3 research outputs found

    Predicting Cell Death and Mutation Frequency for a Wide Spectrum of LET by Assuming DNA Break Clustering Inside Repair Domains

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    Cosmic radiation, which is composed of high charged and energy (HZE) particles, is responsible for cell death and mutation, which may be involved in cancer induction. Mutations are consequences of mis-repaired DNA breaks especially double-strand breaks (DSBs) that induce inter- and intra-chromosomal rearrangements (translocations, deletions, inversion). In this study, a computer simulation model is used to investigate the clustering of DSBs in repair domains, previously evidenced by our group in human breast cells [1]. This model is calibrated with experimental data measuring persistent 53BP1 radiation-induced foci (RIF) and is used to explain the high relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of HZE for both cell death and DNA mutation frequencies. We first validate our DSB cluster model using a new track structure model deployed on a simple geometrical configuration for repair domains in the nucleus; then we extend the scope from cell death to mutation induction. This work suggests that mechanism based on DSB repair process can explain several biological effects induced by HZE particles on different type of living cell

    DNA Repair Domain Modeling Can Predict Cell Death and Mutation Frequency for Wide Range Spectrum of Radiation

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    Exploration missions to Mars and other destinations raise many questions about the health of astronauts. The continuous exposure of astronauts to galactic cosmic rays is one of the main concerns for long-term missions. Cosmic ionizing radiations are composed of different ions of various charges and energies notably, highly charged energy (HZE) particles. The HZE particles have been shown to be more carcinogenic than low-LET radiation, suggesting the severity of chromosomal aberrations induced by HZE particles is one possible explanation. However, most mathematical models predicting cell death and mutation frequency are based on directly fitting various HZE dose response and are in essence empirical approaches. In this work, we assume a simple biological mechanism to model DNA repair and use it to simultaneously explain the low- and high-LET response using the exact same fitting parameters. Our work shows that the geometrical position of DNA repair along tracks of heavy ions are sufficient to explain why high-LET particles can induce more death and mutations. Our model is based on assuming DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are repaired within repair domain, and that any DSBs located within the same repair domain cluster into one repair unit, facilitating chromosomal rearrangements and increasing the probability of cell death. We introduced this model in 2014 using simplified microdosimetry profiles to predict cell death. In this work, we collaborated with NASA Johnson Space Center to generate more accurate microdosimetry profiles derived by Monte Carlo techniques, taking into account track structure of HZE particles and simulating DSBs in realistic cell geometry. We simulated 224 data points (D, A, Z, E) with the BDSTRACKS model, leading to a large coverage of LET from ~10 to 2,400 keV/m. This model was used to generate theoretical RBE for various particles and energies for both cell death and mutation frequencies. The RBE LET dependence is in agreement with experimental data known in human and murine cells. It suggests that cell shape and its orientation with respect to the HZE particle beam can modify the biological response to radiation. Such discovery will be tested experimentally and, if proven accurate, will be another strong supporting evidence for DNA repair domains and their critical role in interpreting cosmic radiation sensitivity

    Predicting Cell Death and Mutation Frequency for a Wide Spectrum of LET by Assuming DNA Break Clustering Inside Repair Domains

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    The high relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of high charged and energy (HZE) particles for cell death, DNA mutations and cancer remain based on experimental data. In this work, we propose that the existence of DNA repair domains is sufficient to predict both cell death and mutation frequencies for any LET by only taking into account experimental data from low-LET, offering one mechanism for RBE across LET. We hypothesize that whenever multiple DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are generated within the same DNA repair domain, DSBs are actively regrouped for more efficient repair [1]. This hypothesis has been supported by the low-LET sublinear dose response observed at doses greater than ~1Gy for 53BP1 radiation-induced foci (RIF) reflecting increasing DSB/RIF with dose [2]. Previously, we modeled radiation-induced cell death of human breast cells by first inferring the size of these domains from the dose dependence of low-LET RIF, and by associating a lethality factor to the number of pairs of DSBs in each RIF [1]. In this work, we first integrate the new NASA computer models RITCARD (Relativistic Ion Tracks, Chromosome Aberrations, Repair, and Damage) [3] and BDSTracks (Biological Damage by Stochastic Tracks) for a more accurate microdosimetry and a better model of the nuclear organization to predict the location of DSBs. A large array of particles and energy are simulated, covering more than three orders of magnitude for LET (~1-1000 keV/m). Next, we extend our previous model to predict mutation frequencies by assuming that clustered DSBs increase mutation probability, which is formalized by the mutation frequency being linearly dependent on both the number of DSBs and the number of pairs of DSBs inside individual RIF. Linear coefficients are estimated so that simulations predict accurately mutation frequencies observed in Chinese hamster cells exposed to low-LET. Keeping these coefficients unchanged, we then predict mutation frequencies induced by HZE by simulating DSBs and obtain RBEs for mutations and cell death following the expected experimental bell shape for LET dependence. We also observe an orientation effect that needs to be confirmed, showing different RBE depending on the angle of the HZE beam hitting the main axis of the cell