111 research outputs found

    Experimental study of granular surface flows via a fast camera: a continuous description

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    Depth averaged conservation equations are written for granular surface flows. Their application to the study of steady surface flows in a rotating drum allows to find experimentally the constitutive relations needed to close these equations from measurements of the velocity profile in the flowing layer at the center of the drum and from the flowing layer thickness and the static/flowing boundary profiles. The velocity varies linearly with depth, with a gradient independent of both the flowing layer thickness and the static/flowing boundary local slope. The first two closure relations relating the flow rate and the momentum flux to the flowing layer thickness and the slope are then deduced. Measurements of the profile of the flowing layer thickness and the static/flowing boundary in the whole drum explicitly give the last relation concerning the force acting on the flowing layer. Finally, these closure relations are compared to existing continuous models of surface flows.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. FLuid

    Geometry dependence of the clogging transition in tilted hoppers

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    We report the effect of system geometry on the clogging of granular material flowing out of flat-bottomed hoppers with variable aperture size D. For such systems, there exists a critical aperture size Dc at which there is a divergence in the time for a flow to clog. To better understand the origins of Dc, we perturb the system by tilting the hopper an angle Q and mapping out a clogging phase diagram as a function of Q and D. The clogging transition demarcates the boundary between the freely-flowing (large D, small Q) and clogging (small D, large Q) regimes. We investigate how the system geometry affects Dc by mapping out this phase diagram for hoppers with either a circular hole or a rectangular narrow slit. Additionally, we vary the grain shape, investigating smooth spheres (glass beads), compact angular grains (beach sand), disk-like grains (lentils), and rod-like grains (rice). We find that the value of Dc grows with increasing Q, diverging at pi-Qr where Qr is the angle of repose. For circular apertures, the shape of the clogging transition is the same for all grain types. However, this is not the case for the narrow slit apertures, where the rate of growth of the critical hole size with tilt angle depends on the material

    Granular Elasticity without the Coulomb Condition

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    An self-contained elastic theory is derived which accounts both for mechanical yield and shear-induced volume dilatancy. Its two essential ingredients are thermodynamic instability and the dependence of the elastic moduli on compression.Comment: 4pages, 2 figure

    Force balance in canonical ensembles of static granular packings

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    We investigate the role of local force balance in the transition from a microcanonical ensemble of static granular packings, characterized by an invariant stress, to a canonical ensemble. Packings in two dimensions admit a reciprocal tiling, and a collective effect of force balance is that the area of this tiling is also invariant in a microcanonical ensemble. We present analytical relations between stress, tiling area and tiling area fluctuations, and show that a canonical ensemble can be characterized by an intensive thermodynamic parameter conjugate to one or the other. We test the equivalence of different ensembles through the first canonical simulations of the force network ensemble, a model system.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to JSTA

    Hexagons, Kinks and Disorder in Oscillated Granular Layers

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    Experiments on vertically oscillated granular layers in an evacuated container reveal a sequence of well-defined pattern bifurcations as the container acceleration is increased. Period doublings of the layer center of mass motion and a parametric wave instability interact to produce hexagons and more complicated patterns composed of distinct spatial domains of different relative phase separated by kinks (phase discontinuities). Above a critical acceleration, the layer becomes disordered in both space and time.Comment: 4 pages. The RevTeX file has a macro allowing various styles. The appropriate style is "myprint" which is the defaul

    Power law velocity fluctuations due to inelastic collisions in numerically simulated vibrated bed of powder}

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    Distribution functions of relative velocities among particles in a vibrated bed of powder are studied both numerically and theoretically. In the solid phase where granular particles remain near their local stable states, the probability distribution is Gaussian. On the other hand, in the fluidized phase, where the particles can exchange their positions, the distribution clearly deviates from Gaussian. This is interpreted with two analogies; aggregation processes and soft-to-hard turbulence transition in thermal convection. The non-Gaussian distribution is well-approximated by the t-distribution which is derived theoretically by considering the effect of clustering by inelastic collisions in the former analogy.Comment: 7 pages, using REVTEX (Figures are inculded in text body) %%%Replacement due to rivision (Europhys. Lett., in press)%%

    Vortices in vibrated granular rods

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    We report the experimental observation of novel vortex patterns in vertically vibrated granular rods. Above a critical packing fraction, moving ordered domains of nearly vertical rods spontaneously form and coexist with horizontal rods. The domains of vertical rods coarsen in time to form large vortices. We investigate the conditions under which the vortices occur by varying the number of rods, vibration amplitude and frequency. The size of the vortices increases with the number of rods. We characterize the growth of the ordered domains by measuring the area fraction of the ordered regions as a function of time. A {\em void filling} model is presented to describe the nucleation and growth of the vertical domains. We track the ends of the vertical rods and obtain the velocity fields of the vortices. The rotation speed of the rods is observed to depend on the vibration velocity of the container and on the packing. To investigate the impact of the direction of driving on the observed phenomena, we performed experiments with the container vibrated horizontally. Although vertical domains form, vortices are not observed. We therefore argue that the motion is generated due to the interaction of the inclination of the rods with the bottom of a vertically vibrated container. We also perform simple experiments with a single row of rods in an annulus. These experiments directly demonstrate that the rod motion is generated when the rods are inclined from the vertical, and is always in the direction of the inclination.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure, 2 movies at http://physics.clarku.edu/vortex uses revtex

    Static Friction Phenomena in Granular Materials: Coulomb Law vs. Particle Geometry

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    The static as well as the dynamic behaviour of granular material are determined by dynamic {\it and} static friction. There are well known methods to include static friction in molecular dynamics simulations using scarcely understood forces. We propose an Ansatz based on the geometrical shape of nonspherical particles which does not involve an explicit expression for static friction. It is shown that the simulations based on this model are close to experimental results.Comment: 11 pages, Revtex, HLRZ-33/9

    Logarithmic Relaxations in a Random Field Lattice Gas Subject to Gravity

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    A simple lattice gas model with random fields and gravity is introduced to describe a system of grains moving in a disordered environment. Off equilibrium relaxations of bulk density and its two time correlation functions are numerically found to show logarithmic time dependences and "aging" effects. Similitudes with dry granular media are stressed. The connections with off equilibrium dynamics in others kinds of "frustrated" lattice models in presence of a directional driving force (gravity) are discussed to single out the appearance of universal features in the relaxation process.Comment: 15 pages, latex, 7 figures include