9 research outputs found

    Clonal relationships among rabbit <i>S</i>. <i>aureus</i> and their context within the wider <i>S</i>. <i>aureus</i> population.

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    <p>A phylogenetic dendrogram (UPGMA) generated from the allelic profiles of 1475 cgMLST target genes, based on (16) and comprising the ten rabbit isolates from this study and twenty-eight reference <i>S</i>. <i>aureus</i> genomes from Genbank. Rabbit isolates are denoted by *, isolate name and Genbank accession provided for the reference genomes. The last figure in the text line indicates the multi-locus sequence type of each isolate, where available. The scale bar indicates the number of differing alleles comprising the calculated distance.</p

    Site-specific integration of pHS87b in to the <i>tRNA</i><sup><i>Thr</i></sup> gene site.

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    <p>(A) Integration schematic. Black triangles indicate homologous attachment regions and direct repeats. Genes are indicated by thick arrows. Primers are shown as thin arrows. (B) tRIP-PCR at the assay <i>tRNA</i><sup><i>Thr</i></sup> gene site showed a faint band. Amplification of 16S rRNA gene and attachment site of pHS87b was also performed. (C) Amplification of junctions of the integrated pHS87b. (D) Sequencing confirmed the integration of pHS87b into the <i>tRNA</i><sup><i>Thr</i></sup> gene site. The <i>tRNA</i><sup><i>Thr</i></sup> gene sequence is underlined. The block highlights the homologous region. (E) Alignment of the integrated form of pHS87b with the syntenic chromosomal regions of <i>P</i>. <i>aeruginosa</i> NCGM 1984 and NCGM 1900. The schematic is not drawn to scale.</p

    Schematic map of the native plasmid pHS87a and pHS87b found in the <i>P</i>. <i>aeruginosa</i> clinical isolate HS87.

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    <p>Mobile elements are indicated by the lines above or below the sequence. Antibiotic resistance gene is black; genes with predicted functions are grey; function unknown genes are white. The numbers are <i>orf</i> numbers of the function unknown genes. The black triangles facing each other at the termini of a line indicate inverted repeats (IRs) of the element. The single triangle appearing on the line of ΔIS<i>1071</i> means it is a truncated element. Direct repeats flanking the elements are shown by corresponding letters. Syntenic regions are linked by grey parallelograms or squares with identities shown. The schematic is drawn to scale.</p

    Characteristics of the eight MRSA isolates found in the survey of conference participants.

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    1<p>Susceptibilities tested: linezolid, rifampicin, kanamycin, norfloxacin, erythromycin, clindamycin, fusidic acid, tetracycline, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and mupirocin.</p>2<p>Genome screened for <i>tetM</i> M21136, <i>tetK</i> NC_017331_REGION: 69118.70497, <i>msrSA</i> AB013298_487.1953, <i>mphC</i> NC_017351 REGION: 53170.54069, <i>ileS</i> AJJR01000036 REGION: 742.3816, <i>fusC</i> HE980450 REGION: 10019.10657, <i>ermA</i> NC_002745 _N315, <i>dfrG</i> AB205645 REGION: 1013.1510, AB568461 <i>Staphylococcus aureus aacA</i>-<i>aphD</i> gene for bifunctional AAC/APH, <i>gyrA</i> CP000046_COL, <i>rpoB</i> X64172 REGION: 1222.4770, <i>tetL</i> JN970906 REGION: 8454.9830, <i>ermC</i> NC007792 REGION: 7865.8599 <i>ermT</i> NC017673 REGION: 1795197.1795946.</p

    Genomic comparison of the DNA sequences between <i>orf</i>X (rRNA-methyltransferase-like gene) and the <i>orf</i>Y-like gene of the <i>S</i>. <i>stepanovicii</i> strains IMT28705 (<i>mec</i>C-positive) with CCM7717 (<i>mec</i>C-negative).

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    <p>Direct repeats (DR) are indicated by red arrowheads, conserved DNA regions are shown by dark green color; more dissimilar sequences are indicated with light green. A remarkable divergence in the genomic structure downstream of the bacterial chromosomal attachment site (<i>att</i>B) is obvious, indicating a genomic “hot spot” for integration and excision of foreign DNA in <i>S</i>. <i>stepanovicii</i>. In addition, a blastn search (12/2014) revealed an absolutely low degree of nucleotide sequence similarities for this region of CCM7717 (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0147150#pone.0147150.s001" target="_blank">S1 Table</a>).</p