81 research outputs found

    Early T Cell Signalling Is Reversibly Altered in PD-1+ T Lymphocytes Infiltrating Human Tumors

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    To improve cancer immunotherapy, a better understanding of the weak efficiency of tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes (TIL) is necessary. We have analyzed the functional state of human TIL immediately after resection of three types of tumors (NSCLC, melanoma and RCC). Several signalling pathways (calcium, phosphorylation of ERK and Akt) and cytokine secretion are affected to different extents in TIL, and show a partial spontaneous recovery within a few hours in culture. The global result is an anergy that is quite distinct from clonal anergy induced in vitro, and closer to adaptive tolerance in mice. PD-1 (programmed death -1) is systematically expressed by TIL and may contribute to their anergy by its mere expression, and not only when it interacts with its ligands PD-L1 or PD-L2, which are not expressed by every tumor. Indeed, the TCR-induced calcium and ERK responses were reduced in peripheral blood T cells transfected with PD-1. Inhibition by sodium stibogluconate of the SHP-1 and SHP-2 phosphatases that associate with several inhibitory receptors including PD-1, relieves part of the anergy apparent in TIL or in PD-1-transfected T cells. This work highlights some of the molecular modifications contributing to functional defects of human TIL

    Distinct Merkel Cell Polyomavirus Molecular Features in Tumour and Non Tumour Specimens from Patients with Merkel Cell Carcinoma

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    Merkel Cell Polyomavirus (MCPyV) is associated with Merkel Cell carcinoma (MCC), a rare, aggressive skin cancer with neuroendocrine features. The causal role of MCPyV is highly suggested by monoclonal integration of its genome and expression of the viral large T (LT) antigen in MCC cells. We investigated and characterized MCPyV molecular features in MCC, respiratory, urine and blood samples from 33 patients by quantitative PCR, sequencing and detection of integrated viral DNA. We examined associations between either MCPyV viral load in primary MCC or MCPyV DNAemia and survival. Results were interpreted with respect to the viral molecular signature in each compartment. Patients with MCC containing more than 1 viral genome copy per cell had a longer period in complete remission than patients with less than 1 copy per cell (34 vs 10 months, P = 0.037). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) contained MCPyV more frequently in patients sampled with disease than in patients in complete remission (60% vs 11%, P = 0.00083). Moreover, the detection of MCPyV in at least one PBMC sample during follow-up was associated with a shorter overall survival (P = 0.003). Sequencing of viral DNA from MCC and non MCC samples characterized common single nucleotide polymorphisms defining 8 patient specific strains. However, specific molecular signatures truncating MCPyV LT were observed in 8/12 MCC cases but not in respiratory and urinary samples from 15 patients. New integration sites were identified in 4 MCC cases. Finally, mutated-integrated forms of MCPyV were detected in PBMC of two patients with disseminated MCC disease, indicating circulation of metastatic cells. We conclude that MCPyV molecular features in primary MCC tumour and PBMC may help to predict the course of the disease

    Particulate matter exposure during pregnancy is associated with birth weight, but not gestational age, 1962-1992: a cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Exposure to air pollutants is suggested to adversely affect fetal growth, but the evidence remains inconsistent in relation to specific outcomes and exposure windows.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using birth records from the two major maternity hospitals in Newcastle upon Tyne in northern England between 1961 and 1992, we constructed a database of all births to mothers resident within the city. Weekly black smoke exposure levels from routine data recorded at 20 air pollution monitoring stations were obtained and individual exposures were estimated via a two-stage modeling strategy, incorporating temporally and spatially varying covariates. Regression analyses, including 88,679 births, assessed potential associations between exposure to black smoke and birth weight, gestational age and birth weight standardized for gestational age and sex.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Significant associations were seen between black smoke and both standardized and unstandardized birth weight, but not for gestational age when adjusted for potential confounders. Not all associations were linear. For an increase in whole pregnancy black smoke exposure, from the 1<sup>st </sup>(7.4 μg/m<sup>3</sup>) to the 25<sup>th </sup>(17.2 μg/m<sup>3</sup>), 50<sup>th </sup>(33.8 μg/m<sup>3</sup>), 75<sup>th </sup>(108.3 μg/m<sup>3</sup>), and 90<sup>th </sup>(180.8 μg/m<sup>3</sup>) percentiles, the adjusted estimated decreases in birth weight were 33 g (SE 1.05), 62 g (1.63), 98 g (2.26) and 109 g (2.44) respectively. A significant interaction was observed between socio-economic deprivation and black smoke on both standardized and unstandardized birth weight with increasing effects of black smoke in reducing birth weight seen with increasing socio-economic disadvantage.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The findings of this study progress the hypothesis that the association between black smoke and birth weight may be mediated through intrauterine growth restriction. The associations between black smoke and birth weight were of the same order of magnitude as those reported for passive smoking. These findings add to the growing evidence of the harmful effects of air pollution on birth outcomes.</p

