21 research outputs found

    Treatment of patients with Philadelphia positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Translokacja (9;22)(q34:q11.2), zwana chromosomem Filadelfia (Ph), jest najczęstszym zaburzeniem cytogenetycznym stwierdzanym u dorosłych chorych na ostrą białaczkę limfoblastyczną (ALL). Przed wprowadzeniem inhibitorów kinazy tyrozynowej (TKI) podtyp ALL Ph+ był obciążony szczególnie złym rokowaniem. Wprowadzenie imatynibu (IM), stosowanego w skojarzeniu z chemioterapią indukującą i konsolidującą, pozwoliło na zwiększenie odsetka całkowitych remisji do ponad 90% i zwiększenie szansy na allogeniczne przeszczepienie krwiotwórczych komórek macierzystych. Pierwsze doniesienia dotyczące wyników odległych wskazują na poprawę prawdopodobieństwa przeżycia, które w perspektywie 5-letniej wynosi obecnie około 50%. Konieczne jest przeprowadzenie dalszych badań klinicznych zmierzających do ustalenia optymalnego sposobu stosowania IM oraz określenia ewentualnej roli TKI II generacji w leczeniu I linii. Hematologia 2011; 2, 1: 33–41Translocation (9;22)(q34:q11.2), called Philadelphia chromosome (Ph), is the most frequent cytogenetic aberration among adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Before the era of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI), ALL Ph+ was associated with particularly poor prognosis. Introduction of imatinib (IM) in combination with induction-consolidation chemotherapy increased complete remission rate to over 90% and allowed application of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation to greater proportion of patients. First reports on long term results indicate that 5-year probability of the overall survival is now approximately 50%. Further improvement requires prospective clinical trials aimed to optimize the protocols of IM administration and evaluate potential role of 2nd generation TKI in the up-front therapy of adults with ALL Ph+. Hematologia 2011; 2, 1: 33–4

    Prophylaxis and treatment of the central nervous system involvement in lymphoid malignancies

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    W przebiegu nowotworów układu chłonnego może dojść do pierwotnego lub wtórnego zajęcia ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (OUN) z obecnością komórek chłoniaka w płynie mózgowo-rdzeniowym i/lub ze zmianami o charakterze oponowym, miąższowym lub mieszanym. Ryzyko takiego umiejscowienia choroby jest duże, zwłaszcza w przebiegu ostrej białaczki limfoblastycznej (ALL)/chłoniaka limfoblastycznego (LBL), chłoniaka Burkitta (BL), u niektórych chorych na chłoniaka rozlanego z dużych komórek B (DLBCL) oraz w przebiegu chłoniaków nieklasyfikowalnych o cechach pośrednich między BL i DLBCL. Rozpoznanie zajęcia OUN implikuje konieczność intensywnej terapii obejmującej chemioterapię dokanałową, stosowanie dużych dawek cytostatyków przekraczających barierę krew–mózg, a w niektórych przypadkach - radioterapię. U chorych, u których doszło do nawrotu w obrębie OUN, rokowanie jest złe. Z tego względu u osób obciążonych wysokim ryzykiem niezbędna jest odpowiednia profilaktyka. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono zalecenia sformułowane przez Polską Grupę ds. Leczenia Białaczek u Dorosłych (PALG) oraz Polską Grupę Badawczą Chłoniaków (PLRG). Hematologia 2010; 1, 4: 352-358Lymphoid malignancies may be accompanied by primary or secondary involvement of central nervous system (CNS). The risk is particularly high in course acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)/lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL), Burkitt lymphoma (BL), selected patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and unclassifiable large B cell lymphoma with features between DLBCL and BL. The diagnosis of CNS involvement implicates the need for intensive treatment including intrathecal chemotherapy as well as intravenous infusion of high doses of cytostatics crossing the blood-brain barrier. As the prognosis of patients with CNS relapse is poor, appropriate prophylaxis is required. In this paper we present recommendations of the Polish Adult Leukemia Group (PALG) and the Polish Lymphoma Research Group (PLRG). Hematologia 2010; 1, 4: 352-35

