3 research outputs found

    "TORNADO" - Theranostic One-Step RNA Detector; microfluidic disc for the direct detection of microRNA-134 in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid.

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    Diagnosis of seizure disorders such as epilepsy currently relies on clinical examination and electroencephalogram recordings and is associated with substantial mis-diagnosis. The miRNA, miR-134 (MIR134 in humans), has been found to be elevated in brain tissue after experimental status epilepticus and in human epilepsy cells and their detection in biofluids may serve as unique biomarkers. miRNAs from unprocessed human plasma and human cerebrospinal fluid samples were used in a novel electrochemical detection based on electrocatalytic platinum nanoparticles inside a centrifugal microfluidic device where the sandwich assay is formed using an event triggered release system, suitable for the rapid point-of-care detection of low abundance biomarkers of disease. The device has the advantage of controlling the rotation speed of the centrifugal device to pump nanoliter volumes of fluid at a set time and manipulate the transfer of liquids within the device. The centrifugal platform improves reaction rates and yields by proposing efficient mixing strategies to overcome diffusion-limited processes and improve mass transport rates, resulting in reduced hybridization times with a limit of detection of 1 pM target concentration. Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid samples (unprocessed) from patients with epilepsy or who experienced status epilepticus were tested and the catalytic response obtained was in range of the calibration plot. This study demonstrates a rapid and simple detection for epilepsy biomarkers in biofluid.</p

    Genome-wide microRNA profiling of plasma from three different animal models identifies biomarkers of temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Epilepsy diagnosis is complex, requires a team of specialists and relies on in-depth patient and family history, MRI-imaging and EEG monitoring. There is therefore an unmet clinical need for a non-invasive, molecular-based, biomarker to either predict the development of epilepsy or diagnose a patient with epilepsy who may not have had a witnessed seizure. Recent studies have demonstrated a role for microRNAs in the pathogenesis of epilepsy. MicroRNAs are short non-coding RNA molecules which negatively regulate gene expression, exerting profound influence on target pathways and cellular processes. The presence of microRNAs in biofluids, ease of detection, resistance to degradation and functional role in epilepsy render them excellent candidate biomarkers. Here we performed the first multi-model, genome-wide profiling of plasma microRNAs during epileptogenesis and in chronic temporal lobe epilepsy animals. From video-EEG monitored rats and mice we serially sampled blood samples and identified a set of dysregulated microRNAs comprising increased miR-93-5p, miR-142-5p, miR-182-5p, miR-199a-3p and decreased miR-574-3p during one or both phases. Validation studies found miR-93-5p, miR-199a-3p and miR-574-3p were also dysregulated in plasma from patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy. Treatment of mice with common anti-epileptic drugs did not alter the expression levels of any of the five miRNAs identified, however administration of an anti-epileptogenic microRNA treatment prevented dysregulation of several of these miRNAs. The miRNAs were detected within the Argonuate2-RISC complex from both neurons and microglia indicating these miRNA biomarker candidates can likely be traced back to specific brain cell types. The current studies identify additional circulating microRNA biomarkers of experimental and human epilepsy which may support diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy via a quick, cost-effective rapid molecular-based test

    A systems approach delivers a functional microRNA catalog and expanded targets for seizure suppression in temporal lobe epilepsy.

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    Temporal lobe epilepsy is the most common drug-resistant form of epilepsy in adults. The reorganization of neural networks and the gene expression landscape underlying pathophysiologic network behavior in brain structures such as the hippocampus has been suggested to be controlled, in part, by microRNAs. To systematically assess their significance, we sequenced Argonaute-loaded microRNAs to define functionally engaged microRNAs in the hippocampus of three different animal models in two species and at six time points between the initial precipitating insult through to the establishment of chronic epilepsy. We then selected commonly up-regulated microRNAs for a functional in vivo therapeutic screen using oligonucleotide inhibitors. Argonaute sequencing generated 1.44 billion small RNA reads of which up to 82% were microRNAs, with over 400 unique microRNAs detected per model. Approximately half of the detected microRNAs were dysregulated in each epilepsy model. We prioritized commonly up-regulated microRNAs that were fully conserved in humans and designed custom antisense oligonucleotides for these candidate targets. Antiseizure phenotypes were observed upon knockdown of miR-10a-5p, miR-21a-5p, and miR-142a-5p and electrophysiological analyses indicated broad safety of this approach. Combined inhibition of these three microRNAs reduced spontaneous seizures in epileptic mice. Proteomic data, RNA sequencing, and pathway analysis on predicted and validated targets of these microRNAs implicated derepressed TGF-β signaling as a shared seizure-modifying mechanism. Correspondingly, inhibition of TGF-β signaling occluded the antiseizure effects of the antagomirs. Together, these results identify shared, dysregulated, and functionally active microRNAs during the pathogenesis of epilepsy which represent therapeutic antiseizure targets.</p