34 research outputs found

    Evaluación nutricional del paciente pediátrico hospitalizado

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    [Folate, vitamin B12 and human health].

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    During the past decade the role of folate and vitamin B12 in human nutrition have been under constant re-examination. Basic knowledge on the metabolism and interactions between these essential nutrients has expanded and multiple complexities have been unraveled. These micronutrients have shared functions and intertwined metabolic pathways that define the size of the "methyl donor" pool utilized in multiple metabolic pathways; these include DNA methylation and synthesis of nucleic acids. In Chile, folate deficiency is virtually nonexistent, while vitamin B12 deficiency affects approximately 8.5-51% depending on the cut-off value used to define deficiency. Folate is found naturally mainly in vegetables or added as folic acid to staple foods. Vitamin B12 in its natural form is present only in foods of animal origin, which is why deficit is more common among strict vegetarians and populations with a low intake of animal foods. Poor folate status in vulnerable women of childbearing age increases the risk of neural tube birth defects, so the critical time for the contribution of folic acid is several months before conception since neural tube closure occurs during the first weeks of life. The absorption of vitamin B12 from food is lower in older adults, who are considered to have higher risk of gastric mucosa atrophy, altered production of intrinsic factor and acid secretion. Deficiency of these vitamins is associated with hematological disorders. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also induce clinical and sub-clinical neurological and of other disorders. The purpose of this review is to provide an update on recent advances in the basic and applied knowledge of these vitamins relative to human health

    Comparison of two modes of vitamin B12 supplementation on neuroconduction and cognitive function among older people living in Santiago, Chile: a cluster randomized controlled trial. a study protocol [ISRCTN 02694183]

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    BACKGROUND: Older people have a high risk of vitamin B12 deficiency; this can lead to varying degrees of cognitive and neurological impairment. CBL deficiency may present as macrocytic anemia, subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord, or as neuropathy, but is often asymptomatic in older people. Less is known about subclinical vitamin B12 deficiency and concurrent neuroconduction and cognitive impairment. A Programme of Complementary Feeding for the Older Population (PACAM) in Chile delivers 2 complementary fortified foods that provide approximately 1.4 μg/day of vitamin B12 (2.4 μg/day elderly RDA). The aim of the present study is to assess whether supplementation with vitamin B12 will improve neuroconduction and cognitive function in older people who have biochemical evidence of vitamin B12 insufficiency in the absence of clinical deficiency. METHODS: We designed a cluster double-blind placebo-controlled trial involving community dwelling people aged 70-79 living in Santiago, Chile. We randomized 15 clusters (health centers) involving 300 people (20 per cluster). Each cluster will be randomly assigned to one of three arms: a) a 1 mg vitamin B12 pill taken daily and a routine PACAM food; b) a placebo pill and the milk-PACAM food fortified to provide 1 mg of vitamin B12; c) the routine PACAM food and a placebo pill.The study has been designed as an 18 month follow up period. The primary outcomes assessed at baseline, 4, 9 and 18 months will be: serum levels of vitamin B12, neuroconduction and cognitive function. CONCLUSIONS: In view of the high prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency in later life, the present study has potential public health interest because since it will measure the impact of the existing program of complementary feeding as compared to two options that provide higher vitamin B12 intakes that might potentially may contribute in preserving neurophysiologic and cognitive function and thus improve quality of life for older people in Chile. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN: ISRCTN02694183

    Folic acid fortification of wheat flour: Chile

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    Neural tube defects (open spina bifida, anencephaly, and encephalocele) represent the first congenital malformations to be preventable through public health measures such as supplementation and/or food fortification with folic acid. In Chile, starting in January 2000, the Chilean Ministry of Health legislated to add folic acid to wheat flour (2.2 mg/kg) to reduce the risk of NTDs. This policy resulted in an estimated mean additional supply of 427 mu g/d in significant increases in serum folate and red cell folate of 3.8 and 2.4-fold, respectively, in women of fertile age, one year after fortification. The impact on the rate of NTDs is presently being studied in all births, both live births and still births, with birth weight > 500 g in the city,of Santiago. Preliminary results show a reduction of 40% in the rates on NTDs from the pre-fortification period (1999-2000) to post-fortification period (2001-June 2002). Fortification of wheat flour with folic acid in Chile is effective in preventing NTDs in Chile

    Embarazos múltiples y ácido fólico

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    Anemia del lactante desnutrido marásmico

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    Iron absorption from wheat flour: effects of lemonade and chamomile infusion.

