1,484 research outputs found

    Correlations of Almost Primes

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    We prove that analogues of the Hardy-Littlewood generalised twin prime conjecture for almost primes hold on average. Our main theorem establishes an asymptotic formula for the number of integers n=p1p2Xn=p_1p_2 \leq X such that n+hn+h is a product of exactly two primes which holds for almost all hH|h|\leq H with log19+εXHX1ε\log^{19+\varepsilon}X\leq H\leq X^{1-\varepsilon}, under a restriction on the size of one of the prime factors of nn and n+hn+h. Additionally, we consider correlations n,n+hn,n+h where nn is a prime and n+hn+h has exactly two prime factors, establishing an asymptotic formula which holds for almost all hH|h| \leq H with X1/6+εHX1εX^{1/6+\varepsilon}\leq H\leq X^{1-\varepsilon}.Comment: 35 pages. Incorporates referee's comments. To appear in Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. So

    Data-Driven Collective Impact: Driving Social Change as a Community

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    The last decade (or more) has experienced a transformation of data to an action-oriented asset that can draw insights necessary to describe, detect, predict, and evaluate factors to help our communities and the individuals in them to thrive. We’ve also witnessed threats to these opportunities in the forms of breaches, misinformation, and other erosions of trust that make access to and use of data much more complicated. As a community, it is imperative to take an interdisciplinary approach to data use grounded in public-private collaboration and focused on building trust with the communities we seek to serve

    Technology for Civic Data Integration

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    Efforts to collect, manage, transform, and integrate data across administrative systems into actionable knowledge to inform better policy decisions are becoming more common. However, the technical processes, procedures, and infrastructure they employ vary substantially. Variety in approaching data infrastructure, transfer, linking, and security is expected in this emerging field, but both established and developing efforts would benefit from cohesive guidance regarding the technical considerations of data integration, with focus on presenting a range of options that can be weighted based on context specific restrictions (e.g. cost, staffing, or existing infrastructure). Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy (AISP), MetroLab Network, and the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) with support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, are convening a working group to shape and develop guidance on information architecture and technical approaches for data integration efforts such as those in the AISP and NNIP networks and the AISP Learning Community. This guidance will help newly emerging efforts as well as established ones looking to update their current approach. It will also inform policymakers and researchers who need a primer to better understand the technical components and considerations at play for data sharing and integration. This presentation will present findings, best practices and recommendations from this brief that will be released in Fall 2018

    Agency and Autonomy: A New Direction for Animal Ethics

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    The main problem addressed in animal ethics is on what grounds and to what extent we owe animals moral consideration. I argue that many animals deserve direct moral consideration in virtue of their agency, selfhood and autonomy. I start by providing an account of agency and selfhood that admits of degrees, from minimal to complex, among animal species that is supported by current research on consciousness and the mental capacities of animals. I posit that agency and selfhood are morally valuable as they allow for subjective mental experiences that matter to conscious individuals. I then develop a view of autonomy that corresponds to my view of agency and selfhood, whereby the degree to which an individual is self-aware indicates the degree to which that being is autonomous. I argue that autonomy not only consists in the rational and reflective capacities of humans, but also at a more minimal level where autonomy is simply the ability to make choices. I support this view of autonomy as choice with an account of ‘naturalized autonomy’ and explain some of the implications of this view for animals. After considering the views of Peter Singer, Tom Regan and Bernard Rollin on animal ethics, I analyze the flaws in their reasoning and argue that my own view provides a stronger account for the direct moral consideration of animals. This is due to my inclusion of agency, selfhood and autonomy, which these philosophers mainly neglect. I review some current reinterpretations of Kant’s moral arguments that claim animals ought to be considered ends-in-themselves. I present reasons why the inclusion of selfhood would strengthen this claim and further develop my argument for respecting the autonomy of animals. I conclude that a theory of animal ethics based on agency, selfhood and autonomy provides the strongest account for the direct moral consideration of animals, as it is empirically informed and provides a moral middle path between animal welfare and animal rights

    Exploring the School Bus as an Environment for Bullying: A Phenomenological Study

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    This qualitative research examined the school bus as an opportune environment for bullying behaviors. School bus drivers have the responsibility to transport students safely to and from school; however, when students use the school bus for bullying activities, the task of driving becomes a challenge to the school bus drivers. The study investigated the experiences from school bus drivers\u27 stories of bullying behaviors on the school bus. A qualitative approach was used with a phenomenological design to obtain data for this research study. Seven school bus drivers from a metropolitan school system in southeastern United States participated in the study. The data collection consisted of individual semi-structured interviews, a questionnaire to obtain the school bus drivers\u27 experiences, and school documents of student violations on the school bus. Data were analyzed by horizonalization (Moustakas, 1994). Five themes were identified: (a) bullying behaviors, (b) supervision challenges, (c) distractions and safety, (d) total support, and (e) essential training

    Effects of Low-Level Additions of Salt on Decomposition Rates and Plant Sodium Concentrations in a Southeastern, US Riparian System

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    Connor Gruntz is an undergraduate student in the School of Biological Sciences at Louisiana Tech University. Sally Entrekin is a faculty member in the Biology Department at the University of Central Arkansas. Michelle Evans-White is a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Arkansas. Natalie Clay is an Assistant Professor in the School of Biological Sciences at Louisiana Tech Universit

    Effects of Low-Level Salt Additions on Plant Growth and Implications for Riparian Detrital Processing