    Genetic predisposition to melanoma : from genetics to clinical research

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    Ce travail avait deux objectifs: 1) définir des groupes de patients (pts) susceptibles de bénéficier d’un conseil génétique par l’identification de facteurs prédictifs de l’existence d’une mutation du gène CDKN2A, un des gènes majeurs de prédisposition au mélanome, dans les familles ne comportant que deux cas (Fam_2 cas). 2) la caractérisation épidémiologique et clinique d’entités particulières du mélanome dans l’objectif secondaire de contribuer à l’identification de gènes de prédisposition à ces entités. Les 2 entités étudiées étaient le mélanome cutané (MC) associé au cancer du rein (CR) et les mélanomes muqueux de la sphère ano-génitale (MMAG).Les populations d’étude sont une collection de 293 pts atteints de MC recrutés de façon consécutive sans connaissance à priori de l'histoire familiale et la collection française MELARISK qui comprend ≥ 3000 sujets prélevés appartenant à des familles à cas multiples de mélanomes ou ayant un MC survenant dans un contexte particulier (association à un autre cancer, topographie rare, survenue avant l’âge de 20 ans, MC multiples sporadiques). Nous avons étudié l'effet de 3 facteurs prédictifs potentiels sur la présence d’une mutation de CDKN2A dans une famille en fonction du nombre de pts atteints dans une famille (2 pts versus ≥3 pts). L’étude a été menée dans 483 familles françaises comprenant 387 Fam_2 cas, et 96 familles avec ≥3 pts atteints de mélanome (Fam_3+ cas). Les facteurs étudiés dans la famille un à un puis conjointement étaient : l’âge médian <50 ans au diagnostic de MC, la survenue de ≥1 cas de MC primitifs multiples (MPM) et la survenue de ≥1 cas de cancer du pancréas (CPCP). La fréquence des mutations était plus élevée dans les Fam_3+ cas (32%) que dans les Fam_2 cas (13%). Alors qu’un âge jeune au diagnostic et la survenue de ≥ 1 MPM étaient associés à la présence de mutations de CDKN2A dans les Fam_2 cas, un âge jeune au diagnostic ainsi que la présence de ≥1 cas de CP était associé significativement aux mutations de CDKN2A dans les Fam_3+ cas. L’étude a montré que les caractéristiques cliniques associées aux mutations de CDKN2A varient, en France, pays de faible incidence de mélanome, en fonction du degré d’agrégation familiale. L’identification de facteurs prédictifs de mutations de CDKN2A dans les Fam_2 cas a contribué à définir des sous-groupes de familles (âge jeune au diagnostic, survenue de MPM) dans lesquels la fréquence des mutations de CDKN2A est supérieure à 20% et auxquels il est légitime de proposer un test génétique. L’analyse des deux séries de pts MM+CR et MMAG a permis d’identifier, en les comparant à la série de MC recrutés de manière consécutive, leurs caractéristiques cliniques et histologiques. Dans ces deux séries, nos résultats ont mis en évidence un contexte de prédisposition héréditaire en partie indépendant de CDKN2A. L’étude de l’association MC et CR chez un même patient a eu deux conséquences pratiques: pour les cliniciens ces résultats suggèrent l’intérêt d’un examen dermatologique en cas de CR et l’intérêt de l’échographie abdominale dans le bilan initial d’un MC pour le dépistage du CR; pour la recherche en génétique, cette série a contribué à l’identification d’une mutation germinale dans le gène MITF qui augmente le risque de développer un MC, un CR ou l’association des deux cancers et qui a des propriétés biologiques intéressantes. L’étude des MMAG a montré que ces mélanomes pouvaient être associés à des MC chez un même malade et/ou survenir dans un contexte familial de mélanome. Le corollaire clinique de ces résultats est que l’examen dermatologique de dépistage ou de surveillance doit être à la fois cutané et muqueux dans un contexte familial de mélanome et qu’en cas de MMAG un examen dermatologique des apparentés doit être proposé comme c’est la règle dans les MC. L’absence de mutation de CDKN2A dans ces localisations muqueuses incite à entreprendre des études génétiques pour identifier les gènes impliqués.This thesis had two main objectives: 1) To define groups of patients which may benefit from genetic counseling by identifying predictors of mutations of the CDKN2A gene, a major gene predisposing to cutaneous melanoma (CM) in families with only two cases. 