7 research outputs found

    Implatanção de educação continuada com profissionais de Enfermagem utilizando a Pedagogia Problematizadora: relato de experiência

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    Estudo que teve por finalidade relatar a experincia de implantao de. um programa de educao para profissionais de enfermagem da regio Amaznica. Estudo de interveno, realizado com 65 profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital universitrio da cidade de Manaus no perodo de Maro a Janeiro de 2010. A coleta de dados foi realizada utilizando dois instrumentos um check list e uma entrevista, para observao e identificao dos procedimentos freqentes e suas fragilidades. A pedagogia problematizadora permitiu elaborar o programa, emergindo inmeras temticas, dentre elas: Higienizao das Mos; Administrao de Medicamentos Via Intramuscular; e Aferio de Presso Arterial. A interveno favoreceu o aperfeioamento na gesto de talentos humanos, bem como, as temticas despertaram interesse e motivao, refletido no ndice de participao dos sujeitos

    Implatanção de educação continuada com profissionais de Enfermagem utilizando a Pedagogia Problematizadora: relato de experiência

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    Estudo que teve por finalidade relatar a experiência de implantação de. um programa de educação para profissionais de enfermagem da região Amazônica. Estudo de intervenção, realizado com 65 profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital universitário da cidade de Manaus no período de Março a Janeiro de 2010. A coleta de dados foi realizada utilizando dois instrumentos um check list e uma entrevista, para observação e identificação dos procedimentos freqüentes e suas fragilidades. A pedagogia problematizadora permitiu elaborar o programa, emergindo inúmeras temáticas, dentre elas: Higienização das Mãos; Administração de Medicamentos Via Intramuscular; e Aferição de Pressão Arterial. A intervenção favoreceu o aperfeiçoamento na gestão de talentos humanos, bem como, as temáticas despertaram interesse e motivação, refletido no índice de participação dos sujeitos

    New cases of Chagas disease in a rural area of Northeast Brazilian

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    Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease is considered one of the 17 most neglected tropical diseases in the World, with the most common form of vector transmission. METHODS: This structured cross-sectional study was conducted through an epidemiological survey in the Tobias Barreto municipality of Sergipe. RESULTS: Of the 255 participants, 1 (0.4%) participant was positive for human Chagas disease. Approximately 30.2% of the participants found the triatomine bugs in their houses and outbuildings. CONCLUSIONS: The detection of a case indicated transmission, which was also evidenced by the presence of triatomines and poor housing conditions

    Systematic neonatal screening for congenital Chagas disease in Northeast Brazil: prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in the Southern region of Sergipe

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    Abstract INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease is caused by the flagellate protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, being one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the Americas with an estimated six to seven million infected people worldwide. In Brazil, the improvement in vector control and blood donor screening has evidenced the important epidemiological role of congenital transmission of Chagas disease. METHODS: A serological survey for Chagas disease was performed in 3,952 newborns in the southern region of Sergipe using paper filter disks of dried blood samples. The newborns were screened using the Sergipe State Neonatal Screening Program between July 2015 and July 2016, and 3,749 and 750 blood samples were obtained for the IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and indirect immunofluorescence assay, respectively. In addition, mothers of the children who presented initial reagent serology were examined. RESULTS: Among 3,749 blood samples, samples of two children were positive for the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; however, their confirmation test results were negative, suggesting passive transfer of the mother’s antibody. One puerpera was identified with Chagas disease, with a prevalence of 0.02%. CONCLUSIONS: Congenital Chagas disease was not observed in newborns in the Southern region of Sergipe. However, Chagas disease was observed in women of reproductive age. Therefore, effective measurements for monitoring and systematic evaluation should be conducted. The Neonatal Screening Program proved to be an effective public health strategy for the prevention and control of Chagas disease