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    The abstract for this presentation can be downloaded by clicking on the blue download button

    The vegetation potential of natural rangelands in the mid-Fish River Valley, Eastern Cape, South Africa: towards a sustainable and acceptable management system

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    Desertification is the diminution or destruction of the biological potential of land, and can lead ultimately to desert-like conditions. The vegetation of southern Africa is claimed to have altered over the past 100 years and much of the change is attributed to pastoral practice. In recent years however there has been much debate around the issue of the deterioration and loss of productivity of the natural rangelands, specifically those under communal management. It is one thing to claim that the vegetation has changed but quite another to produce data and analyses to show this unequivocally. Furthermore it is generally difficult to determine the nature and extent of change in natural ecosystems, as one does not know what the optimal base-line conditions should be. For this reason emphasis has been placed on developing models of potential or expected vegetation. By comparing a model of potential or expected vegetation with that of the contemporary vegetation, areas that deviate from expectation can be identified, in so doing providing evidence of the direction of change in the rangelands under various management treatments. The objective of this study was to determine shifts in the vegetation under different land-use treatments, by developing a technique to predict the potential vegetation of an area. In order to explore the nature and extent of degradation at the landscape scale a study site was selected where a range of land-use and rangeland management practices could be studied in parallel. The mid-Fish River valley consists of three markedly different units of land management, namely commercial rangelands, communal rangelands and nature conservation areas. The vegetation within the mid-Fish River valley falls within the Thicket biome and consists of three main vegetation types namely, Short Succulent Thicket, Medium Succulent Thicket and Mesic Bushclump Savanna. The creation of this potential vegetation model was dependent on the direct gradient analysis approach of relating the community patterns with environmental variables. To achieve this, floristic information was collected at sites along a topographical-moisture gradient. A Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) between the environmental variables and the plant communities produced a classification from which the conditions normally associated with the major plant communities were predicted. When projected as a digital map, the qualifying sites provided a testable hypothesis of the potential vegetation. The results of this study showed a definite grazing gradient, which reflects a change from a more mesic environment towards a more arid environment with an increase in utilisation pressure. The predictive vegetation model proved to be useful for predicting the occurrence of the valley thicket communities within the Eastern Cape

    Using Product-Service Systems to Enhance Public Procurement

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    Sustainable or green public procurement is a growing trend that is beginning to lead vast supply chains towards implementing more sustainable practices and achieving environmental, social and economic objectives. The use of product-service systems (PSS) by public entities can also result in sustainability benefits. PSS are an innovative business approach that shifts the traditional business focus from selling physical products only (e.g. a washing machine) to selling a mix of products and services (e.g. cleaning services) that are jointly capable of meeting specific client demand (clean clothes). The key idea behind PSS is that consumers do not demand products per se, but are seeking the utility provided by products and services. One value-added of PSS lies in their potential to decouple consumption from economic growth, as they offer the possibility of meeting more needs with lower material and energy requirements.This technical report, Using Product-Service Systems to Enhance Public Procurement, examines the nexus between product-service systems and sustainable public procurement, drawing together international experience. The aim of this report is, in particular, to demonstrate how product-service systems can be used by governments in the context of sustainable public procurement (SPP) policies and initiatives, thus contributing to a more resource-efficient, lowcarbon and inclusive green economy. Some examples of the use of product-service systems by government organizations are given in the case studies in Annex I. The 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP) is a global framework that enhances international cooperation to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in both developed and developing countries. One of the key objectives of the 10YFP is to encourage innovation and cooperation among all countries and stakeholders. This technical report is a direct outcome of activities that were part of the 10YFP Sustainable Public Procurement Programme – the first formal programme launched under this new framework of international cooperation. The report was developed by partners in the Sustainable Public Procurement Programme of the 10YFP, in Working Group 3A on "product-service systems and their insertion in sustainable public procurement".This technical report is intended to assist governments in evaluating the potential of productservice systems to act as a driver in achieving their sustainability goals. The authors believe the report provides a basis for more research to determine the effectiveness of various PSS schemes and related products in regard to sustainable public procurement

    Raising awareness of Asperger’s Syndrome amongst coaches and athletes: the power of virtual support networks

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    The Virtual Alliance for sport technology (V.A.S.T) is an online tool utilised by a community of experts and practitioners to facilitate the generation and sharing of knowledge in order to promote inclusion in sport. The principal aim of the present study was to utilise this platform to create and evaluate an online teaching resource to provide support for coaches working with athletes with Asperger’s Syndrome. At present little information is provided by National governing bodies about Asperger’s, and as a consequence many athletes can be marginalised in sports provision. A methods-driven evaluative framework was adopted in order to assess the impact of the web-tool. Gantt timelines and a programme theory were produced prior to the project, and programme processes were evaluated throughout. Website impact was assessed via triangulation of statistical analysis regarding website usage with interviews conducted with network users. Results were interpreted using a figurational framework to investigate how information about the web-tool was disseminated and transformed through virtual networks of interdependencies which linked participants diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, their coaches and the online community. Results gained from this project are expected to highlight how web-based platforms have the capability to bring together otherwise marginalised groups with virtual networks of sports experts, athletes and practitioners. The implications of these results will increase awareness of participants with Asperger’s syndrome within sport and provide coaches, athletes and policy makers with information that will enable them to effectively teach and support sports participants with Asperger’s syndrome in an athlete-centric manner