8 research outputs found

    Identification of some Types of Crops in Southern Regions of Russia Based on MODIS Data

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    The new approach for crop identification based on MODIS data is described. Algorithms of images pre-processing and crops identification are discussed. The proposed methods are tested based on district statistical crop acreage data for Rostov and Krasnodar regions of Russia.JRC.G.3-Agricultur

    Numerical Modeling of the Ash Cloud Movement from the Catastrophic Eruption of the Sheveluch Volcano in November 1964

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    This paper reconstructs, for the first time, the motion dynamics of an eruptive cloud formed during the catastrophic eruption of the Sheveluch volcano in November 1964 (Volcanic Explosivity Index 4+). This became possible due to the public availability of atmospheric reanalysis data from the ERA-40 archive of the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the development of numerical modeling of volcanic ash cloud propagation. The simulation of the eruptive cloud motion process, which was carried out using the FALL3D and PUFF models, made it possible to clarify the sequence of events of this eruption (destruction of extrusive domes in the crater and the formation of an eruptive column and pyroclastic flows), which lasted only 1 h 12 min. During the eruption, the ash cloud consisted of two parts: the main eruptive cloud that rose up to 15,000 m above sea level (a.s.l.), and the co-ignimbrite cloud that formed above the moving pyroclastic flows. The ashfall in Ust-Kamchatsk (Kamchatka) first occurred out of the eruptive cloud moving at a higher speed, then out of the co-ignimbrite cloud. In Nikolskoye (Bering Island, Commander Islands), ash fell only out of the co-ignimbrite cloud. Under the turbulent diffusion, the forefront of the main eruptive cloud rose slowly in the atmosphere and reached 16,500 m a.s.l. by 04:07 UTC on November 12. Three days after the eruption began, the eruptive cloud stretched for 3000 km over the territories of the countries of Russia, Canada, the USA, Mexico, and over both the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It is assumed that the well-known long-term decrease in the solar radiation intensity in the northern latitudes from 1963–1966, which was established according to the world remote sensing data, was associated with the spread of aerosol clouds formed not only by the Agung volcano, but those formed during the 1964 Sheveluch volcano catastrophic eruption

    The methods and automatic technology aimed at imagery georeferencing, cloud screening, atmospheric and radiometric correction of KMSS-M satellite data

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    In this study we present methods and automatic technology developed for routine processing of satellite imagery acquired by cameras MSU-201 and MSU-202 (KMSS-M) onboard Meteor-M №2. The developed methods were aimed at imagery georeferencing issues fixing, clouds and shadows detection as well as atmospheric and radiometric correction. Basing on these methods we built an automatic technology and complete KMSS-M data processing chain which provided analysis ready dataset for Russian grain belt and adjacent areas of neighboring countries for the year 2020. Method for imagery georeferencing was based on Pearson’s correlation localized maximization when compared to the georefenced and cloudfree coarse-resolution reference image produced in IKI RAS through MOD09 product time series processing. Method for clouds and shadows detection was based both on the spatial analysis of outputs from geocorrection step and auxiliary image, characterizing georeferenced KMSS-M image values relative accordance with the IKI reference image. The atmospheric correction was based on localized histogram matching of KMSS-M and IKI reference date-corresponding imagery, and thereby concurrently performed radiometric correction of KMSS-M data, compensating effects of varying viewing and illumination geometry which explicitly manifest across 960-km-wide swath area. The developed methods are noticeably minimalistic, requiring only one target spectral band to perform properly. Due to high flexibility and robustness, they also may be applied to raw satellite imagery acquired from various Earth observation systems, including Russian systems of high and moderate spatial resolution. The technology is currently being deployed in an operative mode for several test sites of Russia since the year 2021 onwards

    Numerical Modeling of the Ash Cloud Movement from the Catastrophic Eruption of the Sheveluch Volcano in November 1964

