5 research outputs found

    Angels or demons? Evidence on the impact of private equity firms on employment

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    The impact of private equity firms on employment in their portfolio companies is a controversial topic widely discussed in academia and in practice in recent years. A large body of research has resulted from this debate. The studies are focused on different aspects of employment and are based on a variety of methodologies as well as samples representing e.g. different types of buyouts and geographies. The aim of this paper is to provide access to and enhance the understanding of the highly fragmented literature by way of a systematic review and to discuss areas for future research. We review evidence on employment growth, financial and non-financial indicators of employment in a total of 49 studies. The analysis of similarities and differences of the studies revealed manifold consequences of private equity on employment. Our review reveals that the impact varies across different employment indicators and between geographies. We therefore conclude that it is not possible to label private equity firms either positively or negatively as 'angels or demons' as this would not take account of their complex and heterogeneous effects on employees post-buyout. --private equity,employment,industrial relations,entrepreneurial companies,systematic review

    Quantitative valuation of platform technology based intangibles companies

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    In the course of raising external equity, e.g. from venture capitalists, a quantitative valuation is usually required for entrepreneurial ventures. This paper examines the challenges of quantitatively valuing platform technology based entrepreneurial ventures. The distinct characteristics of such companies pose specific requirements on the applicability of quantitative valuation methods. The entrepreneur can choose from a wide range of potential commercialization strategies to pursue in the course of company development which is difficult to take account of in a quantitative valuation. By developing and applying a systematic map of valuation requirements in this context, we analyze whether the cost, market or income approach is suitable for platform technology based entrepreneurial ventures. We argue that all three valuation methods have drawbacks. Yet, the income approach fulfills most of the requirements and, therefore, is considered to be more suitable for the entrepreneur as well as external equity providers than other quantitative valuation methods. --entrepreneurial venture,platform technology,young venture valuation,quantitative company valuation,intangible assets,intellectual property,commercialization strategies,value extraction

    European Venture Capital Market: Scaling Beyond Current Boundaries

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    Syndizierte Venture-Capital-Finanzierung

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    Ein in der Venture-Capital-Branche häufig zu beobachtendes Phänomen ist das gemeinsame Investieren mehrerer Venture-Capital-Gesellschaften, die sogenannte Syndizierung. Erstmals erfolgt eine umfassende ökonomische Analyse dieses Phänomens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung finanzierungstheoretischer und organisationstheoretischer Ansätze. Die betriebswirtschaftlichen Gründe für eine syndizierte Venture-Capital-Finanzierung werden herausgearbeitet. Die Autorin nimmt dabei die Perspektive der Venture-Capital-Geber und des Venture-Capital-Nehmers ein. Neben Vorteilen, die durch eine Syndizierung entstehen können, werden auch potenzielle Nachteile für beide Parteien identifiziert.Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer vorteilhaften Strukturierung und eines vorteilhaften Managements einer Syndizierung für die Kapitalgeber und den Kapitalnehmer werden aufgezeigt. Hierbei werden Unterschiede zwischen der Position des Lead-Investors und der Co-Investoren ausführlich dargelegt. Außerdem wird zwischen rendite- und strategieorientierten Venture-Capital-Gebern differenziert und Konsequenzen aus einer gemischten Syndizierung werden aufgezeigt. Wichtige Aspekte aus wissenschaftlicher und praxisorientierter Sicht sind die Selektion der Syndizierungspartner, die Vertragsverhandlungen, die Vertragsgestaltung und das Venture Management bei einer Syndizierung