29 research outputs found

    The Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian War on the European Union's Energy Security

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    The conflict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation has far-reaching consequences on international relations in general and the economies of neighbouring countries. This includes also a significant impact on the energy sector. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has disrupted global markets. The aim of the article is to analyse the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the European Union's energy security, examine the measures taken by the EU to secure its gas supply, and suggest actions to be taken to enhance the security of supplies

    The effects of maternal high-fat and high-sugar diet during the pregnancy and the lactation on the offspring's long-term and spatial memory

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    Otyłość jest jedną z najszybciej szerzących się chorób cywilizacyjnych. Powoduje szereg schorzeń kardiologicznych, cukrzycę typu 2, depresję, jest także coraz częstszą przyczyną śmierci. Grupą, która szczególnie powinna dbać o zbilansowaną dietę i utrzymanie prawidłowej masy ciała są kobiety ciężarne oraz planujące ciążę, ponieważ odpowiadają nie tylko za swoje zdrowie, ale też za zdrowie nienarodzonego dziecka.Celem pracy była ocena wpływu diety wysokocukrowej i wysokotłuszczowej matek podczas ciąży i laktacji na rozwój zaburzeń pamięci długotrwałej i zaburzeń kognitywnych u potomstwa. Młode szczury zostały poddane testom behawioralnym – testowi nowej lokalizacji oraz testowi nowego obiektu. Oceniono w jaki sposób dieta spożywana przez matki podczas ciąży wpływa na zmiany w zapamiętywaniu u potomstwa.Wyniki badania pokazują, że przede wszystkim dieta wysokocukrowa matek spożywana podczas ciąży i laktacji powoduje powstawanie zaburzeń kognitywnych u potomstwa. Analiza testów behawioralnych wykazała, że szczury, których matki karmione były paszą zawierającą wysoką zawartość cukrów wykazywały istotne zaburzenia pamięci przestrzennej. Dodatkowo, na zmiany w funkcjonowaniu pamięci długotrwałej w zależności od diety ma wpływ płeć – samce są grupą bardziej podatną niż samice.Otrzymane wyniki świadczą o istotności prawidłowej diety podczas planowania ciąży i w jej trakcie. Dodatkowe badania są konieczne, aby wykazać jednoznaczny wpływ otyłości matek na różnego rodzaju choroby pojawiające się u potomstwa.Obesity is one of the most widespread civilization disease nowadays. It leads to many cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and it’s also more and more frequent cause of death. Pregnant women, as well as women planning pregnancy are particularly advised to take care about the balanced diet and maintain proper body weight – they’re responsible not only for their, but also for their children’s health.The aim of this study was to evaluate how high-fat and high-sugar during pregnancy and lactation influence on cognitive functions and long – term memory in children using behavioral tests. The offspring of mothers fed with standard, high-sugar or high-fat diet were ungergo behavioral tests - Novel Object Recognition test and Novel Object Location test – to examine, how maternal diet can impact on the process of remembering in children.The study revealed that mainly maternal high-sugar diet during pregnancy and lactation causes significant changes in cognitive functions in offspring. Behavioral tests show that rats, whose mothers were fed with high-sugar diet had a significant changes in long-term memory. Additionally, changes in memory function were different between males and females – it turns out, that males are more susceptible to cognitive impairment as a consequence of inapproporiate maternal weight than females.The results demonstrate that proper diet before and during pregnancy are absoutely necessary issue. Additional studies are required to show an impact of maternal obesity on the wide range of diseases in children

    Influence of Thermal Processing on the Bioactive, Antioxidant, and Physicochemical Properties of Conventional and Organic Agriculture Black Garlic (Allium sativum L.)

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    This study examines the effect of fermentation processes (70 °C temperature; 80% humidity; 45 days) on the content of bioactive compounds (total polyphenols, selected phenolic acids, and flavonoids), antioxidant activity and physicochemical properties of conventional and organic garlic (Allium sativum L.). Raw garlic from conventional cultivation (GR) showed significantly lower content of phenolic components and antioxidant activity compared to raw garlic from organic cultivation (GREcol) (by 22.8% and 25.1%, respectively). The fermentation processes of the garlic from both the conventional (BG) and organic (BGEcol) cultivation significantly increased the content of total polyphenols (more than two times), phenolic acids (more than 1.5 times) and flavonoids (1.5 and 1.3 times, respectively). The garlic fermentation process also significantly increased antioxidant potential: two times for BG and three times for BGEcol. The content of bioactive compounds (total polyphenols, phenolic acids, and flavonoids) was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in organic black garlic (BGEcol) compared to conventional black garlic (BG). Heat treatment leading to changes in both the physicochemical, organoleptic and health-promoting properties allowed to obtain a new product gaining in sensory attractiveness and enabling a wide range of applications

