4 research outputs found

    The Technology of Interactive Compilation

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    Digital technology now makes it possible to compile a nautical chart from digital source data, and to draft the chart automatically. This paper describes some of the hardware and software tools used in the Canadian Hydrographic Service that make this process possible. It also considers what has to be done to make these techniques more effective, how the technology is expected to evolve, and the impact of these changes on chart producing organizations

    Publishing Marine Geospatial Data on the Web: the DFO GeoBrowser

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    In response to a need to integrate geospatial data from multiple locations and products, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans developed the DFO GeoPortal as a suite of standards-based geospatial services and applications. While initially implemented to support internal operations and decision-making processes, the GeoPortal was extended to support public access through the development of a new component, the GeoBrowser. This paper provides an overview of the GeoBrowser, its contents, evolution from the internal DFO GeoPortal intranet Web mapping services and shows how DFO is using it to help other stakeholders to make their data available through the Web.En respuesta a una necesidad de integrar datos geoespaciales procedentes de mûltiples lugares y productos, el Departamento de Pesquerias y de los Océanos desarrollô el GeoPortal DFO como una serie de servicios y aplicaciones basados en las normas. Aunque fue implementado inicialmente para apoyar las operaciones internas y los procesos de toma de decisiones, el GeoPortal fue ampliado para apoyar el acceso publico mediante el desarrollo de un nuevo componente, el GeoBrowser. Este artîculo proporciona una vision de conjunto del GeoBrowser, su contenido, su evoluciôn a partir de los servicios cartogrâficos del Intranet del GeoPortal DFO y muestra cômo esté usândolo el DFO para ayudar a otras partes asociadas a hacer que sus datos estén disponibles gracias al Web.En réponse à la nécessité d ’intégrer des données géospatiales d ’endroits et de produits multiples, le «Department o f Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)» a développé le GeoPortal en tant qu'ensemble de services et d'applications géospatiaux reposant sur des normes. Bien qu'initialement mis en oeuvre afin de soutenir les opérations internes et les processus de prise de décision, le GeoPortal a été élargi en faveur d ’un accès public grâce au développement d'une nouvelle composante: le GeoBrowser. Cet article donne une vue d'ensemble du GeoBrowser, de son contenu, et de son évolution à partir des services de cartographie Web intranet du GeoPortal DFO interne, et montre comment le DFO l'utilise pour aider d ’autres parties prenantes à mettre leur données à disposition sur le Web

    Hydrographic Data Standards and Standards-based Geospatial Data Infrastructures

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    The global leadership shown by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) in leading the development and implementation of international standards for the paper navigational chart has been successfully carried over into the digital domain. This has been demonstrated by the acceptance and use of the S57 and S52 data standards for Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs). The IHO has also been careful to ensure that S57 and S52 retain upward compatibility with other emerging international standards for geospatial data. The first part of the paper reviews the position and status of S57 in re lation to this new standards environment. The second part of the paper considers the influence of the Internet which is having a major influence on the emerging geospatial data infrastructures that are being built in a number of countries and impacting the distribution and use of geospatial data, and will also provide opportunities for, and have an effect on the provision of data by hydrographic offices