21 research outputs found

    Impact of cultivation methods on properties of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) seeds

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    The aim of this study was to determine the physical properties of black cumin seeds subjected to various cultivation methods (n=10) (level of nitrogen fertilization, sowing date, row spacing and integrated protection). The experiments were carried out in two years. Thousand seed weight ranged from 2.11 to 2.44 g in first year, and from 1.96 to 2.39 g in second year. In first year, bulk density ranged from 0.464 to 0.506 g*cm-3, true density – from 0.956 to 1.017 g*cm-3, and porosity – from 49.6 to 53.9%. In second year, bulk density ranged from 0.441 to 0.465 g cm-3, true density - from 0.996 to 1.061 g*cm-3, and porosity – from 54.3 to 58.4%. The mean values of optical properties were also determined. In seeds harvested in first year, the values of parameter L* reached 33.04-33.56, a*: 0.42-0.76, b*: 1-1.69, and YI E313: 5.61-7.91. In seeds harvested in second year, the respective values were as follows: L*: 32.84-33.93, a*: 0.39-0.97, b*: 0.82-2.06, and YI E313: 5.22-9.78. In first year, seed length (L) was in the range of 2.61-2.73 mm, width (S): 1.67-1.72 mm, mean thickness factor (W5): 0.805-0.858, and roundness (W13): 0.792-0.815. In seeds harvested in second year, the respective values were as follows: L: 2.59-2.95 mm, S: 1.57-1.66 mm, W5: 0.667-0.742, W13: 0.825-0.871. The most beneficial influence on the physical parameters of black cumin seeds had nitrogen fertilization at 100 kg*ha-1, seeding delayed by 20 days, row spacing of 15 or 30 cm, and the application of Penncozeb 80 WP

    Age, place of living and education influences the pregnancy universal thyroid function screening program attendance — questionnaire study

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    Background: The aim of this study was to assess attendance at the universal screening programme for thyroid function in pregnancy and attempt to evaluate the influence of age, number of past pregnancies, level of education, and place of residence on the attendance. The study was performed by means of a questionnaire. Material and methods: Our study was performed on the basis of an anonymous questionnaire handed out to 543 women aged 16–45 years, on the third day of their puerperal stay in one of five obstetric wards in southern Poland. The questionnaire contained questions about participation in plasma level measurements of TSH, fT4, total T4, thyroid antibodies or thyroid ultrasound scanning at least once in pregnancy. Results: The rate of attendance at any examination of thyroid function among pregnant women was 26.7%. The highest attendance rate (32.7%) was found among women living in provincial capitals or with higher education (41.3%), whereas the lowest was among women who had completed only primary school (11%) and those living in county towns (15%). The number of previous pregnancies did not influence the thyroid screening attendance. Women over 21 years of age participated in this screening programme more frequently (27.1–30%). Conclusion: Less than one third of pregnant women participated in the thyroid function screening. Place of living, education level, and age were the main factors influencing the attendance rate. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (5): 416–420)Wstęp: Celem pracy było oszacowanie metodą ankietową odsetka ciężarnych, które wykonały w ciąży badania umożliwiające wykrycie zaburzeń funkcji tarczycy oraz próba oceny wpływu takich czynników, jak wiek, liczba ciąż, wykształcenie i miejsce zamieszkania na zgłaszalność do tych badań. Materiał i metody: Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie anonimowych badań ankietowych, które przeprowadzono u 543 kobiet w wieku 16–45 lat, w 3. dniu połogu w 5 oddziałach położniczych na terenie województwa małopolskiego i podkarpackiego. Pytania ankiety dotyczyły wykonania oznaczenia TSH, fT4, T4 całkowitej, przeciwciał przeciw tarczycowych oraz USG tarczycy przynajmniej 1 raz w ciąży. Wyniki: Spośród ankietowanych 26,7% ciężarnych wykonało jakiekolwiek badanie oceniające funkcję tarczycy w ciąży. Najwięcej ciężarnych, które wykonały takie badanie, zamieszkiwało w mieście wojewódzkim (32,7%), a najmniej w mieście powiatowym (15%). Grupa ciężarnych z wykształceniem wyższym najczęściej (41,3%), a z wykształceniem podstawowym najrzadziej (11%) wykonywała takie badania. Nie stwierdzono istotnych statystycznie różnic w częstości wykonywania badania funkcji tarczycy pomiędzy grupami ciężarnych z innymi rodzajami wykształcenia. Częstość wykonywania tego badania nie różniła się pomiędzy grupą kobiet będących po raz pierwszy w ciąży a kobietami, które co najmniej raz urodziły. Częściej badanie funkcji tarczycy wykonywały pacjentki w wieku powyżej 21 lat (26,3–30%). Wniosek: Mniej niż 1/3 ciężarnych wykonała badanie przesiewowe funkcji tarczycy. Wiek, miejsce zamieszkania i wykształcenie wpływały na zgłaszalność do badań przesiewowych funkcji tarczycy. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (5): 416–420

