74 research outputs found

    Resonance shifts and spill-out effects in self-consistent hydrodynamic nanoplasmonics

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    The standard hydrodynamic Drude model with hard-wall boundary conditions can give accurate quantitative predictions for the optical response of noble-metal nanoparticles. However, it is less accurate for other metallic nanosystems, where surface effects due to electron density spill-out in free space cannot be neglected. Here we address the fundamental question whether the description of surface effects in plasmonics necessarily requires a fully quantum-mechanical approach, such as time-dependent density-functional theory (TD-DFT), that goes beyond an effective Drude-type model. We present a more general formulation of the hydrodynamic model for the inhomogeneous electron gas, which additionally includes gradients of the electron density in the energy functional. In doing so, we arrive at a Self-Consistent Hydrodynamic Model (SC-HDM), where spill-out emerges naturally. We find a redshift for the optical response of Na nanowires, and a blueshift for Ag nanowires, which are both in quantitative agreement with experiments and more advanced quantum methods. The SC-HDM gives accurate results with modest computational effort, and can be applied to arbitrary nanoplasmonic systems of much larger sizes than accessible with TD-DFT methods. Moreover, while the latter typically neglect retardation effects due to time-varying magnetic fields, our SC-HDM takes retardation fully into account.Comment: 27 pages, including 4 figures. Supplemental Material is available upon request to author

    Older adults with weaker muscle strength stand up from a sitting position with more dynamic trunk use

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    The ability to stand up from a sitting position is essential for older adults to live independently. Body-fixed inertial sensors may provide an approach for quantifying the sit-to-stand (STS) in clinical settings. The aim of this study was to determine whether measurements of STS movements using body-fixed sensors yield parameters that are informative regarding changes in STS performance in older adults with reduced muscle strength. In twenty-seven healthy older adults, handgrip strength was assessed as a proxy for overall muscle strength. Subjects were asked to stand up from a chair placed at three heights. Trunk movements were measured using an inertial sensor fixed to the back. Duration, angular range, and maximum angular velocity of STS phases, as well as the vertical velocity of the extension phase, were calculated. Backwards elimination using Generalized Estimating Equations was used to determine if handgrip strength predicted the STS durations and trunk kinematics. Weaker subjects (i.e., with lower handgrip strength) were slower during the STS and showed a larger flexion angular range and a larger extension angular range. In addition, weaker subjects showed a greater maximum angular velocity, which increased with lower seat heights. Measurements with a single inertial sensor did reveal that older adults with lower handgrip strength employed a different strategy to stand up from a sitting position, involving more dynamic use of the trunk. This effect was greatest when elevating body mass. Trunk kinematic parameters were more sensitive to reduced muscle strength than durations

    Drug Delivery with Extracellular Vesicles: From Imagination to Innovation

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    ConspectusExtracellular vesicles are nanoparticles produced by cells. They are composed of cellular membrane with associated membrane proteins that surrounds an aqueous core containing soluble molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids, like miRNA and mRNA. They are important in many physiological and pathological processes as they can transfer biological molecules from producer cells to acceptor cells. Preparation of the niche for cancer metastasis, stimulation of tissue regeneration and orchestration of the immune response are examples of the diverse processes in which extracellular vesicles have been implicated. As a result, these vesicles have formed a source of inspiration for many scientific fields. They could be used, for example, as liquid biopsies in diagnostics, as therapeutics in regenerative medicine, or as drug delivery vehicles for transport of medicines. In this Account, we focus on drug delivery applications.As we learn more and more about these vesicles, the complexity increases. What originally appeared to be a relatively uniform population of cellular vesicles is increasingly subdivided into different subsets. Cells make various distinct vesicle types whose physicochemical aspects and composition is influenced by parental cell type, cellular activation state, local microenvironment, biogenesis pathway, and intracellular cargo sorting routes. It has proven difficult to assess the effects of changes in production protocol on the characteristics of the cell-derived vesicle population. On top of that, each isolation method for vesicles necessarily enriches certain vesicle classes and subpopulations while depleting others. Also, each method is associated with a varying degree of vesicle purity and concomitant coisolation of nonvesicular material. What emerges is a staggering heterogeneity. This constitutes one of the main challenges of the field as small changes in production and isolation protocols may have large impact on the vesicle characteristics and on subsequent vesicle activity.We try to meet this challenge by careful experimental design and development of tools that enable robust readouts. By engineering the surface and cargo of extracellular vesicles through chemical and biological techniques, favorable characteristics can be enforced while unfavorable qualities can be overruled or masked. This is coupled to the precise evaluation of the interaction of extracellular vesicles with cells to determine the extracellular vesicle uptake routes and intracellular routing. Sensitive reporter assays enable reproducible analysis of functional delivery.This systematic evaluation and optimization of extracellular vesicles improves our insight into the critical determinants of extracellular vesicle activity and should improve translation into clinical application of engineered extracellular vesicles as a new class of drug delivery systems

