11 research outputs found

    Physical Measurement Analysis in Pre-Utility Covid-19 Isolation Room: A Case Study Universitas Mataram Teaching Hospital

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    Background: Negative pressure room is recommended for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Aim this study to describe physical measurement analysis of isolation room Universitas Mataram Teaching Hospital. Methods: Newly developed negative pressure isolation room was physical measure using following instruments: anemometer, moisture meter, hygrometer and pressure gauge. Results: This study showed physical measurement as follow: 1) ACH (air change per hour) 23.3 / hour [minimum: 12+ ACH]; 2) the difference in pressure gradient between the inpatient room and anteroom -30 Pa [minimum -15 Pa]; 3) the mean of air temperature 24.8°C [21-24]; 4) air humidity 58% [maximum 65%] and 5) concrete moisture 22.45%. Conclusion: The COVID-19 isolation room at the Universitas Mataram Teaching Hospital meets the standard criteria

    Pelatihan Pencegahan Penularan Wabah Covid-19 Bagi Staf Karyawan Hotel Nutana Kota Mataram

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    Bidang perhotelan merupakan salah satu usaha perekonomian yang paling terdampak dari pandemi COVID-19, mau tidak mau harus belajar beradaptasi terhadap kondisi ini, salah satunya dengan membuka paket isolasi diri yang memperhatikan protokol kesehatan yang dikeluarkan pemerintah. Untuk alasan ini, program pengabdian masyarakat yang diadakan oleh Fakultas Kedokteran dan Rumah Sakit Universitas Mataram, Mataram meningkatkan pengetahuan pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi terkait penyusunan paket isolasi mandiri tersebut. Sebagai uji coba paket isolasi mandiri ini di adakan di Hotel Nutana, Jl. Airlangga Gomong Mataram yang memiliki 42 kamar dan termasuk hotel menengah. Pelatihan dihadiri oleh berbagai unsur perhotelan, petugas front office, housekeeping, sekuriti, laundry dan restoran sebanyak 16 orang. Pelatihan ini meliputi proses penerimaan tamu, skema paket isolasi mandiri, alur pencegahan infeksi bagi tamu dan karyawan, jenis-jenis APD, prosedur kerja house keeping, laundry dan restoran. Pada akhir pelatihan, pemahaman karyawan terkait praktek isolasi mandiri meningkat dan karyawan siap untuk mengimplementasikan paket isolasi mandiri yang dimaksud

    Gabriel-Philippe de la Hire and the discovery of Hunter-Schreger bands

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    Hunter-Schreger bands are an optical phenomenon observed in mammalian tooth enamel. Familiar to all current and former students of dental histology, this optical phenomenon appears as alternating patterns of dark and light bands when cut enamel is viewed under reflected light. The discovery of this important feature of mammalian enamel has been historically credited to two eighteenth-century investigators, Hunter and Schreger. A re-evaluation of the evidence would suggest that the bands were observed almost seventy years earlier by a French scientist, Gabriel-Philippe de la Hire, and subsequently confirmed by the famous French dentist Pierre Fauchard. This article reviews the contribution of de la Hire, as well as that of Fauchard, Hunter and Schreger, to the early recognition among the scientific community of what would now be referred to as 'enamel microstructure'

    Der Exkretionsapparat

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