    Assessment of Chokeberry Powders Quality Obtained Using an Innovative Fluidized-Bed Jet Milling and Drying Method with Pre-Drying Compared with Convection Drying

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    There is a need and great interest among food producers in obtaining powders from fruit and vegetables of both high nutritional value and sensory qualities superior to those hitherto obtained by convection drying (CD) and spray drying methods and cheaper to prepare than the sublimation method. This study is focused on whether powders can be obtained from fruit berries with a sticky structure, using the chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) as a test example, by a combined fluidized-bed jet milling and drying (FBJD) of pre-dried fruit by CD to an adequate water activity (aw). The pre-drying step reduced sticking between fruit particles during the simultaneous drying and grinding processes of the FBJD method in order to obtain powders of desired granulation. Three different pre-drying temperatures of 50, 60, and 70 °C were tested for levels of microorganisms in chokeberries at a water activity of 0.4. Vitamin C content and antioxidant properties were also examined along with polyphenol separation. Fruit pre-dried at 60–70 °C had significantly higher vitamin C and polyphenolic content and greater antioxidant properties than those pre-dried at 50 °C. Further studies were thus undertaken on powders pre-dried at 70 °C in which antioxidant properties, vitamin C, and polyphenols content were also compared with CD obtained powders. The FBJD method combined with CD pre-drying proved superior to just using the CD method, where powders had a greater preservation of vitamin C at 84% (CD powders 35%), a 12% higher total polyphenol content, and a 10% higher antioxidant activity. The test method also uses a much shorter drying time than the CD method, because the grinding of the hard-textured material takes only few minutes

    Use of a Mixture of Polyols Based on Metasilicic Acid and Recycled PLA for Synthesis of Rigid Polyurethane Foams Susceptible to Biodegradation

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    Two polyol raw materials were obtained in the conducted research, one based on metasilicic acid (MSA), the other based on poly(lactic acid) (PLA) waste. The obtained polyols were characterized in terms of their applicability for the production of rigid polyurethane foams (RPUFs). Their basic analytical properties (hydroxyl number, acid number, elemental analysis) and physicochemical properties (density, viscosity) were determined. The assumed chemical structure of the obtained new compounds was confirmed by performing FTIR and 1H NMR spectroscopic tests. Formulations for the synthesis of RPUFs were developed on the basis of the obtained research results. A mixture of polyols based on MSA and PLA in a weight ratio of 1:1 was used as the polyol component in the polyurethane formulation. The reference foam in these tests was a foam that was synthesized only on the basis of MSA-polyol. The obtained RPUFs were tested for basic functional properties (apparent density, compressive strength, water absorption, thermal conductivity coefficient etc.). Susceptibility to biodegradation in soil environment was also tested. It was found that the use of mixture of polyols based on MSA and PLA positively affected the properties of the obtained foam. The polyurethane foam based on this polyol mixture showed good thermal resistance and significantly reduced flammability in comparison with the foam based MSA-polyol. Moreover, it showed higher compressive strength, lower thermal conductivity and biodegradability in soil. The results of the conducted tests confirmed that the new foam was characterized by very good performance properties. In addition, this research provides information on new waste management opportunities and fits into the doctrine of sustainable resource management offered by the circular economy

    Changes in the Physicochemical and Bioactive Properties of Yerba Mate Depending on the Brewing Conditions

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    Yerba Mate drink made from dried and crushed leaves and twigs of Paraguayan holly (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.), which is a valuable source of bioactive substances, in particular antioxidants. The available literature lacks data on changes in the content and profile of bioactive compounds such as tannins, caffeine, the phenolic acid profile of flavonoids and carotenoids, as well as total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity in Yerba Mate infusions depending on different brewing conditions, and how different brewing conditions affect the physicochemical properties of these infusions. Therefore, this study evaluated the physicochemical properties of dried and Yerba Mate infusions prepared via single and double brewing processes at 70 °C and 100 °C. The organoleptic evaluation, as well as the instrumental color measurement, showed significant changes in the total color difference (ΔE) and the L*a*b* chromatic coordinates of dried Yerba Mate samples and their infusions. Moreover, the research showed higher contents of tannins (mean 1.36 ± 0.14 g/100 g d.m.), caffeine (mean 17.79 ± 3.49 mg/g d.m.), carotenoids (mean 12.90 ± 0.44 μg/g d.m.), phenolic acids (mean 69.97 ± 7.10 mg/g d.m.), flavonoids (mean 5.47 ± 1.78 mg/g d.m.), total polyphenols (mean 55.26 ± 8.51 mg GAE/g d.m.), and antioxidant activity (mean 2031.98 ± 146.47 μM TEAC/g d.m.) in single-brewed Yerba Mate infusions compared to double-brewed (0.77 ± 0.12 g/100 g d.m., 14.28 ± 5.80 mg/g d.m., 12.67 ± 0.62 μg/g d.m., 57.75 ± 8.73 mg/g d.m., 3.64 ± 0.76 mg/g d.m., 33.44 ± 6.48 mg GAE/g d.m. and 1683.09 ± 155.34 μM TEAC/g d.m., respectively). In addition, infusions prepared at a lower temperature (70 °C) were characterized by a higher content of total polyphenols and higher antioxidant activity, in contrast to the tannin and carotenoid contents, the levels of which were higher at 100 °C than at 70 °C. Considering the high amount of bioactive ingredients, in particular antioxidants, and a wide range of health benefits, it is worth including Yerba Mate in the daily diet