    Forma(n)tka. Tropy podmiotu matczynego w twórczości Joanny Mueller

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    This article examines the problem of motherhood in the poetry of Joanna Mueller from the perspective of feminist body studies. Throughout her poetic work Mueller keeps analyzing the formation of a new subject, a process closely connected with the creation, or giving birth, to new poems and reproduction. She dignifi es the experience of motherhood by focusing on the peculiar condition of ‘being two in one’. This is further enhanced by the emblematic arrangement of the individual poems (formed into mounds, folds, the womb, the vagina, and blood vessels) and references to the primeval Mother Goddess. The matrifocal narration exalts the maternal female body to its sovereign position, justifi ed by its power over life; indeed, the combined force of Mueller’s naturalistic description and discursive momentum not only subverts the patriarchal narrative of female passivity and inferiority but in a way sacralizes the feminine principle

    Impact of the epidemiological situation in Poland in 2020 on the public transport system

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    The use of public transport means is characterized by periodically changing phases. For a unit performing a transport task, it is important to have tools that enable the analysis and forecasting of the state of the system and facilitating decisions regarding the control of the process being carried out. During the mishap of the epidemic, many legal solutions were imposed that forced changes in the process of using public transport. The article below describes the changes and their impact on the situation in Poland

    Evaluation of linear losses in ventilation ducts with a rounded rectangle cross-section

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    The paper presents a new ventilation system characterized by the cross-section of the channels in the shape of a rounded rectangle. The basic research problem was the determination of local losses in the system components. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to know the linear losses in the ducts. The principle of determining both types of losses was presented. The friction coefficients of linear pressure losses referred to the unit of the straight length of the duct section ζl[m−1] as well as generalized dimensionless friction coefficient of linear pressure losses λ [-] is presented. The main achievement of the paper is the statement that the lambda coefficient λ can replace the coefficients ζl examined duct cross-sections

    Functioning of public transport systems in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of a selected urbanized area

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    For the unit performing the transport task, it is important to have tools that enable the analysis and forecasting of the system status and facilitate making decisions regarding the control of the process. During the epidemic, many legal solutions were imposed, which forced changes in the process of using public transport. The following article describes the changes and their impact on the situation in Poland

    Vehicle diagnostic system of the car engine

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    Support of the established technical characteristics of engines is reached by its regular service and diagnostics in particular - existence of the diagnostic programs built in the onboard computer of the car which carry out constant control of the main parameters of the engine.Based on the algorithm of vibroacoustic diagnostics, a system of vibration and vibroacoustic diagnostics of the internal combustion engine (ICE) is proposed, which can be integrated into the intelligent environment of self - diagnostics of the car (Check - Engine). The algorithm takes into account the normalized parameters and criteria for assessing the vibration state: the absolute values of displacements, velocities and accelerations and their changes.For the self-diagnostic system, it is important to develop a classifier of engine states also to determine and / or predict the failure of its parts or units. Engine vibrations can be attributed to the following types: imbalance of the 1st and 2nd order of the engine; vibration associated with combustion in the engine; auxiliary units.The analysis of a vibroacoustic signal at work of the serviceable and faulty engine is carried out, influence of various elements of a design, placement of the gauge in horizontal and vertical directions is shown on it

    Car wrapping – as a method of protecting the paint coating

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    Wrapping vehicles with a special foil is not only a desire to stand out, change color, advertise your company or mark a special vehicle, but also a from of protecting the paint coating against the negative influence of external factors – e.g. UV radiation, acid rain, road pollution. It is therefore necessary to do it in a professional plant, which will guarantee that the appropriate selection of the applied film will fulfill its protective character. The article presents the issue related to the proteciton of the paint coating

    The importance of information systems supporting logistics processes production company

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    The article presents key issues regarding the field of knowledge of logistics. The nature and meaning of a logistics system and relevant logistic information are discussed. In the further part of the work, selected IT systems supporting the production processes of the company are reviewed, presenting the specific features of each of them. The structure of AFPRO Filters enterprise, where the surveys were conducted, is also characterized. For the purpose of the work, two surveys were carried out, based on which the effectiveness of using implemented information systems is assessed from the point of view of users from various departments of the company. In the summary of the work, solutions, which could help the company to increase the efficiency of the use of implemented information systems and thus improve the flow of information are proposed