    CEDAR, an online resource for the reporting and exploration of complexome profiling data

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    Complexome profiling is an emerging ‘omics’ approach that systematically interrogates the composition of protein complexes (the complexome) of a sample, by combining biochemical separation of native protein complexes with mass-spectrometry based quantitation proteomics. The resulting fractionation profiles hold comprehensive information on the abundance and composition of the complexome, and have a high potential for reuse by experimental and computational researchers. However, the lack of a central resource that provides access to these data, reported with adequate descriptions and an analysis tool, has limited their reuse. Therefore, we established the ComplexomE profiling DAta Resource (CEDAR, www3.cmbi.umcn.nl/cedar/), an openly accessible database for depositing and exploring mass spectrometry data from complexome profiling studies. Compatibility and reusability of the data is ensured by a standardized data and reporting format containing the “minimum information required for a complexome profiling experiment” (MIACE). The data can be accessed through a user-friendly web interface, as well as programmatically using the REST API portal. Additionally, all complexome profiles available on CEDAR can be inspected directly on the website with the profile viewer tool that allows the detection of correlated profiles and inference of potential complexes. In conclusion, CEDAR is a unique, growing and invaluable resource for the study of protein complex composition and dynamics across biological systems

    Functional siRNA Delivery by Extracellular Vesicle-Liposome Hybrid Nanoparticles

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    The therapeutic use of RNA interference is limited by the inability of siRNA molecules to reach their site of action, the cytosol of target cells. Lipid nanoparticles, including liposomes, are commonly employed as siRNA carrier systems to overcome this hurdle, although their widespread use remains limited due to a lack of delivery efficiency. More recently, nature's own carriers of RNA, extracellular vesicles (EVs), are increasingly being considered as alternative siRNA delivery vehicles due to their intrinsic properties. However, they are difficult to load with exogenous cargo. Here, EV-liposome hybrid nanoparticles (hybrids) are prepared and evaluated as an alternative delivery system combining properties of both liposomes and EVs. It is shown that hybrids are spherical particles encapsulating siRNA, contain EV-surface makers, and functionally deliver siRNA to different cell types. The functional behavior of hybrids, in terms of cellular uptake, toxicity, and gene-silencing efficacy, is altered as compared to liposomes and varies among recipient cell types. Moreover, hybrids produced with cardiac progenitor cell (CPC) derived-EVs retain functional properties attributed to CPC-EVs such as activation of endothelial signaling and migration. To conclude, hybrids combine benefits of both synthetic and biological drug delivery systems and might serve as future therapeutic carriers of siRNA

    Functional siRNA Delivery by Extracellular Vesicle–Liposome Hybrid Nanoparticles

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    The therapeutic use of RNA interference is limited by the inability of siRNA molecules to reach their site of action, the cytosol of target cells. Lipid nanoparticles, including liposomes, are commonly employed as siRNA carrier systems to overcome this hurdle, although their widespread use remains limited due to a lack of delivery efficiency. More recently, nature's own carriers of RNA, extracellular vesicles (EVs), are increasingly being considered as alternative siRNA delivery vehicles due to their intrinsic properties. However, they are difficult to load with exogenous cargo. Here, EV–liposome hybrid nanoparticles (hybrids) are prepared and evaluated as an alternative delivery system combining properties of both liposomes and EVs. It is shown that hybrids are spherical particles encapsulating siRNA, contain EV-surface makers, and functionally deliver siRNA to different cell types. The functional behavior of hybrids, in terms of cellular uptake, toxicity, and gene-silencing efficacy, is altered as compared to liposomes and varies among recipient cell types. Moreover, hybrids produced with cardiac progenitor cell (CPC) derived-EVs retain functional properties attributed to CPC-EVs such as activation of endothelial signaling and migration. To conclude, hybrids combine benefits of both synthetic and biological drug delivery systems and might serve as future therapeutic carriers of siRNA

    Delivery of modified mRNA to damaged myocardium by systemic administration of lipid nanoparticles

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    Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) are a promising drug delivery vehicle for clinical siRNA delivery. Modified mRNA (modRNA) has recently gained great attention as a therapeutic molecule in cardiac regeneration. However, for mRNA to be functional, it must first reach the diseased myocardium, enter the target cell, escape from the endosomal compartment into the cytosol and be translated into a functional protein. However, it is unknown if LNPs can effectively deliver mRNA, which is much larger than siRNA, to the ischemic myocardium. Here, we evaluated the ability of LNPs to deliver mRNA to the myocardium upon ischemia-reperfusion injury functionally. By exploring the bio-distribution of fluorescently labeled LNPs, we observed that, upon reperfusion, LNPs accumulated in the infarct area of the heart. Subsequently, the functional delivery of modRNA was evaluated by the administration of firefly luciferase encoding modRNA. Concomitantly, a significant increase in firefly luciferase expression was observed in the heart upon myocardial reperfusion when compared to sham-operated animals. To characterize the targeted cells within the myocardium, we injected LNPs loaded with Cre modRNA into Cre-reporter mice. Upon LNP infusion, Tdtomato+ cells, derived from Cre mediated recombination, were observed in the infarct region as well as the epicardial layer upon LNP infusion. Within the infarct area, most targeted cells were cardiac fibroblasts but also some cardiomyocytes and macrophages were found. Although the expression levels were low compared to LNP-modRNA delivery into the liver, our data show the ability of LNPs to functionally deliver modRNA therapeutics to the damaged myocardium, which holds great promise for modRNA-based cardiac therapies

