11 research outputs found

    Distribution of some pectic and arabinogalactan protein epitopes during Solanum lycopersicum (L.) adventitious root development

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    Background: The adventitious roots (AR) of plants share the same function as primary and lateral roots (LR), although their development is mainly an adaptive reaction to stress conditions. Regeneration of grafted plants is often accompanied by AR formation thus making the grafting technique a good model for studying AR initiation and development and their means of emergence. Pectins and arabinogalactan proteins (AGP) are helpful markers of particular cellular events, such as programmed cell death (PCD), elongation, proliferation or other differentiation events that accompany AR development. However, little is known about the distribution of pectins and AGPs during AR ontogeny, either in the primordium or stem tissues from which AR arise or their correspondence with these events during LR formation. Results: AR were developed from different stem tissues such as parenchyma, xylem rays and the cambium, depending on the stem age and treatment (grafting versus cutting) of the parental tissue. Immunochemical analysis of the presence of pectic (LM8, LM19, LM20) and AGP (JIM8, JIM13, JIM16) epitopes in AR and AR-associated tissues showed differential, tissue-specific distributions of these epitopes. Two pectic epitopes (LM19, LM20) were developmentally regulated and the occurrence of the LM8 xylogalacturonan epitope in the root cap of the AR differed from other species described so far. AGP epitopes were abundantly present in the cytoplasmic compartments (mainly the tonoplast) and were correlated with the degree of cell vacuolisation. JIM8 and JIM13 epitopes were detected in the more advanced stages of primordium development, whereas the JIM16 epitope was present from the earliest division events of the initial AR cells. The comparison between AR and LR showed quantitative (AGP,) and qualitative (pectins) differences. Conclusion: The chemical compositions of adventitious and lateral root cells show differences that correlate with the different origins of these cells. In AR, developmental changes in the distribution of pectins and AGP suggest the turnover of wall compounds. Our data extend the knowledge about the distribution of pectin and AGP during non-embryogenic root development in a species that is important from an agronomic point of view

    Vessel differentiation in isolated stem segments of Fraxinus excelsior L. after treatment with auxin

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    Experiments were carried out on isolated stem segments of ash collected from natural conditions during the winter dormancy season. In order to stimulate cambial activity and vessel differentiation the internodes were treated with auxin. The duration of treatment with auxin was different in the particular experimental variants. It appeared that auxin was necessary not only for induction of vessel differentiation but also during their maturation. The results are discussed on the basis of S a c h s' (1981) hypothesis

    Rhodamine-Tagged Polymethacrylate Dyes as Alternative Tools for Analysis of Plant Cells

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    A rhodamine B (RhB)-based initiator for atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) was synthesized and applied for preparation of poly(2-trimethylammoniumethyl methacrylate) (PChMA), poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) and poly(2-trimethylsilyloxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMATMS). Polymer fluorescence was confirmed by determination of quantum yield by comparative method with piroxicam as the standard exhibiting dependency of emission intensity on the polymer chain hydrophilicity and the kind of solvent. The RhB functionalized polymers were used for biological tests in plant materials except for RhB-PHEMATMS because of weak fluorescence. These two polymers slightly differed in cellular localization. RhB-PChMA was mostly observed in cell walls of root tissues and cotyledon epidermis. It was also observed in cytoplasm and cell organelles of root cap cells and rhizodermis, in contrast with cytoplasm of cotyledon epidermis. RhB-PHEMA was also present in apoplast. A strong signal in protoxylem cell walls and a weak signal in cell walls of rhizodermis and cortex were visible. Moreover, it was also present in cell walls of cotyledon epidermis. However, RhB-PHEMA was mostly observed in cytoplasm and cell organelles of all root tissues and epidermis of cotyledons. Both RhB-polymers did not cause cell death which means that they can be used in living plant material

    The development of a hairless phenotype in barley roots treated with gold nanoparticles is accompanied by changes in the symplasmic communication

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    Abstract Uptake of water and nutrients by roots affects the ontogenesis of the whole plant. Nanoparticles, e.g. gold nanoparticles, have a broad range of applications in many fields which leads to the transfer of these materials into the environment. Thus, the understanding of their impact on the growth and development of the root system is an emerging issue. During our studies on the effect of positively charged gold nanoparticles on the barley roots, a hairless phenotype was found. We investigated whether this phenotype correlates with changes in symplasmic communication, which is an important factor that regulates, among others, differentiation of the rhizodermis into hair and non-hair cells. The results showed no restriction in symplasmic communication in the treated roots, in contrast to the control roots, in which the trichoblasts and atrichoblasts were symplasmically isolated during their differentiation. Moreover, differences concerning the root morphology, histology, ultrastructure and the cell wall composition were detected between the control and the treated roots. These findings suggest that the harmful effect of nanoparticles on plant growth may, among others, consist in disrupting the symplasmic communication/isolation, which leads to the development of a hairless root phenotype, thus limiting the functioning of the roots

    Distribution of lipid transfer protein 1 (LTP1) epitopes associated with morphogenic events during somatic embryogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Using immunocytochemical methods, at both the light and electron microscopic level, we have investigated the spatial and temporal distribution of lipid transfer protein 1 (LTP1) epitopes during the induction of somatic embryogenesis in explants of Arabidopsis thaliana. Immunofluorescence labelling demonstrated the presence of high levels of LTP1 epitopes within the proximal regions of the cotyledons (embryogenic regions) associated with particular morphogenetic events, including intense cell division activity, cotyledon swelling, cell loosening and callus formation. Precise analysis of the signal localization in protodermal and subprotodermal cells indicated that cells exhibiting features typical of embryogenic cells were strongly labelled, both in walls and the cytoplasm, while in the majority of meristematic-like cells no signal was observed. Staining with lipophilic dyes revealed a correlation between the distribution of LTP1 epitopes and lipid substances within the cell wall. Differences in label abundance and distribution between embryogenic and non-embryogenic regions of explants were studied in detail with the use of immunogold electron microscopy. The labelling was strongest in both the outer periclinal and anticlinal walls of the adaxial, protodermal cells of the proximal region of the cotyledon. The putative role(s) of lipid transfer proteins in the formation of lipid lamellae and in cell differentiation are discussed. Key message Occurrence of lipid transfer protein 1 epitopes in Arabidopsis explant cells accompanies changes in cell fate and may be correlated with the deposition of lipid substances in the cell walls