    Visualization of cholesterol deposits in lysosomes of Niemann-Pick type C fibroblasts using recombinant perfringolysin O.

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    Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC) is caused by defects in cholesterol efflux from lysosomes due to mutations of genes coding for NPC1 and NPC2 proteins. As a result, massive accumulation of unesterified cholesterol in late endosomes/lysosomes is observed. At the level of the organism these cholesterol metabolism disorders are manifested by progressive neurodegeneration and hepatosplenomegaly. Until now filipin staining of cholesterol deposits in cells has been widely used for NPC diagnostics. In this report we present an alternative method for cholesterol visualization and estimation using a cholesterol-binding bacterial toxin, perfringolysin O

    Zmiany w rozwoju motorycznym niemowląt rehabilitowanych metodą Vojty

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    Introduction: Vojta therapy is designed to foster beneficial change in neurophysiology of children at risk of developmental disorders. Because of its specific diagnostic and therapeutic aspects it is possible to use the method in early therapy supporting development. Purpose: Assessment of changes in motor development of infants, classified in the risk group and receiving treatment based on Vojta method. Identifying relationship between therapy effects and age at the start as well as duration of therapy. Material and method: The study was performed in a group of 62 infants, including 46 who at the time of the study were less than 6 months old (group I), and 16 who were less than 12 months old (group II). The inclusion criteria were: age below 1 year, existing motor development deficits, risk factors in pregnancy and during childbirth, and participation in rehabilitation based on Vojta therapy, as a leading method. The study was carried out with the use of child health cards and assessment tool developed by G. Banaszek. Results: After 6 months of therapy, 73% of the infants with motor development deficits improved significantly, while out of 60% of the children with abnormal postural reactions, only 16% showed no improvement. Better progress was achieved by the children who started rehabilitation before 6 months of age. Conclusions: Effectiveness of children’s rehabilitation depends on therapy duration and the age at which the treatment starts.Wstęp: Metoda Vojty jest jedną z metod usprawniania neurofizjologicznego dzieci zagrożonych zaburzeniem prawidłowego rozwoju. Metoda pozwala zarówno na ocenę stanu neurologicznego, jak również na wcześnie podjętą terapię. Cel pracy: Zbadanie zmian zachodzących w rozwoju motorycznym niemowląt z grupy ryzyka, rehabilitowanych metodą Vojty. Wykazanie zależności pomiędzy efektami terapii a czasem rozpoczęcia i trwania rehabilitacji. Materiał i metody: Badaniu i analizie poddanych zostało 62 niemowląt, w tym 46 rehabilitowanych w momencie badania krócej niż 6 miesięcy (grupa I), oraz 16 krócej niż 12 miesięcy (grupa II). Kryterium włączenia stanowił wiek do 1 roku życia, obecność odchyleń od normy w rozwoju motorycznym, obciążenie wywiadu z okresu ciążowo- porodowego oraz uczęszczanie na rehabilitację prowadzoną metodą Vojty, jako metoda wiodąca. Badania przeprowadzone zostały na podstawie kart zdrowia dziecka i kart arkuszu badania klinicznego G. Banaszek. Wyniki: Po 6-miesięcznej terapii u 73% niemowląt ze stwierdzonymi zaburzeniami rozwoju ruchowego zaobserwowano znaczną poprawę, natomiast z 60% dzieci o wysokiej ocenie nieprawidłowych reakcji posturalnych, tylko 16% nie wykazało poprawy. Lepsze rezultaty osiągały dzieci, u których rehabilitację rozpoczęto przed 6 miesiącem życia. Wnioski: Efektywność rehabilitacji dzieci jest zależna od czasu trwania rehabilitacji oraz od wieku rozpoczęcia usprawniania