4 research outputs found

    The Particle ??: A Key Aspect to Fathom in Translation with Special Reference to the Holy Quran

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    Cognizant of the deep chasm between the actual semantics of the particle ?? and the superficial way it is understood and thus translated, I have decided to devote this study to minutely examine the two types of ??. The paper explores the interrogative and declarative ?? along with their characteristic features, meaning and their realizations in translation into English, with a special reference to the Quran. Fresh tides of thought have conquered me to clarify the semantics of ?? which often fetters trainee translators and students of translation when they- in vain- try to capture the exact meaning of each of them. It is hoped that this paper helps its readers gain practical mastery of some salient features of the Arabic language. It aims at developing readers’ level of linguistic competence

    Multiplicity of Different English Functional Semantic Realizations of the Translation of the Arabic Preposition ب

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    This paper throws a spotlight at an uncharted territory in the field of translation and grammatical analysis. The semantic functions of the preposition ب in Arabic has been the cynosure of all linguists’ and translators’ and rhetoricians’ eyes for decades. The paper channels efforts into establishing a meeting-ground as a point of departure for the topic. The paper devotes considerable efforts to explore the semantic functions, expressed by the preposition ب ,and then they are analyzed. The different realizations in English of the same preposition in Arabic are meant to enrich translators’ and linguists’ appreciation and critical understanding of the different semantic functions of the preposition ب .Some alternative solutions are provided to put things in the right perspective. Failure to perfectly understand the semantic functions inherent in the preposition ب in different contexts definitely washes away meaning, and causes translators to bog down in unanswered questions pertaining to the exact meaning intended. This paper tries hard to clear away any fog of long-standing misunderstanding in relation to this topic which has long been a bone of contention

    Morpho-Syntactic Complexity in the Translation of the Seven Suspended Odes

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    This paper attempts at bringing a new degree of precision into the analysis of the translation problems encountered in Arberry’s Translation of the Seven Suspended Odes, i.e. morpho-syntactic complexity. Because the pair of languages under investigation is genetically and thus typologically different, it calls into question how to tackle complexity in morphology and syntax in translation. The paper brings into focus Arabic inflections which indicate ‘emphasis, duality and gender’, and how they may be properly approached. Additionally, the syntactic constituents of Cognate Accusative Object, Causative Object, Accusative of State and Substitute are examined in Arabic and how they can be overcome in translation. Evidence from the Holy Quran has been adduced for illustration and elucidation purposes as necessity demands. Last but not least, pleonasm and paronomasia have been linguistically pulled apart, to be followed by an approach to grappling with such phenomena in translation. Some strategies have been referred to, or devised in cases of the above constituents and the like