20 research outputs found


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    Christian Schicha/Carsten Brosda (Hg.): Handbuch Medienethik (Claus Eurich)Hannelore Bublitz: Im Beichtstuhl der Medien. Die Produktion des Selbst im öffentlichen Bekenntnis (Daniel Meier)Christian Wessely/Alexander D. Ornella (Hg.): Religion und Mediengesellschaft. Beiträge zu einem Paradoxon (Heinz Niederleitner)Siegfried Krückenberg: Die Hörfunkarbeit evangelischer Kirchen in Europa zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts (Nicole Stroth)Leif Kramp/Stephan Weichert: Die Meinungsmacher. Über die Verwahrlosung des Hauptstadtjournalismus (Ernst Elitz)Andreas Bernard: Vorn. Roman (Anna Riemann)


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    Christian Klenk: Ein deutscher Papst wird Medienstar. Benedikt XVI. und der Kölner Weltjugendtag in der Presse (Rene Schlott)Manfred Lütz: Gott - eine kleine Geschichte des Größten (Hubert Feichtlbauer)Andrea Weil: Der öffenthchen Meinung entgegentreten. Erich Schairers publizistische Opposition gegen die Nationalsozialisten 1930-1937 (Kurt Koszyk)Peter Merseburger: Rudolf Augstein. Biographie (Wolfgang R. Langenbucher)Rüdiger Funiok: Medienethik. Verantwortung in der Mediengesellschaft (Claus Eurich)Alexander Filipovic: Öffenthche Kommunikation in der Wissensgesellschaft. Sozialethische Analysen (Horst Pöttker)Michael Schramm: Der unterhaltsame Gott. Theologie populärer Filme (Benjamin Städter)Matthias Bemstorf: Emst und Leichtigkeit. Wege zu einer unterhaltsamen Kommunikation des Evangeliums (Daniel Meier)Michael Meyen/Maria Löblich (Hg.): "Ich habe dieses Fach erfunden." Wie die Kommunikationswissenschaft an die deutschsprachigen Universitäten kam. 19 biografische Interviews (Franzisca Weder

    Las repercusiones sociales y políticas de los nuevos medios

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    Habría que cuidarse de una evaluación errónea y superficial. Los nuevos medios significan nuevas formas de transmisión y de intercambio de informaciones de todo tipo y calidad. Se trata, por consiguiente, de algo más importante que "sólo" una considerable ampliación de la oferta de la televisión y la radio. Se trata más que nada de la vida, del vivir cotidiano del hombre; se trata de todo aquello que se relaciona con la información, la interacción y la comunicación, y con ello, de lo que hasta ahora ha sucedido particularmente en el contacto directo entre los hombres. Si se aplicasen las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación en todo su potencial, éstas cambiarían la vida de los hombres por completo. La más amplia racionalización de nuestra vida cotidiana se desplaza al campo de lo probable. Esto resulta técnicamente factible mediante los enormes progresos, tanto en la rama de la técnica de microprocesadores como en la del desarrollo y la evolución continua de nuevas tecnologías de transmisión, principalmente a través de satélites y del cable de banda ancha. Los elementos centrales en este contexto, son la televisión vía satélite, el videotexto, el acceso al terminal video vía teléfono de bancos de datos computarizados y la televisión por cable (comunicación de banda ancha)

    Jürgen Heinrich 65 Jahre

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    Das rechte Bild zur rechten Zeit

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    Evaluation of the transforming growth factor beta1 codon 25 (Arg-->Pro) polymorphism in alcoholic liver disease

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    INTRODUCTION: Liver cirrhosis develops only in a minority of heavy drinkers. Genetic factors may account for some variation in the progression of fibrosis in alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFbeta1) is a key profibrogenic cytokine in fibrosis and its gene contains several polymorphic sites. A single nucleotide polymorphism at codon 25 has been suggested to affect fibrosis progression in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection, fatty liver disease, and hereditary hemochromatosis. Its contribution to the progression of ALD has not been investigated sufficiently so far. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One-hundred-and-fifty-one heavy drinkers without apparent ALD, 149 individuals with alcoholic cirrhosis, and 220 alcoholic cirrhotics who underwent liver transplantation (LTX) were genotyped for TGFbeta1 codon 25 variants. RESULTS: Univariate analysis suggested that genotypes Arg/Pro or Pro/Pro are associated with decompensated liver cirrhosis requiring LTX. However, after adjusting for patients' age these genotypes did not confer a significant risk for cirrhosis requiring LTX. CONCLUSION: TGFbeta1 codon 25 genotypes Arg/Pro or Pro/Pro are not associated with alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Our study emphasizes the need for adequate statistical methods and accurate study design when evaluating the contribution of genetic variants to the course of chronic liver diseases

    Calculati ons of gaseous and parti culate emissions from German agriculture 1990 – 2017 : Report on methods and data (RMD) Submission 2019