2) Epidemiological and clinical characterization of specific entities of melanoma with the secondary objective of contributing to the identification of susceptibility genes for these entities. Coexistence of CM with renal cell carcinoma and mucosal anogenital melanomas were studied.The study populations are a collection of 293 melanoma patients that were ascertained systematically and the French collection MELARISK which is a collection including over 3000 subjects drawn from families with multiple cases of melanoma or melanoma occurring in a particular context (association with another cancer, rare locations, occurrence before the age of 20, multiple sporadic melanomas).We investigated association of three clinical features with the presence of a CDKN2A mutation in a family by extent of CM family clustering (2 versus ≥3 CM patients among first-degree relatives in a family).The study was conducted in 483 French families including 387 families with two melanoma patients, and 96 families with three or more patients with melanoma. The factors examined individually and in a joint analysis in a family were: median age at diagnosis <50 years, ≥1 patient in a family with multiple primary melanomas (MPM) or with pancreatic cancer. The frequency of CDKN2A mutations was higher in F3+ families (32%) than in F2 families (13%). While early age at melanoma diagnosis and occurrence of MPM in ≥1 patient were significantly associated with the risk of a CDKN2A mutation in F2 families, early age at melanoma diagnosis and occurrence of pancreatic cancer in a family were significantly associated with CDKN2A mutations in F3+ families. Thus this study showed that clinical features associated with CDKN2A mutations vary, in France, a country of low incidence of melanoma, according to the degree of familial clustering. Identifying predictors of CDKN2A mutations in families with two melanoma cases has helped to define subgroups of families (early age at CM diagnosis, and/or ≥1 MPM patient) in which the frequency of CDKN2A mutations is above 20% such that these subgroups of F2 families should be offered genetic testing.The analysis of two series of patients, either patients with melanoma coexisting with renal cell carcinoma or patients with anogenital mucosal melanoma identified their clinical and histological features by comparing them to a series of melanomas that were ascertained systematically. In both series, our results suggested a genetic predisposition at least partly independent of CDKN2A. The study of the c renal cell carcinoma; coexistence of CM and renal cancer in the same patient had two practical consequences for clinicians: it suggests the interest of a dermatologic screening visit in patients with renal cell carcinoma and that abdominal ultrasonography or computed tomography scanning performed at the initial workup and during the follow-up of patients with CM may be of value for the early detection of renal cancer. Regarding genetic research, this series has contributed to the identification of a germline mutation in the MITF gene that increases the risk of developing melanoma, renal cancer or both cancers and has interesting biological properties. The study of anogenital melanoma has shown that these melanomas could be associated with cutaneous melanoma in the same patient and it has also shown a high frequency of family history of melanoma associating mucosal and CM suggesting a shared genetic predisposition. Consequently dermatological screening or monitoring must include examination of both skin and mucosa in families with multiple cases of CM; and in case of a mucosal melanoma, a dermatological examination should be offered to relatives. The genetic mechanism has to be identifie

    Recent Advanced in the Treatment of Advanced SCC Tumors

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    Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most frequent form of skin cancer after basal cell carcinoma. While most SCC can be treated by surgery or radiotherapy, some progress into an advanced form and are no longer suitable for these treatments. Guidelines and staging systems have help to define these advanced SCC (aSCC), for which prognosis was very poor until recently. Platin-based chemotherapy was traditionally used, but few prospective trials and no treatment regimen was recommended. Furthermore, toxicity in elderly patients limited its use. The development of immunotherapy has improved the prognosis of these difficult-to-treat aSCC. In this review, we define high risk and aSCC and explored current treatment strategies for these tumors

