2 research outputs found

    Hongos micorriz铆cos arbusculares y vermicomposta en el crecimiento de papaya (Carica papaya L) en invernadero

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    Objective: To evaluate arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation and the application of vermicompost (V), on papaya (Carica papaya L) plant growth in greenhouse. Design/methodology/approach: Rhizophagus intraradices (RI), a Barranca de las Nueces (BN) native consortium and without AMF with three proportions of vermicompost in the substrate (0, 1 and 10% v/v), were evaluated using a completely randomized bifactorial design. After 90 days of establishment, variables of plant growth and mycorrhizal colonization were recorded. A variance analysis and Tukey test (P?0.05) of data were made. Results:  A significant effect of the vermicompost factor and the interaction of the factors (AMF x V) was found. The largest size of the plants with the highest proportion of vermicompost was recorded. The highest colonization was achieved with the BN inoculum. Regarding the interaction, it was found that the growth of the plants was greater as the vermicompost increased, but this was affected by the AMF inoculum. Limitations on study/implications: No significant effect of the inoculum factor on the growth of the plants was found and the application of vermicompost to the substrate limits the AMF plant growth promoting. Findings/conclusions: The growth of papaya plants was favored by inoculation with AMF, but is determined by the amount of organic matter present in the substrate. High concentrations of vermicompost limit the benefit that mycorrhiza can contribute to the growth of papaya in greenhouse.Objetivo: Evaluar la inoculaci贸n con Hongos Micorr铆zicos Arbusculares (HMA) y aplicaci贸n de vermicomposta (V), en el crecimiento de plantas de papaya (Carica papaya L) en invernadero. Dise帽o/metodolog铆a/aproximaci贸n: Se estableci贸 un dise帽o bifactorial completamente al azar, y se evalu贸 a Rhizophagus intraradices (RI), un consorcio nativo Barranca de las Nueces (BN) y sin HMA con tres proporciones de vermicomposta en el sustrato (0, 1 y 10% v/v). A los 90 d del establecimiento, se registraron variables de crecimiento de las plantas y la colonizaci贸n micorr铆zica. A los datos se les realiz贸 un an谩lisis de varianza y pruebas de comparaci贸n de medias (P?0.05). Resultados: Se encontr贸 efecto significativo del factor vermicomposta y de la interacci贸n de los factores (HMA x V). Se registr贸 el mayor tama帽o de las plantas a mayor proporci贸n de vermicomposta. Se alcanz贸 la mayor colonizaci贸n con el in贸culo BN. Respecto a la interacci贸n, el crecimiento de las plantas fue mayor a medida que se increment贸 la vermicomposta, pero fue afectado por el in贸culo de HMA. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: No se obtuvieron efectos significativos del factor in贸culo en el crecimiento de las plantas; y la aplicaci贸n de vermicomposta al sustrato limita el efecto promotor de crecimiento de los HMA. Hallazgos/conclusiones: El crecimiento de plantas de papaya es favorecido por la inoculaci贸n con HMA, pero es determinado por la cantidad de materia org谩nica presente en el sustrato. Altas concentraciones de vermicomposta, limitan el beneficio que la micorriza puede aportar en el crecimiento de la papaya en invernadero

    Actinomycete Potential as Biocontrol Agent of Phytopathogenic Fungi: Mechanisms, Source, and Applications

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    Synthetic fungicides have been the main control of phytopathogenic fungi. However, they cause harm to humans, animals, and the environment, as well as generating resistance in phytopathogenic fungi. In the last few decades, the use of microorganisms as biocontrol agents of phytopathogenic fungi has been an alternative to synthetic fungicide application. Actinomycetes isolated from terrestrial, marine, wetland, saline, and endophyte environments have been used for phytopathogenic fungus biocontrol. At present, there is a need for searching new secondary compounds and metabolites of different isolation sources of actinomycetes; however, little information is available on those isolated from other environments as biocontrol agents in agriculture. Therefore, the objective of this review is to compare the antifungal activity and the main mechanisms of action in actinomycetes isolated from different environments and to describe recent achievements of their application in agriculture. Although actinomycetes have potential as biocontrol agents of phytopathogenic fungi, few studies of actinomycetes are available of those from marine, saline, and wetland environments, which have equal or greater potential as biocontrol agents than isolates of actinomycetes from terrestrial environments