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    This paper reconstructs, for the first time, the motion dynamics of an eruptive cloud formed during the catastrophic eruption of the Sheveluch volcano in November 1964 (Volcanic Explosivity Index 4+). This became possible due to the public availability of atmospheric reanalysis data from the ERA-40 archive of the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the development of numerical modeling of volcanic ash cloud propagation. The simulation of the eruptive cloud motion process, which was carried out using the FALL3D and PUFF models, made it possible to clarify the sequence of events of this eruption (destruction of extrusive domes in the crater and the formation of an eruptive column and pyroclastic flows), which lasted only 1 h 12 min. During the eruption, the ash cloud consisted of two parts: the main eruptive cloud that rose up to 15,000 m above sea level (a.s.l.), and the co-ignimbrite cloud that formed above the moving pyroclastic flows. The ashfall in Ust-Kamchatsk (Kamchatka) first occurred out of the eruptive cloud moving at a higher speed, then out of the co-ignimbrite cloud. In Nikolskoye (Bering Island, Commander Islands), ash fell only out of the co-ignimbrite cloud. Under the turbulent diffusion, the forefront of the main eruptive cloud rose slowly in the atmosphere and reached 16,500 m a.s.l. by 04:07 UTC on November 12. Three days after the eruption began, the eruptive cloud stretched for 3000 km over the territories of the countries of Russia, Canada, the USA, Mexico, and over both the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It is assumed that the well-known long-term decrease in the solar radiation intensity in the northern latitudes from 1963–1966, which was established according to the world remote sensing data, was associated with the spread of aerosol clouds formed not only by the Agung volcano, but those formed during the 1964 Sheveluch volcano catastrophic eruption

    Histogram comparison crosscalibration method applied for evaluating the quality of “Canopus-v-ir” data

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    Regular onboard calibration of satellite data is of great practical importance for the processing of remote sensing information. For flight cross-calibration it is proposed to use a geostationary satellite as a reference to calibrate polar orbiting satellites data on the example of the “Canopus–V–IR” and Himawary satellites. Authors use data from center for collective use “IKI–Monitoring”, united data catalogue of Planeta Research Centers for Space Hydrometeorology. The work has been done on theme «Monitoring

    Development of the unit for testing the methods of remote computerized monitoring of environmental changes in the “IKI-Monitoring” center for collective use

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    The impact of hazardous waste on people and the environment from agricultural, industrial, military and mining activities form one of the most significant global environmental challenges. These wastes often include heavy metals, acid precipitates (sulfur oxide solutions), hydrocarbons, and other organic chemicals. Creation of the tools of the VEGA-Science service (http://sci-vega.ru

    Usage Experience and Capabilities of the VEGA-Science System

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    Currently, when satellite data volumes grow rapidly and exceed petabyte values and their quality provides reliable analysis of long-term time series, traditional data handling methods assuming local storage and processing may be impossible to implement for small or distributed research teams. Thus, new methods based on modern web technologies providing access to very large distributed data archives are gaining increasing importance. Furthermore, these new data handling solutions should provide not just access but also analysis and processing features, similar to desktop solutions. This paper describes the VEGA-Science web GIS—an open-access novel tool for satellite data processing and analysis. The overview of its architecture and basic technical components is given, but most attention is paid to examples of actual system application for various applied and research tasks. In addition, an overview of projects using the system is given to illustrate its versatility and further development directions are considered

    Usage Experience and Capabilities of the VEGA-Science System

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    Currently, when satellite data volumes grow rapidly and exceed petabyte values and their quality provides reliable analysis of long-term time series, traditional data handling methods assuming local storage and processing may be impossible to implement for small or distributed research teams. Thus, new methods based on modern web technologies providing access to very large distributed data archives are gaining increasing importance. Furthermore, these new data handling solutions should provide not just access but also analysis and processing features, similar to desktop solutions. This paper describes the VEGA-Science web GIS—an open-access novel tool for satellite data processing and analysis. The overview of its architecture and basic technical components is given, but most attention is paid to examples of actual system application for various applied and research tasks. In addition, an overview of projects using the system is given to illustrate its versatility and further development directions are considered