6 research outputs found

    Applying biotechnology in the propagation and further selection of vaccinium uliginosum × (V. corymbosum × V. angustifolium) hybrids

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    The most serious problem of intergeneric and interspecific hybridization is related to overcoming the reproductive isolation of different species. We assessed the efficiency of reproduction under in vitro conditions and the ex vitro growth capacity of interspecific hybrids of Vaccinium uliginosum (V. corymbosum V. angustifolium). The percentage of seed germination in in vitro culture was 88% for V. uliginosum, form No. 8 (V. corymbosum V. angustifolium), SC5-8, while it was 42% for V. uliginosum, form No. 8 (V. corymbosum V. angustifolium), ‘Northcountry’. The analysis of mean value showed that the multiplication rate increased and the shoot height decreased as the 2-isopentenyl adenine (2iP) concentration was increased in the nutrient medium of the studied hybrids. The maximum rate was achieved using 15 M 2iP. A detailed analysis of the hybrids indicated that the hybrid variant reliably affected growth and development indicators. Inter simple sequence repeat analysis demonstrated that all analyzed hybrids inherited DNA fragments of the parent plants in various combinations, confirming their hybrid nature. Thus, the use of in vitro methods for the propagation and further selection of genotypes is demonstrated as being an effective approach for developing interspecific hybrids of V. uliginosum (V. corymbosum V. angustifolium)

    Analysis of intraspecific polymorphism of

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    The analysis of DNA polymorphism of Nitraria sibirica Pall. was carried out at 13 natural populations of the Republic of Altai and Altai Territory using the ISSR technique. Seven effective ISSR primers have been identified to analyze DNA polymorphism in N. sibirica. 99 DNA fragments were yielded at DNA amplification with these primers, 66 of them were polymorphic. The genetic distance Nei (D) between the studied populations of N. sibirica averaged 0.32, at mean 0.09 - within populations. An identification ISSR marker has been revealed, which can be used to study the genetic variability of the genus Nitraria L. (Nitrariaceae) species

    Using the ITS2 transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA to identify species of the genus Nitraria

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    Intragenomic polymorphism of ITS2 of nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences was analysed in 30 samples belonging to Nitraria schoberi, N. sibirica. The nucleotide variability of the ITS2 region was detected in the studied Nitraria species as single-nucleotide substitutions (mainly transitions) and single-nucleotide deletion. Five ribotypes of Nitraria were identified in Russia, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. These ribotypes formed two haplogroups that belong to the species N. schoberi and N. sibirica, respectively. The high importance of the discriminatory role of the ITS2 spacer in identifying species of the genus Nitraria is confirmed

    Integrative Taxonomy of Nitraria (Nitrariaceae), Description of the New Enigmatic Species and Key to All Currently Known Species

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    A new species, Nitraria iliensis sp. nov., is described from the Ili basin, Almaty region, Kazakhstan. It belongs to section Nitraria ser. Sibiricae and is morphologically similar to N. sibirica Pall. An integrative taxonomic approach based on molecular, biochemical and morphological analyses, along with palynological data, was used to delimit this new species. The studied species of the genus are illustrated, and photographs of authentic specimens of the new species, as well as a distribution map of the new species and segregate taxa, are provided. Morphological characters were investigated, more important traits for identification were found, and a new key to distinguish between all species of the genus was prepared

    Optimization of Biomass Accumulation and Production of Phenolic Compounds in Callus Cultures of <i>Rhodiola rosea</i> L. Using Design of Experiments

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    Rhodiola rosea L. is a valuable medicinal plant with adaptogenic, neuroprotective, antitumor, cardioprotective, and antidepressant effects. In this study, design of experiments methodology was employed to analyze and optimize the interacting effects of mineral compounds (concentration of NO3− and the ratio of NH4+ to K+) and two plant growth regulators [total 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and α-naphthylacetic acid (NAA) concentration and the ratio of BAP to NAA] on the growth and the production of total phenolic compounds (TPCs) in R. rosea calluses. The overall effect of the model was highly significant (p 4+, K+, NO3−, BAP, and NAA significantly affected growth. The best callus growth (703%) and the highest production of TPCs (75.17 mg/g) were achieved at an NH4+/K+ ratio of 0.33 and BAP/NAA of 0.33, provided that the concentration of plant growth regulators was 30 μM and that of NO3− was ≤40 mM. According to high-performance liquid chromatography analyses of aerial parts (leaves and stems), in vitro seedlings and callus cultures of R. rosea contain no detectable rosarin, rosavin, rosin, and cinnamyl alcohol. This is the first report on the creation of an experiment for the significant improvement of biomass accumulation and TPC production in callus cultures of R. rosea