9 research outputs found

    Non-invasive EEG-based BCI spellers from the beginning to today: a mini-review

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    The defeat of the central motor neuron leads to the motor disorders. Patients lose the ability to control voluntary muscles, for example, of the upper limbs, which introduces a fundamental dissonance in the possibility of daily use of a computer or smartphone. As a result, the patients lose the ability to communicate with other people. The article presents the most popular paradigms used in the brain-computer-interface speller system and designed for typing by people with severe forms of the movement disorders. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have emerged as a promising technology for individuals with communication impairments. BCI-spellers are systems that enable users to spell words by selecting letters on a computer screen using their brain activity. There are three main types of BCI-spellers: P300, motor imagery (MI), and steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP). However, each type has its own limitations, which has led to the development of hybrid BCI-spellers that combine the strengths of multiple types. Hybrid BCI-spellers can improve accuracy and reduce the training period required for users to become proficient. Overall, hybrid BCI-spellers have the potential to improve communication for individuals with impairments by combining the strengths of multiple types of BCI-spellers. In conclusion, BCI-spellers are a promising technology for individuals with communication impairments. P300, MI, and SSVEP are the three main types of BCI-spellers, each with their own advantages and limitations. Further research is needed to improve the accuracy and usability of BCI-spellers and to explore their potential applications in other areas such as gaming and virtual reality


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    Background. A lot of scientific articles have been published since the global COVID-19 pandemic was officially announced by WHO. Although different aspects of COVID-19 impact on the mental sphere were studied, some issues regarding the psychological characteristics of those who have had a coronavirus infection are still not fully revealed. It is noted by many authors that even when the main symptoms of the disease are subsided, symptoms of anxiety, depression, cognitive & mood disorders are still persistent even after the treatment. Purpose: to study cognitive and emotional spheres of patients who are recovering from coronavirus infection and currently undergoing rehabilitation procedures. Materials and methods. The study involved 100 patients undergoing medical rehabilitation, 55 of them are recovering from traumatological, neurological and cardiovascular disorders (27 male and 28 female patients, aged 57±10) and 45 patients are recovering from pneumonia caused by coronavirus infection (11 male and 34 female patients, aged 58±12). The study was conducted using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale (MoCA), the Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale (HADS), and the Health-Activity-Mood Scale (SAN). Statistical analysis of raw data had included calculation of descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Student’s t-test for independent groups, Fisher’s φ* transformation and significance of correlation coefficients differences with Fisher’s transformation & Student T-distribution, and was processed with Microsoft Office Excel 2016 build-in data analysis package. Results. Analysis of MoCA results showed that ratio of severe impairments of memory functions and attention span is higher in post-COVID group of patients. This group also had higher rate of anxiety symptoms and sub-clinical depression state. In both groups more than a half of the patients have average level of anxiety and depression, however patients from post-COVID group are more likely to experience more symptoms of anxiety than non-COVID patients. Patients from post-COVID group are significantly more likely to have a higher scores of anxiety compared to patients in the other group and at the same time they are less likely to have average anxiety level. Differences between groups were discovered for “Health” and “Mood” scales of SAN with higher scores among post-COID patients as well as lower scores for “Activity” scale. Conclusion. Statistically significant differences between the groups were found; common and specific correlations were found for both groups. The results may be useful for healthcare professionals working with post-COVID patients, and can also be used by psychologists who deal with the problems of social and psychological rehabilitation of post-COVID patients

    Successful Pregnancy Outcome in Women with Recurrent IVF Failure and Anti-hCG Autoimmunity: A Report of Three Cases

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    We report three cases of effective management of infertility in women with a history of repeated unsuccessful IVF attempts, who have developed antibodies to hCG. A novel approach to conservative treatment of immunologic reproductive failure, suggested for selected patients, included membrane plasmapheresis, combined prednisolone, and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. No adverse side effects were observed; all cases resulted in pregnancy and subsequent life births. In order to be given an adequate efficient treatment, women with recurrent implantation failure should be suspected for autoimmune factor of infertility and its possible association with anti-hCG autoimmunity

    Abstracts of The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium

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    This abstract book contains abstracts of the various research ideas presented at The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium.The RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium served as a perfect venue for practitioners, engineers, researchers, scientists, managers and decision-makers from all over the world to exchange ideas and technology about the latest innovation developments dealing with risk minimization