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    Objective: We measured iron bioavailability of meals based on wheat flour consumed by a vulnerable population in Latin America. Methods: Bioavailability of iron (ferrous sulfate) from fortified noodles, noodle soup, noodle soup eaten with lemonade sweetened with panela (unrefined whole cane sugar), bread alone, and bread consumed with a chamomile infusion sweetened with panela was studied using the double isotopic method in 13 women. Results: Iron bioavailabilities from bread, noodles, and noodle soup were not significantly different (7.4%, 6.3%, and 6.0%, respectively). Iron absorption from noodle soup was significantly higher when given with lemonade (11.0%) compared with absorption of the same meal without lemonade (P < 0.02) or with the absorption of noodles (P < 0.04). Iron absorption of bread given alone or with chamomile infusion sweetened with panela (8%) was not significantly different. Conclusion: Iron bioavailability of meals based on wheat flour, fortified with ferrous sulfate, is improved when given with lemonade. The consumption of this beverage may be an alternative to further increase the effectiveness of wheat flour fortification in preventing iron deficiency in low-income Latin American populations.This research was supported in part by the United Nations University

    Plasma zinc concentration, body composition and physical activity in obese preschool children

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    Zinc (Zn) deficiency and obesity can be observed together in some developing countries. Zn deficiency may enhance fat deposition and decrease lean mass accrual, which in turn, appears to influence physical activity (PA), although this has not yet been evaluated in obese children. The objective of the study was to find out the association between measurements of plasma Zn and serum leptin, body composition, and PA in Chilean obese preschool children. Seventy-two 18- to 36-month-old obese children [weight-for-length/height z score (WHZ)&gt;2.0 SD], belonging to low socioeconomic communities, participated in the study. Plasma Zn, serum leptin, weight, waist circumference, height, total body water (TBW) assessed by deuterium isotopic dilution technique and daily activity, measured by registering 48 h with an accelerometer, were evaluated. We found 82% of children with WHZ&gt;3 SD. The geometric mean Zn intake was 6.2±2.5 mg/day. The mean plasma Zn was 91.8±11.4 μg/dL, with 10% of the children h

    Challenges of early detection of oral cancer: raising awareness as a first step to successful campaigning

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    In Germany, similar to 13 000 people are found to have oral and pharyngeal cancer every year. Awareness and knowledge about this cancer remain insufficient, particularly amongst elderly people. A campaign for early detection was launched in Northern Germany in April 2012. The first step of the campaign was to increase awareness about oral cancer. Prior to a pre-campaign evaluation at the campaign start, March 2012 and an intermediate-campaign evaluation, November 2012, a sample representative for the population aged 50 >= years (target group; N = 500) was drawn for a first process evaluation. The surveys were conducted by means of telephone interviews including questions on behaviour, knowledge and sociodemographic/socioeconomic aspects and target group-oriented questions on issue, media and campaign material awareness. The process evaluation showed an increase in issue awareness from 25 to 40% (P < 0.001) and the media awareness increased by over 10% (P < 0.001). The results suggested that particularly women, the core age group (60-79 years) and the educationally disadvantaged group might benefit from the campaign. Awareness about the issue 'oral cancer' was already significantly increased 7 months after the campaign start. The highest general and media-related increase in awareness was achieved in the target group

    Cost-effectiveness of a folic acid fortification program in Chile.

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    OBJECTIVE: Periconceptional intake of folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs), a frequent birth defect that can cause significant infant mortality and disability. In Chile, fortification of wheat flour with folic acid has resulted in significant reduction in the risk of anencephaly and spina bifida. We investigated the cost-effectiveness implications of this policy. METHODS: We conducted an ex-post economic analysis of this intervention. Estimates of the effect of fortification in decreasing NTDs and deaths were derived from a prospective evaluation. The costs of fortification and provision of medical care to children with spina bifida in Chile were based on primary data collection. FINDINGS: The intervention costs per NTD case and infant death averted were I1200and11,000,respectively.ThecostperDALYavertedwasI 1200 and 11,000, respectively. The cost per DALY averted was I 89, 0.8% of Chile's GDP per capita. Taking into account averted costs of care, fortification resulted in net cost savings of I$ 2.3 million. CONCLUSION: Fortification of wheat flour with folic acid is a cost-effective intervention in Chile, a middle income country in the post-epidemiological transition. This result supports the continuation of the Chile fortification program and constitutes valuable information for policy makers in other countries to consider