7,855 research outputs found

    Finite-Size-Scaling at the Jamming Transition: Corrections to Scaling and the Correlation Length Critical Exponent

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    We carry out a finite size scaling analysis of the jamming transition in frictionless bi-disperse soft core disks in two dimensions. We consider two different jamming protocols: (i) quench from random initial positions, and (ii) quasistatic shearing. By considering the fraction of jammed states as a function of packing fraction for systems with different numbers of particles, we determine the spatial correlation length critical exponent ν1\nu\approx 1, and show that corrections to scaling are crucial for analyzing the data. We show that earlier numerical results yielding ν<1\nu<1 are due to the improper neglect of these corrections.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures -- slightly revised version as accepted for Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communication

    The limits of filopodium stability

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    Filopodia are long, finger-like membrane tubes supported by cytoskeletal filaments. Their shape is determined by the stiffness of the actin filament bundles found inside them and by the interplay between the surface tension and bending rigidity of the membrane. Although one might expect the Euler buckling instability to limit the length of filopodia, we show through simple energetic considerations that this is in general not the case. By further analyzing the statics of filaments inside membrane tubes, and through computer simulations that capture membrane and filament fluctuations, we show under which conditions filopodia of arbitrary lengths are stable. We discuss several in vitro experiments where this kind of stability has already been observed. Furthermore, we predict that the filaments in long, stable filopodia adopt a helical shape

    Conformal GaP layers on Si wire arrays for solar energy applications

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    We report conformal, epitaxial growth of GaP layers on arrays of Si microwires. Silicon wires grown using chlorosilane chemical vapor deposition were coated with GaP grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. The crystalline quality of conformal, epitaxial GaP/Si wire arrays was assessed by transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction. Hall measurements and photoluminescence show p- and n-type doping with high electron mobility and bright optical emission. GaP pn homojunction diodes on planar reference samples show photovoltaic response with an open circuit voltage of 660 mV

    Evidence for J and H-band excess in classical T Tauri stars and the implications for disk structure and estimated ages

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    We argue that classical T Tauri stars (cTTs) possess significant non- photospheric excess in the J and H bands. We first show that normalizing the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of cTTs to the J-band leads to a poor fit of the optical fluxes, while normalizing the SEDs to the Ic-band produces a better fit to the optical bands and in many cases reveals the presence of a considerable excess at J and H. NIR spectroscopic veiling measurements from the literature support this result. We find that J and H-band excesses correlate well with the K-band excess, and that the J-K and H-K colors of the excess emission are consistent with that of a black body at the dust sublimation temperature (~ 1500-2000 K). We propose that this near-IR excess originates at a hot inner rim, analogous to those suggested to explain the near-IR bump in the SEDs of Herbig Ae/Be stars. To test our hypothesis, we use the model presented by Dullemond et al. (2001) to fit the photometry data between 0.5 um and 24 um of 10 cTTs associated with the Chamaeleon II molecular cloud. The models that best fit the data are those where the inner radius of the disk is larger than expected for a rim in thermal equilibrium with the photospheric radiation field alone. In particular, we find that large inner rims are necessary to account for the mid infrared fluxes (3.6-8.0 um) obtained by the Spitzer Space Telescope. Finally, we argue that deriving the stellar luminosities of cTTs by making bolometric corrections to the J-band fluxes systematically overestimates these luminosities. The overestimated luminosities translate into underestimated ages when the stars are placed in the H-R diagram. Thus, the results presented herein have important implications for the dissipation timescale of inner accretion disks.Comment: 45 pages, 13 figure

    Arm-length stabilisation for interferometric gravitational-wave detectors using frequency-doubled auxiliary lasers

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    Residual motion of the arm cavity mirrors is expected to prove one of the principal impediments to systematic lock acquisition in advanced gravitational-wave interferometers. We present a technique which overcomes this problem by employing auxiliary lasers at twice the fundamental measurement frequency to pre-stabilise the arm cavities' lengths. Applying this approach, we reduce the apparent length noise of a 1.3 m long, independently suspended Fabry-Perot cavity to 30 pm rms and successfully transfer longitudinal control of the system from the auxiliary laser to the measurement laser

    10 µm minority-carrier diffusion lengths in Si wires synthesized by Cu-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid growth

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    The effective electron minority-carrier diffusion length, L_(n,eff), for 2.0 µm diameter Si wires that were synthesized by Cu-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid growth was measured by scanning photocurrent microscopy. In dark, ambient conditions, L_(n,eff) was limited by surface recombination to a value of ≤ 0.7 µm. However, a value of L_(n,eff) = 10.5±1 µm was measured under broad-area illumination in low-level injection. The relatively long minority-carrier diffusion length observed under illumination is consistent with an increased surface passivation resulting from filling of the surface states of the Si wires by photogenerated carriers. These relatively large L_(n,eff) values have important implications for the design of high-efficiency, radial-junction photovoltaic cells from arrays of Si wires synthesized by metal-catalyzed growth processes


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    Public interest in synchronized swimming has increased as a result of the 1984 Summer Olympics, however, there has been very little research completed to date on this sport. The information presented in this paper is the result of the first year of a five year longitudinal study to determine body composition and hip flexibility characteristics of intermediate and elite synchronized swimmers


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    This pilot study aimed to quantify the change of CoM acceleration when the trunk position and the power output was varied during indoor cycling. Triathletes (n=4) performed a varied indoor cycling power protocol in their natural training environment whilst wearing a trunk (sacrum) mounted wearable device containing a triaxial accelerometer. Mediolateral acceleration increased 26% as athletes moved from the drops position, to the aerodynamic position and back to the drops position. Although longitudinal acceleration increased 8%, minimal differences in anteroposterior CoM magnitude were observed. Power output was found to have an effect on both the mediolateral and longitudinal acceleration alongside increases in RPE. The results indicate that accelerometers may be effective in monitoring changes to trunk position and power output