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    The report at hand (including a comprehensive annex of data) serves as additional document to the National Inventory Report (NIR) on the German green house gas emissions and the Informative Inventory Report (IIR) on the German emissions of air pollutants (especially ammonia). The report documents the calculation methods used in the German agricultural inventory model GAS-EM as well as input data, emission results and uncertainties of the emission reporting submission 2018 for the years 1990 - 2017. In this context the sector Agriculture comprises the emissions from animal husbandry, the use of agricultural soils and anaerobic digestion of energy crops. As required by the guidelines, emissions from activities preceding agriculture, from the use of energy and from land use change are reported elsewhere in the national inventories. The report at hand (including a comprehensive annex of data) serves as additional document to the National Inventory Report (NIR) on the German green house gas emissions and the Informative Inventory Report (IIR) on the German emissions of air pollutants (especially ammonia). The report documents the calculation methods used in the German agricultural inventory model GAS-EM as well as input data, emission results and uncertainties of the emission reporting submission 2018 for the years 1990 - 2017. In this context the sector Agriculture comprises the emissions from animal husbandry, the use of agricultural soils and anaerobic digestion of energy crops. As required by the guidelines, emissions from activities preceding agriculture, from the use of energy and from land use change are reported elsewhere in the national inventories.The report at hand (including a comprehensive annex of data) serves as additional document to the National Inventory Report (NIR) on the German green house gas emissions and the Informative Inventory Report (IIR) on the German emissions of air pollutants (especially ammonia). The report documents the calculation methods used in the German agricultural inventory model GAS-EM as well as input data, emission results and uncertainties of the emission reporting submission 2018 for the years 1990 - 2017. In this context the sector Agriculture comprises the emissions from animal husbandry, the use of agricultural soils and anaerobic digestion of energy crops. As required by the guidelines, emissions from activities preceding agriculture, from the use of energy and from land use change are reported elsewhere in the national inventories. The calculation methods are based in principle on the international guidelines for emission reporting and have been continuingly improved during the past years by the Thünen Institute working group on agricultural emission inventories, partly in cooperation with KTBL. In particular, these improvements concern the calculation of energy requirements, feeding and the N balance of the most important animal categories. In addition, technical measures such as air scrubbing (mitigation of ammonia emissions) and digestion of animal manures (mitigation of emissions of methane and laughing gas) have been taken into account. For the calculation of emissions from anaerobic digestion of animal manures and energy crops (including spreading of the digestate), the aforementioned working group developed, in cooperation with KTBL, a national methodology

    Calculations of gaseous and particulate emissions from German agriculture 1990–2020 : report on methods and data (RMD) submission 2022

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    The report at hand (including a comprehensive annex of data) serves as additional document to the National In-ventory Report (NIR) on the German green house gas emissions and the Informative Inventory Report (IIR) on the German emissions of air pollutants (especially ammo-nia). The report documents the calculation methods used in the German agricultural inventory model Py-GAS-EM as well as input data, emission results and uncertainties of the emission reporting submission 2022 for the years 1990 - 2020. In this context the sector Agriculture comprises the emissions from animal husbandry, the use of agricultural soils and anaerobic digestion of energy crops. As required by the guidelines, emissions from activities preceding ag-riculture, from the use of energy and from land use change are reported elsewhere in the national invento-ries. The calculation methods are based in principle on the international guidelines for emission reporting and have been continuingly improved during the past years by the Thünen Institute working group on agricultural emission inventories, partly in cooperation with KTBL. In particular, these improvements concern the calculation of energy requirements, feeding and the N balance of the most im-portant animal categories. In addition, technical measures such as air scrubbing (mitigation of ammonia emissions) and digestion of animal manures (mitigation of emissions of methane and laughing gas) have been taken into account. For the calculation of emissions from anaerobic digestion of animal manures and energy crops (including spreading of the digestate), the aforemen-tioned working group developed, in cooperation with KTBL, a national methodology. Total GHG emissions from German agriculture de-creased from 70.6 Tg CO2eq in 1990 to 56.1 Tg CO2eq in 2020 (-20.5 %). This reduction is a consequence of the fol-lowing emission changes of partial sources (rounded fig-ures): • decrease of 9.3 Tg CO2eq (-28.0 %) as CH4 from enteric fermentation, • decrease of 2.1 Tg CO2eq (-18.1 %) as CH4 and N2O from manure management, • increase of 1.6 Tg CO2eq as CH4 and N2O from anaer-obic digestion of energy crops (digester + storage of digestate; 1990: 0 Tg), • decrease of 4.1 Tg CO2eq (18.0 %) as N2O from agri-cultural soils, • decrease of 0.56 Tg CO2eq (-20.6 %) as CO2 from lim-ing (agriculture and forest), • increase of 0.02 Tg CO2eq (+5.1 %) as CO2 from appli-cation of urea. These changes are largely the result of the decline in animal numbers following reunification (reduction of oversized livestock numbers in Eastern Germany) and from the mid-2000s due to the limiting effect of the milk quota system (albeit with a renewed increase due to abolition of the milk quota system as of 31 May 2015). Increased nitrogen fertilization (mainly due to the appli-cation of increasingly larger amounts of digestate) led to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions from the mid-2000s. By contrast, the increasing use of manure in biogas plants has contributed to a reduction in methane emis-sions from manure storage. The NH3 time series as well is a result of counteracting processes. Here too, one of the important governing quantities is the animal number the decrease of which after the German reunification is the main reason for the considerable decrease of the emissions from 1991 to 1992. Mitigation measures like emission-reduced stor-age and application of manure led to a reduction of emis-sions in subsequent years. However, opposite trends are caused by increase of animal performance and, for some years, animal numbers. In addition, emissions from appli-cation of synthetic fertilizer were higher than in 1990 in the years between 1998 and 2017, even though the amount of synthetic fertilizer applied decreased (in units of nitrogen). The observed increase of emissions was due to the increasing share of urea, as urea has a considerably higher emission factor than other synthetic fertilizers. Since 2020, urea fertilizers must either be incorporated within four hours or be stabilized with a urease inhibitor, which is why the emission factor has been greatly re-duced from this year onwards. A major contributor to the increase in NH3 emissions in recent years has been the increase in anaerobic diges-tion of energy crops. Including anaerobic digestion of en-ergy crops (including spreading of digestates) leads 2020 to total NH3 emissions from agriculture of 512.3 Gg, which is 25.5 % less than 1990 and 8.6% less than 2005