6 research outputs found

    Mathematical Model and Analysis of Drug Addiction among Adolescent’s Populace in Nigeria

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    Drug addiction has become a menace especially among adolescents which has massively contributed to the social vices perpetrated by youths in Nigeria. We constructed a five-compartment model to explain the transmission dynamics of addiction leading to a non-linear deterministic equation. The next generation approach was employed to obtain the basic reproduction number (R_0). The drug free equilibrium point was obtained and showed to be locally asymptotically stable when the threshold quantity is less than one. A suitable Lyapunov function was constructed for the global stability which was found to be globally asymptotically stable. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to ascertain the behavior of the various parameters on the threshold quantity to deduce a suitable intervention strategy. Numerical simulations are carried out, the analysis is discussed, and the results are presented in graphical form. Keywords: Addiction, model, drug, stability, basic reproduction number, sensitivity analysis

    Brine treatment, smoking and storage techniques: their effects on the microbial quality of smoked mackerel.

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    Sample of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) were treated with 800 brine for 2 hours with slight agitation while untreated fish served as control. Both treated and untreated fish were loaded in a Torry Afos Mini Kiln set at 50o C. The temperature was raised to 80o C after one hour and maintained at this temperature throughout the smoking process. Samples of treated and untreated fish (U8 and B8) were removed after 8 hours of smoking and the last batch removed at the end of 16 hours smoking (U16 and B16). Analyses for growth, identification and coverage of fish surface with mould and for sensory attributes of discoloration, off odours, brittleness (texture) and personal preference were carried out for freshly smoked and stored samples. Samples for storage were packaged in clear polythene and stored in an environmental cabinet. Bringing and smoking time retarded mould growth, controlled discoloration, off odour development, softening of the fish and positively affected personal preference. Penicillium sp was identified as the incriminated species. The Journal of Food Technology in Africa Volume 6 Number 2 (April-June 2001), pp. 59-62 KEY WORDS: Hot smoking, traditional smoking, water activity, brine strength, number of fish with mould growth and mean percentage coverage

    Brine treatment, smoking and storage techniques: their effects on the microbial quality of smoked mackerel.

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    Sample of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) were treated with 800 brine for 2 hours with slight agitation while untreated fish served as control. Both treated and untreated fish were loaded in a Torry Afos Mini Kiln set at 50° C. The temperature was raised to 80° C after one hour and maintained at this temperature throughout the smoking process. Samples of treated and untreated fish (U8 and B8) were removed after 8 hours of smoking and the last batch removed at the end of 16 hours smoking (U16 and B16). Analyses for growth, identification and coverage of fish surface with mould and for sensory attributes of discoloration, off odours, brittleness (texture) and personal preference were carried out for freshly smoked and stored samples. Samples for storage were packaged in clear polythene and stored in an environmental cabinet. Bringing and smoking time retarded mould growth, controlled discoloration, off odour development, softening of the fish and positively affected personal preference

    Chemical and Orgarnoleptic Quality of Figs from Selected Sweet bananas (Musa Spp)

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    The chemical composition and organoleptic quality of four Cameroonian industrial banana varieties at two ripening stages and figs made from them, were evaluated. The results showed that sucrose content and Lovibond colour index increased significantly with ripening in both fresh fruits and figs and appeared to be the main factors that influenced the appreciation of the quality of the figs. Of the four varieties evaluated for appearance, bitterness, texture, odour and taste, figs from Gros Michel were the most appreciated with respect to all the parameters put together The Journal of Food Technology in Africa Volume 5 Number 2 (April - June 2000), pp. 70-7