    Planning and Development of Social Services for Persons with Disabilities

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    Soziale Dienste zur Unterstützung von Menschen mit Behinderungen haben sich in den letzten Jahren dynamisch entwickelt und unterliegen auch aktuell einem erheblichen Veränderungsdruck. Die Forschungsarbeiten, die in diesem Band versammelt sind, haben die Entwicklung hin zu einer inklusionsorientierten Unterstützung in zahlreichen Projekten auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen aktiv begleitet.Social services to support persons with disabilities have developed dynamically in recent years and are currently subject to considerable pressure to change. The research work collected in this volume has actively accompanied the development towards inclusion-oriented support in numerous projects at different levels

    The impact of the Trauma Triage App on pre-hospital trauma triage: design and protocol of the stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized TESLA trial

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    Abstract Background Field triage of trauma patients is crucial to get the right patient to the right hospital within a particular time frame. Minimization of undertriage, overtriage, and interhospital transfer rates could substantially reduce mortality rates, life-long disabilities, and costs. Identification of patients in need of specialized trauma care is predominantly based on the judgment of Emergency Medical Services professionals and a pre-hospital triage protocol. The Trauma Triage App is a smartphone application that includes a prediction model to aid Emergency Medical Services professionals in the identification of patients in need of specialized trauma care. The aim of this trial is to assess the impact of this new digital approach to field triage on the primary endpoint undertriage. Methods The Trauma triage using Supervised Learning Algorithms (TESLA) trial is a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial with eight clusters defined as Emergency Medical Services regions. These clusters are an integral part of five inclusive trauma regions. Injured patients, evaluated on-scene by an Emergency Medical Services professional, suspected of moderate to severe injuries, will be assessed for eligibility. This unidirectional crossover trial will start with a baseline period in which the default pre-hospital triage protocol is used, after which all clusters gradually implement the Trauma Triage App as an add-on to the existing triage protocol. The primary endpoint is undertriage on patient and cluster level and is defined as the transportation of a severely injured patient (Injury Severity Score ≥ 16) to a lower-level trauma center. Secondary endpoints include overtriage, hospital resource use, and a cost-utility analysis. Discussion The TESLA trial will assess the impact of the Trauma Triage App in clinical practice. This novel approach to field triage will give new and previously undiscovered insights into several isolated components of the diagnostic strategy to get the right trauma patient to the right hospital. The stepped-wedge design allows for within and between cluster comparisons. Trial registration Netherlands Trial Register, NTR7243. Registered 30 May 2018, https://www.trialregister.nl/trial/7038

    Effects of sublethal single, simultaneous and sequential abiotic stresses on phenotypic traits of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Plant responses to abiotic stresses are complex and dynamic, and involve changes in different traits, either as the direct consequence of the stress, or as an active acclimatory response. Abiotic stresses frequently occur simultaneously or in succession, rather than in isolation. Despite this, most studies have focused on a single stress and single or few plant traits. To address this gap, our study comprehensively and categorically quantified the individual and combined effects of three major abiotic stresses associated with climate change (flooding, progressive drought and high temperature) on 12 phenotypic traits related to morphology, development, growth and fitness, at different developmental stages in four Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. Combined sublethal stresses were applied either simultaneously (high temperature and drought) or sequentially (flooding followed by drought). In total, we analysed the phenotypic responses of 1782 individuals across these stresses and different developmental stages. Overall, abiotic stresses and their combinations resulted in distinct patterns of effects across the traits analysed, with both quantitative and qualitative differences across accessions. Stress combinations had additive effects on some traits, whereas clear positive and negative interactions were observed for other traits: 9 out of 12 traits for high temperature and drought, 6 out of 12 traits for post-submergence and drought showed significant interactions. In many cases where the stresses interacted, the strength of interactions varied across accessions. Hence, our results indicated a general pattern of response in most phenotypic traits to the different stresses and stress combinations, but it also indicated a natural genetic variation in the strength of these responses. This includes novel results regarding the lack of a response to drought after submergence and a decoupling between leaf number and flowering time after submergence. Overall, our study provides a rich characterization of trait responses of Arabidopsis plants to sublethal abiotic stresses at the phenotypic level and can serve as starting point for further in-depth physiological research and plant modelling efforts