    Direct oral anticoagulants in the treatment of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: a single institution’s experience

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    Aim of the study. Oral anticoagulants, preferentially vitamin K antagonists (VKA), are recommended for 3–12 months in patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST). We present a series of patients with CVST treated with direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC). Materials and methods. We prospectively recruited 36 patients with CVST (aged 40.3 ± 9.2 years, 58.3% female) treated with DOAC based on the physician’s or patient’s preferences. Functional outcome was assessed with modified Rankin Scale. Recanalisation was assessed on imaging at 3–6 months post the event. Patients were followed for a median of 30 [interquartile range (IQR) 25–37] months. Results. After use of heparin (median: 6 days; IQR 5–8.75), patients received dabigatran (150 mg bid, n = 16 or 110 mg bid, n = 2), rivaroxaban (20 mg qd, n = 10) or apixaban (5 mg bid, n = 8) for a median of 8.5 months (IQR 6.25–12). Complete or partial recanalisation was observed in 34 cases (94.4%). Three patients (8.3%) experienced major bleeding: menorrhagia on rivaroxaban (n = 2) and gastrointestinal bleeding on dabigatran (n = 1). A favourable functional outcome was observed in 24 (66.7%) patients, without any fatality. CSVT recurred in two patients (5.6%) and two venous thromboses developed in two other patients with inherited thrombophilia after anticoagulation withdrawal. Conclusions and clinical implications. DOACs could be an alternative to VKA in CVST patients

    Assessing the impact of body composition, metabolic and oxidative stress parameters on insulin resistance as a prognostic marker for reactive hypoglycemia: a cross-sectional study in overweight, obese, and normal weight individuals

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    Oxidative stress (OS) plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance (IR), particularly in its association with obesity. This study evaluate both the diagnostic and clinical significance of assessing oxidative status in patients affected by overweight and obesity displaying IR, especially with reactive hypoglycemic episodes (RH). A comprehensive examination of OS biomarkers was carried out, encompassing measurements of total oxidative capacity (TOC) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC). Our analysis results reveal noteworthy connections between OS levels and the severity of IR in overweight and obese patients. Moreover, in the study, we demonstrated the diagnostic utility of serum concentrations of TAC and TOC as indicators of the risk of RH, the occurrence of which, even at the stage of overweight, may be associated with increased OS and further development of obesity. Our findings imply that the evaluation of oxidative status could serve as a crucial diagnostic and prognostic tool for patients observed with IR and overweight and obesity. In conclusion, our study underscores the potential utility of assessing oxidative status in the context of IR and highlights the possibility of identifying novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of overweight and obese patients

    Thyroid Peroxidase Activity is Inhibited by Phenolic Compounds—Impact of Interaction

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the mode of thyroid peroxidase (TPO) inhibition by polyphenols: Chlorogenic acid, rosmarinic acid, quercetin, and rutin. All the tested polyphenols inhibited TPO; the IC50 values ranged from 0.004 mM to 1.44 mM (for rosmarinic acid and rutin, respectively). All these pure phytochemical substances exhibited different modes of TPO inhibition. Rutin and rosmarinic acid showed competitive, quercetin—uncompetitive and chlorogenic acid—noncompetitive inhibition effect on TPO. Homology modeling was used to gain insight into the 3D structure of TPO and molecular docking was applied to study the interactions of the inhibitors with their target at the molecular level. Moreover, the type and strength of mutual interactions between the inhibitors (expressed as the combination index, CI) were analyzed. Slight synergism, antagonism, and moderate antagonism were found in the case of the combined addition of the pure polyphenols. Rutin and quercetin as well as rutin and rosmarinic acid acted additively (CI = 0.096 and 1.06, respectively), while rutin and chlorogenic acid demonstrated slight synergism (CI = 0.88) and rosmarinic acid with quercetin and rosmarinic acid with chlorogenic acid showed moderate antagonism (CI = 1.45 and 1.25, respectively). The mixture of chlorogenic acid and quercetin demonstrated antagonism (CI = 1.79). All the polyphenols showed in vitro antiradical ability against 2,2′-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), ABTS. The highest ability (expressed as IC50) was exhibited by rosmarinic acid (0.12 mM) and the lowest value was ascribed to quercetin (0.45 mM)