36 research outputs found

    Hazard Ratios (95% CI) of Associations Between a 1% -Increase in HbA<sub>1c</sub> and Total Mortality, Stratified for Several Diabetes-Related Variables, and Cause-Specific Mortality in 4,345 Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus.

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    <p>Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; CVD, cardiovascular diseases; OHA, Oral Hypoglycemic Agents; HR, Hazard Ratio.</p>a<p>Age- and center-stratified and adjusted for sex, physical activity, smoking status, educational attainment, body mass index, systolic blood pressure and for diabetes medication use, co-morbidities or disease duration when these were not stratified for.</p>b<p><i>P</i> value 0.04 for difference in risk estimate derived from competing risk model versus cancer mortality.</p

    Adjusted Hazard Ratios of Death according to Glycated Hemoglobin (%) Measured in Stored Erythrocytes among 4,345 Individuals with Diabetes.

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    <p>Solid lines indicate hazard ratios and dashed lines indicate 95% confidence intervals derived from restricted cubic spline regression, with knots placed at the 5<sup>th</sup>, 10<sup>th</sup>, 25<sup>th</sup>, 75<sup>th</sup>, 90<sup>th</sup>, and 95<sup>th</sup> percentiles of the distribution, using the 50<sup>th</sup> percentile as a reference. Age- and study center-stratified models were adjusted for sex, storage time, disease duration, diabetes medication use, co-morbidities, physical activity, smoking status, educational attainment, body mass index, and systolic blood pressure. P value for nonlinearity derived from a Wald Chi-square test was P=0.15.</p

    Flow diagram of participants excluded from the present study.

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    <p><sup>1</sup>No follow-up questionnaire (e.g. due to death before follow-up body weight assessment, not yet approached for follow-up body weight assessment, emigration or non-response to invitation). <sup>2</sup>Pregnant at baseline or follow-up. <sup>3</sup>10% missing items on FFQ. <sup>4</sup>Ratio of energy intake (EI) to energy expenditure (EE) estimated from predicted resting energy expenditure. <sup>5</sup>Missing data on baseline or follow-up weight, waist or height, missing follow-up time. <sup>6</sup>Baseline height<130 cm, BMI<16 kg/m<sup>2</sup>, 0160 cm, follow-up weight>700 kg. Combination of waist<60 cm and BMI>25 kg/m<sup>2</sup>. <sup>7</sup>Annual weight change>5 kg (either direction) or annual waist change>7 cm (either direction). <sup>8</sup> Baseline cancer, diabetes or cardiovascular disease.<sup>9</sup> In contrast to the derivation of the model where it is important to obtain unbiased estimates of relative risk, we think only original data should be used in the validation sample and we therefore excluded individuals with missing values.</p

    Calibration plot showing observed proportion of cases across tenths of predicted risk in the a) derivation sample and b) validation sample.

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    <p>Corresponding range of points for tenths in the derivation sample were <145, 145–<165, 165–<181, 181–<194, 194–<206, 206–<218, 218–<231, 231–<246, 246–<267, and ≥267. P for calibration  = 0.02. Corresponding range of points for tenths in the validation sample <162, 162–<185, 185–<200, 200–<212, 212–<223, 223–<234, 234–<246, 246–<259, 259–<280, and ≥280. P for calibration  = <001.</p