2,380 research outputs found

    An isoperimetric problem for point interactions

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    We consider Hamiltonian with NN point interactions in Rd,d=2,3,\R^d, d=2,3, all with the same coupling constant, placed at vertices of an equilateral polygon \PP_N. It is shown that the ground state energy is locally maximized by a regular polygon. The question whether the maximum is global is reduced to an interesting geometric problem.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 10 page

    Scattering by local deformations of a straight leaky wire

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    We consider a model of a leaky quantum wire with the Hamiltonian −Δ−αδ(x−Γ)-\Delta -\alpha \delta(x-\Gamma) in L2(R2)L^2(\R^2), where Γ\Gamma is a compact deformation of a straight line. The existence of wave operators is proven and the S-matrix is found for the negative part of the spectrum. Moreover, we conjecture that the scattering at negative energies becomes asymptotically purely one-dimensional, being determined by the local geometry in the leading order, if Γ\Gamma is a smooth curve and α→∞\alpha \to\infty.Comment: Latex2e, 15 page

    Schroedinger operators with singular interactions: a model of tunneling resonances

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    We discuss a generalized Schr\"odinger operator in L2(Rd),d=2,3L^2(\mathbb{R}^d), d=2,3, with an attractive singular interaction supported by a (d−1)(d-1)-dimensional hyperplane and a finite family of points. It can be regarded as a model of a leaky quantum wire and a family of quantum dots if d=2d=2, or surface waves in presence of a finite number of impurities if d=3d=3. We analyze the discrete spectrum, and furthermore, we show that the resonance problem in this setting can be explicitly solved; by Birman-Schwinger method it is cast into a form similar to the Friedrichs model.Comment: LaTeX2e, 34 page

    An isoperimetric problem for leaky loops and related mean-chord inequalities

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    We consider a class of Hamiltonians in L2(R2)L^2(\R^2) with attractive interaction supported by piecewise C2C^2 smooth loops Γ\Gamma of a fixed length LL, formally given by −Δ−αδ(x−Γ)-\Delta-\alpha\delta(x-\Gamma) with α>0\alpha>0. It is shown that the ground state of this operator is locally maximized by a circular Γ\Gamma. We also conjecture that this property holds globally and show that the problem is related to an interesting family of geometric inequalities concerning mean values of chords of Γ\Gamma.Comment: LaTeX, 16 page

    Bound states in point-interaction star-graphs

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    We discuss the discrete spectrum of the Hamiltonian describing a two-dimensional quantum particle interacting with an infinite family of point interactions. We suppose that the latter are arranged into a star-shaped graph with N arms and a fixed spacing between the interaction sites. We prove that the essential spectrum of this system is the same as that of the infinite straight "polymer", but in addition there are isolated eigenvalues unless N=2 and the graph is a straight line. We also show that the system has many strongly bound states if at least one of the angles between the star arms is small enough. Examples of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues are computed numerically.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX 2e with 9 eps figure

    Asymptotic estimates for bound states in quantum waveguides coupled laterally through a narrow window

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    Consider the Laplacian in a straight planar strip of width  d \,d\,, with the Neumann boundary condition at a segment of length  2a \,2a\, of one of the boundaries, and Dirichlet otherwise. For small enough  a \,a\, this operator has a single eigenvalue  ϵ(a) \,\epsilon(a)\,; we show that there are positive  c1,c2 \,c_1,c_2\, such that  −c1a4≤ϵ(a)−(π/d)2≤−c2a4 \,-c_1 a^4 \le \epsilon(a)- \left(\pi/ d\right)^2 \le -c_2 a^4\,. An analogous conclusion holds for a pair of Dirichlet strips, of generally different widths, with a window of length  2a \,2a\, in the common boundary.Comment: LaTeX file, 12 pages, no figure

    Leaky quantum graphs: approximations by point interaction Hamiltonians

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    We prove an approximation result showing how operators of the type −Δ−γδ(x−Γ)-\Delta -\gamma \delta (x-\Gamma) in L2(R2)L^2(\mathbb{R}^2), where Γ\Gamma is a graph, can be modeled in the strong resolvent sense by point-interaction Hamiltonians with an appropriate arrangement of the δ\delta potentials. The result is illustrated on finding the spectral properties in cases when Γ\Gamma is a ring or a star. Furthermore, we use this method to indicate that scattering on an infinite curve Γ\Gamma which is locally close to a loop shape or has multiple bends may exhibit resonances due to quantum tunneling or repeated reflections.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 31 pages with 18 postscript figure

    Quantum waveguides with a lateral semitransparent barrier: spectral and scattering properties

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    We consider a quantum particle in a waveguide which consists of an infinite straight Dirichlet strip divided by a thin semitransparent barrier on a line parallel to the walls which is modeled by a δ\delta potential. We show that if the coupling strength of the latter is modified locally, i.e. it reaches the same asymptotic value in both directions along the line, there is always a bound state below the bottom of the essential spectrum provided the effective coupling function is attractive in the mean. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, as well as the scattering matrix for energies above the threshold, are found numerically by the mode-matching technique. In particular, we discuss the rate at which the ground-state energy emerges from the continuum and properties of the nodal lines. Finally, we investigate a system with a modified geometry: an infinite cylindrical surface threaded by a homogeneous magnetic field parallel to the cylinder axis. The motion on the cylinder is again constrained by a semitransparent barrier imposed on a ``seam'' parallel to the axis.Comment: a LaTeX source file with 12 figures (11 of them eps); to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. Figures 3, 5, 8, 9, 11 are given at 300 dpi; higher resolution originals are available from the author

    Quantum mechanics of layers with a finite number of point perturbations

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    We study spectral and scattering properties of a spinless quantum particle confined to an infinite planar layer with hard walls containing a finite number of point perturbations. A solvable character of the model follows from the explicit form of the Hamiltonian resolvent obtained by means of Krein's formula. We prove the existence of bound states, demonstrate their properties, and find the on-shell scattering operator. Furthermore, we analyze the situation when the system is put into a homogeneous magnetic field perpendicular to the layer; in that case the point interactions generate eigenvalues of a finite multiplicity in the gaps of the free Hamiltonian essential spectrum.Comment: LateX 2e, 48 pages, with 3 ps and 3 eps figure
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