des faciès déformés de gravier, sable, boue et diamicton mis en place, en partie, sur une glace stagnante emprisonnée dans de profondes vallées étroites à la fin de l'avant-dernière glaciation (Wisconsinien inférieur ou avant). Les séquences glaciolacustres plus récentes datent des phases d'avancée et de retrait de la Glaciation de Fraser au Wisconsinien supérieur (vers 25-10 ka) et ont comblé un réseau de drainage du Wisconsinien moyen entaillé dans des sédiments plus anciens. La séquence d'avancée glaciaire du Wisconsinien supérieur est dominée par un faciès de diamicton (coulée de débris) remplacé vers le haut par des silts. Le faciès de diamicton est en grande partie constitué de dépôts glaciaires anciens du Pleistocene remaniés et de sédiments peu consolidés du Crétacé et du Tertiaire. Ils témoignent de l'accumulation de grandes quantités de sédiments dans un ou plusieurs lacs glaciaires resserrés dans des dépressions profondes et étroites. Dans la partie supérieure de la séquence, les silts faiblement stratifiés ont probablement été mis en place lorsque les lacs se sont approfondis avec l'avancée des glaciers. Il est possible que des sédiments glaciolacustres se soient accumulés dans des nappes sous-glaciaires au cours de l'avancée glaciaire. Les sédiments lacustres de retrait glaciaire du Wisconsinien supérieur forment une mince couverture discontinue et se sont déposés selon un régime saisonnier ou varvaire.Dicke (+ 400m) und gut ausgesetzte Sediment-fùllungen in den Fraser- und Chilcotin-Flusstalern im Zentrum von British Columbia bezeugen kontrastierende glaziallimnische Umwelten von mindestens zwei Vereisungen. Die àlteste glaziallimnische Sequenz besteht aus deformierten Fazies aus Kies, Sand, Schlamm und Diamikton, die zum Teil auf stagnierendem Eis abgelagert wurden, das in tiefen, engen Tàlern am Ende der vorletzten Vereisung (frûhes Wisconsin oder alter) fest-steckte. Jûngere glaziallimnische Sequenzen stammen von den Vorstoss- und Rùckzugsphasen der Fraser-Vereisung im spaten Wisconsin (etwa 25-10 ka) und haben ein Drânage-System des mittleren Wisconsin, das sich quer durch altère Sedimente eingekerbt hat, ausgefùiit. Die Vorstoss-Sequenz aus dem spaten Wisconsin wird von Diamikton (Trûmmer-Strômung)-Fazies beherrscht, die nach oben hin in Schlamm ùbergehen. Die Diamikton-Fazies bestehen weitgehend aus umgearbeiteten âlteren glazialen Ablagerungen aus dem Pleistozân und gering verfestigten Sedimenten aus der Kreidezeit und dem Tertiàr. Sie bezeugen die Konzentration grosser Sedimentvolumen in einem oder mehreren glazialen Seen, die sich in tiefen engen Trôgen befanden. Schwach geschichteter Schlamm im oberen Teil der Sequenz ist môglicherweise abgelagert worden, als der See/die Seen tiefer wurden, wàhrend die Gletscher ùber dem untersuchten Gebiet weiter vorstiessen und sich verdickten. Es ist môglich, dass einige glaziallimnische Vorstoss-Sedimente sich in subglazialen Wasserflâchen akkumulierten. Glaziale Seen-Rùckzugssedimente aus dem spaten Wisconsin bilden in dem Gebiet eine relativ dûnne, nichtkontinuierliche Decke und ent-sprechen der klassischen Vorstellung glazial-limnischer Sedimentierung mit periodischem oder "Warwen"-System

    Predictors of locating children participants in epidemiological studies 20 years after last contact: Internet resources and longitudinal research

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    This study examines predictors of locating participants that were last contacted 20 years ago using public web-search directories, in order to facilitate longitudinal environmental health research. Participants (n = 3,202) resided in four distinct geographical neighborhoods in Hamilton, Ontario during childhood; they were between 15 and 17 years old when they were last contacted in 1986. Data used for tracing included available addresses, telephone numbers, given names, and parental names. Reverse and forward search strategies were used to retrieve updated contact details. 43% of the sample was traced using online directories. Following ethical approval, participants were contacted using traced data and 29% of the original cohort was located. Predictors of locating participants were: availability of paternal names, being traced to original addresses or telephone numbers, gender (male), relatively higher socioeconomic status in childhood, and not being exposed to smoking in childhood. Where participants resided in childhood was not a significant predictor of locating participants. Although 13% of the sample was traced using forward search by name, only 4% were located. For participants traced to available addresses or telephone numbers, the difference between the proportions of traced and located participants was \u3c3%. Prospective studies on children may benefit from including the listed names that pertain to each child\u27s telephone number and full parental names at recruitment, thereby increasing the likelihood of locating participants using Internet resources. Integrating the use of Internet-based public directories for cohort reconstruction can reduce financial costs related to follow-up for longitudinal research. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media B.V