    Prédisposition génétique au mélanome (de la génétique à la recherche clinique)

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    Ce travail avait deux objectifs: 1) définir des groupes de patients (pts) susceptibles de bénéficier d un conseil génétique par l identification de facteurs prédictifs de l existence d une mutation du gène CDKN2A, un des gènes majeurs de prédisposition au mélanome, dans les familles ne comportant que deux cas (Fam_2 cas). 2) la caractérisation épidémiologique et clinique d entités particulières du mélanome dans l objectif secondaire de contribuer à l identification de gènes de prédisposition à ces entités. Les 2 entités étudiées étaient le mélanome cutané (MC) associé au cancer du rein (CR) et les mélanomes muqueux de la sphère ano-génitale (MMAG).Les populations d étude sont une collection de 293 pts atteints de MC recrutés de façon consécutive sans connaissance à priori de l'histoire familiale et la collection française MELARISK qui comprend >= 3000 sujets prélevés appartenant à des familles à cas multiples de mélanomes ou ayant un MC survenant dans un contexte particulier (association à un autre cancer, topographie rare, survenue avant l âge de 20 ans, MC multiples sporadiques). Nous avons étudié l'effet de 3 facteurs prédictifs potentiels sur la présence d une mutation de CDKN2A dans une famille en fonction du nombre de pts atteints dans une famille (2 pts versus >=3 pts). L étude a été menée dans 483 familles françaises comprenant 387 Fam_2 cas, et 96 familles avec >=3 pts atteints de mélanome (Fam_3+ cas). Les facteurs étudiés dans la famille un à un puis conjointement étaient : l âge médian =1 cas de MC primitifs multiples (MPM) et la survenue de >=1 cas de cancer du pancréas (CPCP). La fréquence des mutations était plus élevée dans les Fam_3+ cas (32%) que dans les Fam_2 cas (13%). Alors qu un âge jeune au diagnostic et la survenue de >= 1 MPM étaient associés à la présence de mutations de CDKN2A dans les Fam_2 cas, un âge jeune au diagnostic ainsi que la présence de >=1 cas de CP était associé significativement aux mutations de CDKN2A dans les Fam_3+ cas. L étude a montré que les caractéristiques cliniques associées aux mutations de CDKN2A varient, en France, pays de faible incidence de mélanome, en fonction du degré d agrégation familiale. L identification de facteurs prédictifs de mutations de CDKN2A dans les Fam_2 cas a contribué à définir des sous-groupes de familles (âge jeune au diagnostic, survenue de MPM) dans lesquels la fréquence des mutations de CDKN2A est supérieure à 20% et auxquels il est légitime de proposer un test génétique. L analyse des deux séries de pts MM+CR et MMAG a permis d identifier, en les comparant à la série de MC recrutés de manière consécutive, leurs caractéristiques cliniques et histologiques. Dans ces deux séries, nos résultats ont mis en évidence un contexte de prédisposition héréditaire en partie indépendant de CDKN2A. L étude de l association MC et CR chez un même patient a eu deux conséquences pratiques: pour les cliniciens ces résultats suggèrent l intérêt d un examen dermatologique en cas de CR et l intérêt de l échographie abdominale dans le bilan initial d un MC pour le dépistage du CR; pour la recherche en génétique, cette série a contribué à l identification d une mutation germinale dans le gène MITF qui augmente le risque de développer un MC, un CR ou l association des deux cancers et qui a des propriétés biologiques intéressantes. L étude des MMAG a montré que ces mélanomes pouvaient être associés à des MC chez un même malade et/ou survenir dans un contexte familial de mélanome. Le corollaire clinique de ces résultats est que l examen dermatologique de dépistage ou de surveillance doit être à la fois cutané et muqueux dans un contexte familial de mélanome et qu en cas de MMAG un examen dermatologique des apparentés doit être proposé comme c est la règle dans les MC. L absence de mutation de CDKN2A dans ces localisations muqueuses incite à entreprendre des études génétiques pour identifier les gènes impliqués.This thesis had two main objectives: 1) To define groups of patients which may benefit from genetic counseling by identifying predictors of mutations of the CDKN2A gene, a major gene predisposing to cutaneous melanoma (CM) in families with only two cases. 