16 research outputs found

    Model strategy for village development in the Czech Republic

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    The model strategies discussed in this article represent different ways of possible village development in the Czech Republic. We used typologies of strategies from business strategic management for their definition. Twenty municipalities, where structured interviews were carried out with their mayors, were chosen randomly from among 100 villages where a questionnaire survey was conducted in 2012 (Faltová Leitmanová, et al., 2012). Based on the qualitative analysis of the structured interview summaries, eight model strategies were ascertained. These include integration strategy, service differentiation, spending cuts, usage of municipal property, stabilization of village population, business support, fundraising, and identification of the inhabitants with the village (village pride). The most commonly applied model strategy is integration, followed by village population stabilization

    New Forms of Land Grabbing Due to the Bioeconomy: The Case of Brazil

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    The present study discusses new forms of land grabbing related to biofuel production in the light of bioeconomic development. With a specific focus on Brazil, this article debates whether biofuel production is associated with (i) an expansion of agricultural land use—regarded as a process of unsustainable crop intensification or (ii) an increase in crop yield, driven by technical innovation with stable land use—intended as a form of sustainable intensification. We conclude that, in the case of Brazil, the current bioeconomy cannot be assumed to be environmentally sustainable. Starting from Brazil’s experience, the (apparent and latent) relationship between bioeconomy and land grabbing requires a refined investigation in both wealthier and emerging economies, with the aim of proposing effective strategies to achieve truly sustainable development in the primary sector

    Conflicts as a possible way to sustainable development of Sumava Mts.?

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    Šumava Mts. was taking as a so called marginal area – i.e. area on the random of economics and politics interest. Every attempt of development or natural or political change (there is five samples in the study) bring also some kind of conflict in the area. Anyway, respecting principles and basic indicators of sustainable development allows seeing the conflicts as a way to the multifunctional and sustainable landscape management

    Finanční ohodnocení krásy krajiny - metoda CVM

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    Evaluation of landscape amenity is not very common and relatively difficult from the economic point of view. In our case study focused on comparing aesthetic preferences of Czech and Japan respondents regarding rural landscape. We used the contingent valuation method. We also wanted to reveal the respondent’s preferences in a financial form. These preferences served us as quantitative indicator for an attestation of the respondent’s qualitative preferences. It seemed that a strong correlation between the aesthetical and financial evaluation exist in two extreme cases – respondents were not interested, or they were strongly involved in landscape amenity. A substantial difference occured between the Czech and Japanese respondents in the case of case of open or closed access to the landscape

    Democracy or a green society?

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    Tourism as an alternative for development of rural landscape

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    Tourism in general is starting to play an important role as one of the new emerging business branches supporting economic development. This kind of business is especialy important in former rural lagging regions. The process of globalisation and CAP reform are likely to be particularly significant contributors to the further marginalisation of these European regions, which are relatively disadvantaged from the economic and social point of view. No doubt tourism as such can be a blessed activity for certain regions where it could replace the role of agriculture.There are many studies related to tourism dealing with the social conditions, traditions and control of resources by the local community. One promising idea is the concept of "integrated tourism". Integrated tourism has one specific trait different in comparison with other types of business- this activity is not aimed just at the profit of the tourist enterpreneur, but at development of the whole region. Keeping the countryside alive is one crucial predisposition for integrated tourism. The fulfilment of this condition requires healthy local community. Our proposal is focused on the role of local community in rural lagging regions. Our case study is situated in rural lagging region Česká Canada It is a rural border region with significant landscape amenities and cultural heritage with a high potential for integrated tourism. We would like answer these questions: To which extent does local community accept tourism as an integrated part of regional development? Could tourism replace the role of agriculture