    The developmental vitamin D (DVD) model of schizophrenia

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    It is now widely acknowledged that exposure to adverse environmental factors in utero may not only affect how the brain develops but have long-lasting consequences for later brain function in the adult offspring. This idea has gained particular prominence amongst researchers interested in the etiology of neurodevelopmental disorders such as schizophrenia and autism. Approximately 10 years ago we proposed that developmental vitamin D (DVD) deficiency may explain several epidemiological features of this disease, most noticeably the winter/spring season of birth effect. In 2003 we published results from our first study indicating there were structural changes in how the brain develops in these offspring. Since then we have firmly established that DVD deficiency not only affects brain cell differentiation and gross anatomy but also produces alterations in behavior in these offspring as adults. In this chapter we describe how we came to construct the model we use today. Over the past 7 years the model has proved informative producing both structural brain changes (ventriculomegaly) and behavioral alterations (hyperlocomotion in response to NMDA antagonists) that are thought to be relevant to schizophrenia

    New Perspectives on Rodent Models of Advanced Paternal Age: Relevance to Autism

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    Offspring of older fathers have an increased risk of various adverse health outcomes, including autism and schizophrenia. With respect to biological mechanisms for this association, there are many more germline cell divisions in the life history of a sperm relative to that of an oocyte. This leads to more opportunities for copy error mutations in germ cells from older fathers. Evidence also suggests that epigenetic patterning in the sperm from older men is altered. Rodent models provide an experimental platform to examine the association between paternal age and brain development. Several rodent models of advanced paternal age (APA) have been published with relevance to intermediate phenotypes related to autism. All four published APA models vary in key features creating a lack of consistency with respect to behavioral phenotypes. A consideration of common phenotypes that emerge from these APA-related mouse models may be informative in the exploration of the molecular and neurobiological correlates of APA

    Patients’ perspectives of acceptability of ART, TB and maternal health services in a subdistrict of Johannesburg, South Africa

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    Abstract: Background: The field of acceptability of health services is emerging and growing in coherence. But there are gaps, including relatively little integration of elements of acceptability. This study attempted to analyse collectively three elements of acceptability namely: patient-provider, patient-service organisation and patient-community interactions. Methods: Mixed methods were used to analyse secondary data collected as part of the Researching Equity in Access to Health Care (REACH) study of access to tuberculosis (TB) treatment, antiretroviral therapy (ART) and maternal health (MH) services in South Africa’s public health sector. Results: Provider acceptability was consistently high across all the three tracer services at 97.6% (ART), 96.6% (TB) and 96.4% (MH). Service acceptability was high only for TB tracer (70.1%). Community acceptability was high for both TB (83.6%) and MH (96.8%) tracers. Conclusion: Through mixed methods, this paper provides a nuanced view of acceptability of health services

    A tractable mathematical model for tissue growth

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    Using formal asymptotic methods we derive a free boundary problem representing one of the simplest mathematical descriptions of the growth and death of a tumour or other biological tissue. The mathematical model takes the form of a closed interface evolving via forced mean curvature flow (together with a ‘kinetic under–cooling’ regularisation) where the forcing depends on the solution of a PDE that holds in the domain enclosed by the interface. We perform linear stability analysis and derive a diffuse–interface approximation of the model. Finite–element discretisations of two closely related models are presented, together with computational results comparing the approximate solutions

    Cognitive performance and response inhibition in developmentally vitamin D (DVD)-deficient rats

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    Evidence from epidemiological studies suggest that low levels of vitamin D during early life alter brain development and may increase the risk of various adverse health outcomes, including schizophrenia. The aim of this experiment was to examine the effect of developmental vitamin D (DVD) deficiency on attentional processing using the 5-choice serial reaction time task (5C-SRT) and the 5-choice continuous performance test (5C-CPT), which specifically assesses sustained attention and vigilance in rodents. DVD-deficient and control rats were exposed to a series of target and non-target trials within each operant testing session. A number of measures were recorded including hit, miss, false alarm and correct rejection, as well as premature and perseverative responses. Performance on 5C-CPT was also assessed after administration of the atypical antipsychotic, clozapine. The adult offspring of DVD-deficient rats had higher levels of impulsivity, as demonstrated by a significant increase in premature responses. On the 5C-SRT and target trials of the 5C-CPT, accuracy was not significantly affected by prenatal diet; however DVD-deficient rats made 50% fewer correct rejections compared to controls on non-target trials of the 5C-CPT. Thus, control rats were able to discriminate between target and non-target trials, whereas DVD-deficient rats were unable to make this discrimination. Clozapine reduced the occurrence of false alarms in DVD-deficient rats to a level comparable to control values. Taken together these data suggest DVD-deficient rats have increased impulsivity as well as a lack of inhibitory control, and these features may be informative in terms of modeling the cognitive deficits observed in schizophrenia
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