2) Epidemiological and clinical characterization of specific entities of melanoma with the secondary objective of contributing to the identification of susceptibility genes for these entities. Coexistence of CM with renal cell carcinoma and mucosal anogenital melanomas were studied.The study populations are a collection of 293 melanoma patients that were ascertained systematically and the French collection MELARISK which is a collection including over 3000 subjects drawn from families with multiple cases of melanoma or melanoma occurring in a particular context (association with another cancer, rare locations, occurrence before the age of 20, multiple sporadic melanomas).We investigated association of three clinical features with the presence of a CDKN2A mutation in a family by extent of CM family clustering (2 versus >=3 CM patients among first-degree relatives in a family).The study was conducted in 483 French families including 387 families with two melanoma patients, and 96 families with three or more patients with melanoma. The factors examined individually and in a joint analysis in a family were: median age at diagnosis =1 patient in a family with multiple primary melanomas (MPM) or with pancreatic cancer. The frequency of CDKN2A mutations was higher in F3+ families (32%) than in F2 families (13%). While early age at melanoma diagnosis and occurrence of MPM in >=1 patient were significantly associated with the risk of a CDKN2A mutation in F2 families, early age at melanoma diagnosis and occurrence of pancreatic cancer in a family were significantly associated with CDKN2A mutations in F3+ families. Thus this study showed that clinical features associated with CDKN2A mutations vary, in France, a country of low incidence of melanoma, according to the degree of familial clustering. Identifying predictors of CDKN2A mutations in families with two melanoma cases has helped to define subgroups of families (early age at CM diagnosis, and/or >=1 MPM patient) in which the frequency of CDKN2A mutations is above 20% such that these subgroups of F2 families should be offered genetic testing.The analysis of two series of patients, either patients with melanoma coexisting with renal cell carcinoma or patients with anogenital mucosal melanoma identified their clinical and histological features by comparing them to a series of melanomas that were ascertained systematically. In both series, our results suggested a genetic predisposition at least partly independent of CDKN2A. The study of the c renal cell carcinoma; coexistence of CM and renal cancer in the same patient had two practical consequences for clinicians: it suggests the interest of a dermatologic screening visit in patients with renal cell carcinoma and that abdominal ultrasonography or computed tomography scanning performed at the initial workup and during the follow-up of patients with CM may be of value for the early detection of renal cancer. Regarding genetic research, this series has contributed to the identification of a germline mutation in the MITF gene that increases the risk of developing melanoma, renal cancer or both cancers and has interesting biological properties. The study of anogenital melanoma has shown that these melanomas could be associated with cutaneous melanoma in the same patient and it has also shown a high frequency of family history of melanoma associating mucosal and CM suggesting a shared genetic predisposition. Consequently dermatological screening or monitoring must include examination of both skin and mucosa in families with multiple cases of CM; and in case of a mucosal melanoma, a dermatological examination should be offered to relatives. The genetic mechanism has to be identifiedPARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Re-epithelialization of pathological cutaneous wounds is improved by local mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism

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    International audienceImpaired cutaneous wound healing is a social burden. It occurs as a consequence of glucocorticoid treatment and in several pathologies. Glucocorticoids (GC) bind not only to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), but also to the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), both expressed by keratinocytes. In addition to its beneficial effects through the GR, GC exposure may lead to inappropriate MR occupancy. We hypothesized that dermatological use of MR antagonists (MRA) may be beneficial by overcoming the negative impact of GC treatment on pathological wounds. The potent GC clobetasol, applied as an ointment to mouse skin, or added to cultured human skin explants, induced delayed wound closure and outgrowth of epidermis with reduced proliferation of keratinocytes. Delayed wound re-epithelialization was rescued by local MRA application. Normal skin was unaffected by MRA. The benefit of MR blockade is explained by the increased expression of MR in clobetasol-treated mouse skin. Blockade of the epithelial sodium channel by phenamil also rescued cultured human skin explants from GC- impaired growth of the epidermis. MRA application over post-biopsy wounds of clobetasol-treated skin zones of healthy volunteers (from the SPIREPI clinical trial) also accelerated wound closure. In conclusion, we propose repositioning MRA for cutaneous application to improve delayed wound closure occurring in pathology