    Naukowe zainteresowanie biotworzywami – analiza bibliometryczna

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    Plastic materials are shaping modern society and making our lives easier. However, due to improper handling of plastic waste, plastics are no longer ubiquitous only in our homes, villages and cities but also in the natural environment. In line with the concept of bioeconomy, bioplastics are presented as a sustainable option that could help the economy overcome its dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to the reduction of overall plastic pollution. The study aims to identify the areas of academic interest in bioplastics. The study's methodological approach is based on a bibliometric (scientometric) analysis. It was found that in academia, biology, chemistry, and biotechnology are the main areas dealing with bioplastics, focusing on the whole process of product development. At the same time, there is a significant lack of research in areas such as social sciences, including econom-ics. These findings should contribute to the global scientific discourse.Tworzywa sztuczne kształtują współczesne społeczeństwo i ułatwiają codzienne życie. Jednak w związku z niewłaściwym postępowaniem, odpady z tworzyw sztucznych są wszechobecne nie tylko w naszych domach, wsiach i miastach, ale także w środowisku naturalnym. Zgodnie z koncepcją biogospodarki biotworzywa są przedstawiane jako zrównoważona opcja, która może pomóc gospodarce przezwyciężyć zależność od paliw kopalnych i przyczynić się do zmniejszenia ogólnego zanieczyszczenia tworzywami sztucznymi. Badanie ma na celu zidentyfikowanie obszarów zainteresowań naukowych biotworzywami. Podejście metodologiczne badania opiera się na analizie bibliometrycznej (scientometrii). Stwierdzono, że w środowisku akademickim biologia, chemia i biotechnologia to główne obszary zajmujące się biotworzywami, skupiające się na całym procesie rozwoju produktu. Jednocześnie istnieje znaczny brak badań w takich dziedzinach, jak nauki społeczne, w tym ekonomia. Niniejsze rozważania powinny przyczynić się do globalnego dyskursu naukowego

    Importance of Green Marketing and Its Potential

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    Green marketing is possibly the newest type of marketing. Recently, it has also been the most discussed one by organizations, companies and even states. Green marketing tries to produce, promote and recycle products that are friendly to the environment. Green marketing is a global concern and it is going to have a better future. However, this type of marketing meets a few problems such as much effort to replace conventional products and a lack of confidence. Many companies produce and promote such products as much as possible. In spite of this, the public is still sceptical. The paper presents the theoretical important knowledge on green marketing, its definitions, customer behaviour formulas, and its potential

    Kompetencja energetyczna w Czechach i jej wpływ na postrzeganie zachowań w zakresie zużycia energii przez obywateli

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    The analysis is based on a sample of 1015 citizens from Czechia. The cognitive energy literacy index (CELI), based on the knowledge of the energy mix in electricity production and the knowledge of the import/export of electricity in Czechia, is constructed in this article. The research aims to answer the following questions: What is the level of CELI within the population of Czechia? To what extent do the selected socio-demographic indicators affect the CELI? To what extent does CELI influence respondents' perceptions? The medium level of CELI is widespread across the population, while high and low levels of CELI are roughly equally shared. People with a high CELI are more likely to be older men with a university education. CELI also significantly affects the perception of behaviour on an individual, collective, and systemic level. Higher CELI is also associated with higher support for innovative solutions and renewable energy resources.Analiza oparta jest na próbie 1015 obywateli z Czech. W artykule skonstruowano indeks kognitywnych umiejętności energetycznych (CELI), oparty na wiedzy o miksie energetycznym w produkcji energii elektrycznej oraz wiedzy o imporcie/eksporcie energii elektrycznej w Czechach. Badania mają na celu udzielenie odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: Jaki jest poziom CELI w populacji Czech? W jakim stopniu wybrane wskaźniki społeczno-demograficzne wpływają na CELI? W jakim stopniu CELI wpływa na postrzeganie przez respondentów? Średni poziom CELI jest rozpowszechniony w całej populacji, natomiast wysokie i niskie poziomy CELI są mniej więcej równo podzielone. Osoby o wysokim CELI to częściej starsi mężczyźni z wyższym wykształceniem. CELI istotnie wpływa również na postrzeganie zachowań na poziomie indywidualnym, zbiorowym i systemowym. Wyższe CELI wiąże się również z wyższym poparciem dla innowacyjnych rozwiązań i odnawialnych źródeł energii