1,616 research outputs found

    Single spin probe of Many-Body Localization

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    We use an external spin as a dynamical probe of many body localization. The probe spin is coupled to an interacting and disordered environment described by a Heisenberg spin chain in a random field. The spin-chain environment can be tuned between a thermalizing delocalized phase and non-thermalizing localized phase, both in its ground- and high-energy states. We study the decoherence of the probe spin when it couples to the environment prepared in three states: the ground state, the infinite temperature state and a high energy N\'eel state. In the non-thermalizing many body localized regime, the coherence shows scaling behaviour in the disorder strength. The long-time dynamics of the probe spin shows a logarithmic dephasing in analogy with the logarithmic growth of entanglement entropy for a bi-partition of a many-body localized system. In summary, we show that decoherence of the probe spin provides clear signatures of many-body localization.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    XMM-Newton reveals ~100 new LMXBs in M31 from variability studies

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    We have conducted a survey of X-ray sources in XMM-Newton observations of M31, examining their power density spectra (PDS) and spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Our automated source detection yielded 535 good X-ray sources; to date, we have studied 225 of them. In particular, we examined the PDS because low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) exhibit two distinctive types of PDS. At low accretion rates, the PDS is characterised by a broken power law, with the spectral index changing from ~0 to ~1 at some frequency in the range \~0.01--1 Hz; we refer to such PDS as Type A. At higher accretion rates, the PDS is described by a simple power law; we call these PDS Type B. Of the 225 sources studied to date, 75 exhibit Type A variability, and are almost certainly LMXBs, while 6 show Type B but not Type A, and are likely LMXBs. Of these 81 candidate LMXBs, 71 are newly identified in this survey; furthermore, they are mostly found near the centre of M31. Furthermore, most of the X-ray population in the disc are associated with the spiral arms, making them likely high mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs). In general these HMXBs do not exhibit Type A variability, while many central X-ray sources (LMXBs) in the same luminosity range do. Hence the PDS may distinguish between LMXBs and HMXBs in this luminosity range.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in proceedings of IAUS230: "Populations of High Energy Sources in Galaxies", 14-19 August 2005, Dublin, Eds E.J.A. Meurs and G. Fabbian

    Sensing Floquet-Majorana fermions via heat transfer

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    Time periodic modulations of the transverse field in the closed XY spin-1/2 chain generate a very rich dynamical phase diagram, with a hierarchy of Z_n topological phases characterized by differing numbers of Floquet-Majorana modes. This rich phase diagram survives when the system is coupled to dissipative end reservoirs. Circumventing the obstacle of preparing and measuring quasienergy configurations endemic to Floquet-Majorana detection schemes, we show that stroboscopic heat transport and spin density are robust observables to detect both the dynamical phase transitions and Majorana modes in dissipative settings. We find that the heat current provides very clear signatures of these Floquet topological phase transitions. In particular, we observe that the derivative of the heat current, with respect to a control parameter, changes sign at the boundaries separating topological phases with differing nonzero numbers of Floquet-Majorana modes. We present a simple scheme to directly count the number of Floquet-Majorana modes in a phase from the Fourier transform of the local spin density profile. Our results are valid provided the anisotropies are not strong and can be easily implemented in quantum engineered systems

    Climate and creativity:Cold and heat trigger invention and innovation in richer populations

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    Nobel laureates, technological pioneers, and innovative entrepreneurs are unequally distributed across the globe. Their density increases in regions toward the North Pole, toward the South Pole, and very close to the Equator. This geographic anomaly led us to explore whether stressful demands of climatic cold and climatic heat (imposed necessities) interact with economic wealth resources (available opportunities) in modulating creative culture—defined here as including both inventive idea generation and innovative idea implementation. Controlling for societal intellectualization, industrialization, and urbanization, results indicated that higher thermal demands, primarily cold stress and secondarily heat stress, hinder creativity in poorer populations but promote creativity in richer populations. Complementing their direct wealth-dependent effects, colder and hotter temperatures also exert indirect wealth-dependent effects on creative culture through lower prevalence of human-to-human transmitted parasitic diseases. Across 155 countries, the resulting ecotheory of creativity accounts for 79% of the variation in creative culture. The findings open up valuable perspectives on the creativity-related consequences of thermal climate—and climate change—in poor and rich populations

