52 research outputs found

    D5.2 Report from the local promotion strategy

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    The present deliverable consists of the report on the local promotion strategy of the ATHENA project, and makes part of WP5 (Promotion of the centre locally and internationally).The strategy, was based on the promotion of the ATHENA locally with the aim to create a substantial and collaborative network, in order to sustain the Centre’s future activities

    D6.10 Mass media material

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    The specific deliverable summarizes the material related to the form of interviews and articles in newspapers and magazines of the project. Radio, journals and newspapers are also used as means to promote and advertise some of the dissemination events of the project. Mass media promotions at a national level as well in the European Research Media Centre are organized to promote and raise awareness. Guest appearances on TV and radio shows and national newspapers are used to ensure the access to the widest community

    D4.7 Material from 4th workshop - ATHENA: Remote Sensing and archaeology: future and expectations

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    The specific deliverable summarizes the material related to the fourth workshop of the ATHENA project entitled as “ATHENA: Remote Sensing and archaeology: future and expectations”. The deliverable includes the overall agenda, the list of participants as well as the presentations carried out during the event. The minutes and the main outcomes of the workshop are also included in this report

    D4.8 Material virtual training

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    Work package 4 focused on the training and knowledge transfer between the existing personnel of the Remote Sensing Lab of the Cyprus University of Technology and experts from the high performing partners’ institutions. The current deliverable consists precisely of the specific training/knowledge transfer activity of the virtual trainings that have took place throughout the project. The deliverable provides a brief description for each virtual training, all relative information as per topic, participants, date etc. Also, the material produced by each trainer, is also hereunder displayed. The topics of virtual trainings focused on the analysis of hyperspectral images, the use of remote sensing for looting monitoring and the multi-temporal remote sensing analyses. In addition, the fourth virtual training was focused on the Integration of RS data for Cultural Heritage management in the Copernicus Era

    D6.9 ATHENA’s printed brochure

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    The specific deliverable displays the brochures of the ATHENA project which have been created, printed and distributed throughout the project, for dissemination purposes

    D5.4 – International Network (RS and CH) web-site

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    The present deliverable makes part of the Work Package 5: Promotion of the centre locally and internationally, and more specifically it adress the International networking achieved through the website of the project

    D5.1 Leaflets

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    The specific deliverable is a collection of the special leaflets that were designed to inform stakeholders and other possible interested parties regarding the activities of the Remote Sensing lab within the framework of ATHENA project. For this purpose, 14 special leaflets were designed and uploaded on the project’s website. Additional information will be provided to all interested parties via the WP6 deliverables of the project

    The use of Copernicus data to support archeological research in the Eastern Mediterranean

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    Based on satellite and in situ observations, the Copernicus services deliver near-real-time data on a global level which can also be used for local and regional needs. The ongoing Horizon 2020 "ATHENA” Twinning project uses specific Copernicus data to identify several case studies. “ATHENA” project aims to establish a “Remote Sensing Science Center for Cultural Heritage” in Cyprus. The Center foresees to support the current Cultural Heritage (CH) needs through the systematic exploitation of Earth Observation technologies. For the establishment of the center, the existing Remote Sensing and Geo-Environment Research Laboratory of the Eratosthenes Research Center (ERC) based at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), is twinned with internationally-leading counterparts from the EU, the National Research Council of Italy and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). Through this network, the ATHENA twinning project strengthens the remote sensing capacity in cultural heritage at CUT’s ERC. Within "ATHENA" project, training courses, workshops and other activities are carried out, promoting Earth Observation knowledge and best practices. Earth Observation technologies are introduced, systematically employed, and further developed for Cultural Heritage applications. These technologies implement Copernicus data and services for the preservation of Cultural Heritage as they can be usefully adopted for tackling the looting phenomenon. Satellite technologies offer a suitable chance to quantify and analyze this phenomenon, especially in the region of the Eastern Mediterranean, where the onsite surveillance is not much effective or non-practicable due to military or political restrictions. Also, active and passive remote sensing data for archaeology, SAR for change and deformation detection, satellite monitoring for archaeological looting, integration of remote sensing data for protection and preservation of cultural heritage are also further explored. The scientific strengthening and networking achieved in Cyprus through the ATHENA project could be of great benefit for the entire Eastern Mediterranean Region bearing a plethora of archaeological sites and monuments urgently calling for monitoring and safeguarding

    D4.9 Report from short term visits

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    The present deliverable reports the short-term visits of the CUT personnel to Germany and Italy hosted by DLR and CNR, for training on remote sensing technologies, data and sensors as well as active and passive remote sensing (including geophysics) for archaeology. In collaboration with the project partners, selected members of the ATHENA team from Cyprus visited different facilities and had the opportunity to train, discuss and implement novel remote sensing technologies. The main goal of these activities was to further build on the synergies of the ATHENA network. With the involvement of high performance partners (CNR and DLR), the network will encourage the development and exchange of knowledge, technology and innovation in the domain of the cultural heritage. A great effort has been made by all partners to maximize the role and capabilities as well as increase the strategic collaborations in the region of the ATHENA Centre, thereby providing access to their links and making use of the available networks

    D6.7 - Webinars

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    The purpose of this Report is to describe the webinars that took place during the project, related to TASK 6. Particularly, through the webinars, all the methods and techniques used during the project are described. This deliverable includes the agenda, the participants and the presentations of ATHENA’s webinars