    Heil aan bod : leren hopen in praktisch-theologisch perspectief

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    Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar Praktische Theologie aan de Theologische Universiteit van de Gereformeerde Kerken te Kampen op 31 januari 2003

    Development and validation of the Dutch Questionnaire God Image:Effects of mental health and religious culture

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    This article presents the Dutch Questionnaire God Image (QGI), which has two theory-based dimensions: feelings towards God and perceptions of God’s actions. This instrument was validated among a sample of 804 respondents, of which 244 persons received psychotherapy. Results showed relationships between the affective and cognitive aspect of the God image. The God image of psychiatric patients had a more negative and threatening nature than the God image of the non-psychiatric respondents. Also, religious culture appeared to affect the God image

    Discrete organic phosphorus signatures are evident in pollutant sources within a Lake Erie tributary

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Environmental Science and Technology 52 (2018): 6771-6779, doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b05703.Phosphorus loads are strongly associated with the severity of harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie, a Great Lake situated between the United States and Canada. Inorganic and total phosphorus measurements have historically been used to estimate nonpoint and point source contributions, from contributing watersheds with organic phosphorus often neglected. Here, we used ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry to characterize the dissolved organic matter and specifically dissolved organic phosphorus composition of several nutrient pollutant source materials and aqueous samples in a Lake Erie tributary. We detected between 23-313 organic phosphorus formulae across our samples, with manure samples having greater abundance of phosphorus- and nitrogen containing compounds compared to other samples. Manures also were enriched in lipids and protein-like compounds. The greatest similarities were observed between the Sandusky River and wastewater treatment plant effluent (WWTP), or the Sandusky River and agricultural edge of field samples. These sample pairs shared 84% of organic compounds and 59 to 73% of P-containing organic compounds, respectively. This similarity suggests that agricultural and/or WWTP sources dominate the supply of organic phosphorus compounds to the river. We identify formulae shared between the river and pollutant sources that could serve as possible markers of source contamination in the tributary.This research was supported by an Ohio State University Field to Faucet Institute award to P.J.M and by a Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative grant from the Ohio Department of Higher Education

    In vivo evolution of lactic acid hyper-tolerant Clostridium thermocellum

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    Lactic acid (LA) has several applications in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in the production of biodegradable plastic polymers, namely polylactides. Industrial production of LA is essentially based on microbial fermentation. Recent reports have shown the potential of the cellulolytic bacterium Clostridium thermocellum for direct LA production from inexpensive lignocellulosic biomass. However, C. thermocellum is highly sensitive to acids and does not grow at pH \u3c 6.0. Improvement of LA tolerance of this microorganism is pivotal for its application in cost-efficient production of LA. In the present study, the LA tolerance of C. thermocellum strains LL345 (wild-type fermentation profile) and LL1111 (high LA yield) was increased by adaptive laboratory evolution. At large inoculum size (10 %), the maximum tolerated LA concentration of strain LL1111 was more than doubled, from 15 g/L to 35 g/L, while subcultures evolved from LL345 showed 50–85 % faster growth in medium containing 45 g/L LA. Gene mutations (pyruvate phosphate dikinase, histidine protein kinase/phosphorylase) possibly affecting carbohydrate and/or phosphate metabolism have been detected in most LA-adapted populations. Although improvement of LA tolerance may sometimes also enable higher LA production in microorganisms, C. thermocellum LA-adapted cultures showed a yield of LA, and generally of other organic acids, similar to or lower than parental strains. Based on its improved LA tolerance and LA titer similar to its parent strain (LL1111), mixed adapted culture LL1630 showed the highest performing phenotype and could serve as a framework for improving LA production by further metabolic engineering
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